At this time, SCP-682 was over 100 meters in size.

In fact, it was as tall as the trees in the forest of death.

Mo Yu looked back and could even see SCP-682's head.

SCP-682 was getting closer and closer to him.

"System, can I communicate with SCP-682? I want to ask him why he is chasing me?"

Mo Yu asked the system expectantly.

Because the system had helped him obtain the language library of the deadly king snake before, allowing him to communicate with the deadly king snake.

Now, he wanted to communicate with SCP-682.

"Host, you must be three meters away from SCP-682 before I can obtain his language library. Beyond three meters, I cannot obtain it!"

"Three meters!"

Mo Yu smiled bitterly.

Not to mention three meters, it would be very dangerous for him to get close to SCP-682 for a hundred meters.

I'm afraid that before he gets three meters close to SCP-682, he will be torn to pieces by SCP-682.

He thought about letting SCP-682 swallow him, if he could enter SCP-682's stomach alive.

Then, he had a one-third chance of swallowing SCP-682.

However, when he saw SCP-682 cruelly tearing apart all creatures that approached him.

He realized that he could not enter SCP-682's stomach alive.

SCP-682 would tear him apart first and then eat him.

So, he gave up this idea.

In the Death Forest, more and more beasts rushed towards SCP-682.

SCP-682's rampant tyranny completely angered the existence of the Death Forest.

Therefore, SCP-682's pursuit of Mo Yu was also stopped.

Mo Yu could take the opportunity to escape outside the Death Forest.

Perhaps because SCP-682 attracted the attention of most of the existence in the Death Forest, Mo Yu's subsequent escape was surprisingly smooth.

There was almost no danger.

However, the killing behind him became more and more intense.

Even Mo Yu could smell the strong smell of blood.

"Captain, there are more and more beasts attacking SCP-682, and SCP-682 is becoming more and more terrifying!"

On the helicopter.

All the task force soldiers took a breath of cold air.

Because, at this time, SCP-682 is taller than the tallest tree in the Death Forest.

He swept through the Death Forest and devoured countless beasts.

He seemed to be the master of the Death Forest.

"Raise a little!"

Wang Ming shouted.

The helicopter was a hundred meters above the Death Forest.

However, Wang Ming felt unsafe, and the helicopter rose another hundred meters.

Even so, Wang Ming still felt uneasy and signaled the helicopter to stay away from SCP-682.

At this time, SCP-682 was too big, and if he jumped up from the ground, he might shoot the helicopter down.

"SCP-682 is trapped by these beasts, SCP-1010 may have escaped far away!"

Wang Ming frowned.

SCP-682 is trapped, so it can't continue to chase Mo Yu.

They can't get Mo Yu's figure.

"Team 13, report your situation!"

At this time, Li Xiu's voice came from Wang Ming's control panel.

"Sir, SCP-682 is killing people in the Death Forest, we may have lost the tracking of SCP-1010!"

Wang Ming said to Li Xiu honestly.

"It's okay, SCP-682 will eventually lead you to find SCP-1010. Now, I need you to do your best to record all the data of SCP-682. He is our experimental subject!"

Hearing Li Xiu's words, Wang Ming's heart trembled.

Li Xiu's words made him feel a little incredible.

Because, according to Li Xiu, this SCP-682 is their experimental subject.

Shouldn't the experimental subject be contained?

However, this SCP-682 was not contained and is now free.

However, Wang Ming did not dare to ask more.

The SCP hierarchy is strict.

There are many things he does not know because his level is not high enough.

It seems that this SCP-682 was deliberately released by the SCP Foundation for experiments.

Then, it can also explain why an SCP-682 suddenly appeared in the Rattlesnake Desert.

After knowing that SCP-682 is an experimental subject, Wang Ming was completely relieved.

He no longer has to worry about it. This SCP-682 is an experimental subject. They don't have to worry about it. They only need to record the data.

BecauseTherefore, Wang Ming asked the task force soldiers to send all the records of what happened to SCP-682 to Li Xiu.

In the secret base of the SCP Foundation, Li Xiu calmly looked at the experimental data about SCP-682 that Wang Ming had just sent on the control panel in front of him.

"Theoretically, SCP-682 can devour and evolve infinitely. So, is there an upper limit to SCP-682? Or will it continue to evolve to the top of the world?"

Li Xiu looked at the experimental data obsessively.

Some pictures of SCP-682 killing in the Death Forest were sent over, and these pictures recorded the changes in the size of SCP-682 at every period of time.

Basically, SCP-682 will grow one meter every minute.

Such a growth rate is inseparable from the endless beasts in the Death Forest.

The SCP Foundation can't satisfy SCP-682's appetite by containing SCP-682.

SCP-682 needs to be provided with countless food to observe his evolution data.

However, if SCP-682 is now released and a locator is installed in his body, the location of SCP-682 can be known at all times.

Then, they can send people to track SCP-682 and keep recording the growth data of SCP-682.

Just like now, the experimental data obtained at this time is a hundred times the experimental data observed when SCP-682 was contained.

Of course, this project is carried out in secret, and not many people in the SCP Foundation know about it.

Because many senior SCP Foundation officials are opposed to releasing anomalies to observe data, which is full of uncertain dangers.

It is likely to cause unimaginable disasters to the human world.

However, the man in a suit behind Li Xiu broke these rules and regulations, and he secretly conducted these unauthorized experiments!

Li Xiu is his firm follower. He is authorized to observe these experimental data in the first place and report them to the man in a suit.

"Master, SCP-682 is indeed as we expected, and can grow infinitely. He is so surprising!"

Li Xiu excitedly said to the man in a suit on the control panel.

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