"Very good, you did a good job, I will increase your authority again and let you take over more projects!"

The man in the suit said calmly.

"Thank you, Master!"

Li Xiu was very excited. As long as he firmly followed the man in the suit, his position in the SCP Foundation would be higher and higher.

"Your experimental data is very useful to me at present. I will use these experimental data to convince those stubborn old guys to stand on my side. SCP-1010 is the most critical data. You must keep a close record of all his data!"

The man in the suit said to Li Xiu seriously.

"Yes, Master, I will definitely not let you down!"

Li Xiu promised loudly.

After the call with the man in the suit ended, Li Xiu connected with Wang Ming.


"Team 13, I need you to record the data of SCP-1010 at all times. I need his data every minute and every second. Also, from now on, you can chase him, but you can't kill him. I want his experimental data when he is alive!"

Li Xiu said to Wang Ming in an imperative tone.

Wang Ming felt Li Xiu's seriousness.

"Yes, sir, I promise to complete the mission!"

Wang Ming said loudly.

Above the Death Forest, Wang Ming looked at the Death Forest below.

They had lost Mo Yu for a long time.

Now, Li Xiu wanted Mo Yu's experimental data every minute and every second.

They couldn't sit here and wait for death.

"It seems that it's time for us to use the wasp!"

Wang Ming said in a deep voice.

"Captain, are you sure you want to use the wasp? That might kill SCP-1010. The sir asked us not to kill him!"

A task force soldier said loudly.

"If we want to keep a close eye on SCP-1010's data, then we have to find him first, and the wasp is the best tool for us to get close to SCP-1010 most effectively and keep a close eye on his experimental data every minute and every second."

"Although the wasp will kill the target intelligently, we can remotely and manually control the wasp to ensure that the wasp will not kill SCP-1010."

Wang Ming said calmly.

"Captain, this is not an easy task. The design of the wasp is to ensure that the wasp can find the target in the first place, and then quickly kill the target. Manual control is difficult and risky!"

The task force soldier said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I will manually control the wasp myself!"

Wang Ming said confidently.

Although it is difficult to manually control the wasp, he has secretly controlled the wasp privately, and he knows that it will come in handy one day.

Sure enough, the time has come today.

The task force soldiers no longer stopped him, and everyone agreed.

Then, Wang Ming took out a hollow transparent glass long bottle.

There were ten wasps in the bottle, which looked exactly like ordinary wasps.

"Captain, I suggest using a wasp to do an experiment first to see if we can control it manually!"

A task force soldier suggested.

"No, there is not enough time. It takes at least ten minutes for a wasp to find SCP-1010. If we release all ten wasps, we can find SCP-1010 within one minute!" Wang Ming said loudly. "Captain, this is too risky. We can't manually control ten wasps. The wasps will kill SCP-1010!" The task force soldiers all refused to do this. "This is an order!" Wang Ming said in a deep voice. Suddenly, the task force soldiers dared not speak. They had to obey the order. "Okay, it's decided!" Wang Ming said, and opened the bottle cap. Ten wasps flew out. "Buzz..." They floated in front of Wang Ming, looking at Wang Ming quietly. "Now, transmit the photo of SCP-1010 to the wasps!" "Yes, Captain!" A task force soldier opened the control panel, and Mo Yu's photo appeared in it. Then, red light flashed on the heads of the ten wasps at the same time. Mo Yu's photo was transmitted to the wasp's mind through the wireless network.

The next second, Mo Yu's photo appeared in the pupils of the ten wasps at the same time.

"Now, the wasps already know what the target looks like, and they can go to perform the mission!"

Wang Ming was overjoyed.

The ten wasps began to fly out of the helicopter and entered the Death Forest.

They had Mo Yu's photo and began to search for Mo Yu in the Death Forest quickly.

"Captain, if SCP-1010 is killed by the wasps, we will all be executed!"

The task force soldiers were still full of worries.

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

Wang Ming said confidently.

Then, he took the specialA tablet in the hands of the task force soldiers.

On the tablet, there are ten pop-up boxes similar to live broadcasts, which are the sights of ten wasps.

Through these pop-up boxes, they can see everything the wasps see through the wasps' eyes, just like a live broadcast.

Ten wasps shuttled through the Death Forest. Wang Ming and others gathered in front of the tablet and saw scenes they had never seen before.

In the Death Forest, the jungle is dense and the bushes are one person tall.

In addition, wild beasts are roaming. Ordinary people who enter it can't find a way out at all, and they may be torn to pieces by wild beasts at any time.

In the Death Forest, ten wasps are divided into ten directions with SCP-682 as the center, and begin to look for Mo Yu.

"Found it!"

A few minutes later, Mo Yu's figure appeared in the sight of a wasp.

Wang Ming and others saw Mo Yu looking into the distance on a big tree.

The next second, Mo Yu's figure disappeared on the big tree.

Wang Ming was happy.

Then, he manually sent a command to the 10 wasps, asking them to gather at the place where Mo Yu appeared.

Suddenly, the other 9 wasps quickly flew towards Mo Yu.

Soon, the 10 wasps gathered together and locked onto Mo Yu's figure.

Wang Ming's face was covered with sweat, and he was struggling to control the 10 wasps.

Because the wasps were designed to kill the target.

Now, these 10 wasps all want to kill Mo Yu, and he has been manually controlling them to prevent them from killing Mo Yu.

However, it is very difficult to control 10 wasps at the same time.

Wasps are a high-tech killing weapon developed by a human business group to kill criminals.

At the beginning of the development, it was to kill those fleeing murderers and terrorists.

By transmitting the murderer's photo to the wasp, the wasp can fly all over the world to find the murderer and terrorist.

If they find a murderer on the street, they will fly to the murderer immediately and shoot into the murderer's forehead like a bullet, then explode to kill the murderer.

After the wasp was released, thousands of murderers on the run were found and killed by the wasp every year.

Because of the wasp, the crime rate in the world has dropped, because the wasp can track and kill all criminals!

Now, ten wasps have locked onto Mo Yu and are determined to kill him. Wang Ming has a hard time controlling him. Mo Yu's life and death are only a matter of seconds!


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