Humans want to use HE weapons to shock the demons.

At this moment, after a HE bomb fell, it did pose a terrible threat to the demons, and all the living demons were full of fear.

Looking at the huge explosion area that occupied 700 square kilometers, all the demons were stunned.

They couldn't understand why humans could launch such a terrible attack.

"Aren't humans very fragile? Why are humans so strong now!"

"What kind of weapon is this? Why do humans have such a terrible weapon!"

"Are humans so terrible now? Then why didn't they use this weapon on us when we invaded humans before?"

"Humans are so fragile, how did they create such a terrible weapon?"

All the living demons were staring at the explosion area in front of them at this moment.

After the HE weapon exploded, the explosion area was full of terrible radiation. Anyone who entered would be exposed to terrible radiation, resulting in terrible consequences.

At this moment, the explosion had not yet dissipated, and the living demons did not dare to approach this area at this moment. Some demons tried to approach and were exposed to terrible radiation.


In this situation, all the demons knew that it was a big deal. They took the initiative to retreat and moved away madly.

They didn't dare to approach the area where the HE weapon exploded.

The Zerg army left immediately. They had been in the universe for many years and had seen many technological weapons.

However, the HE weapon of humans was also very powerful among all the technological weapons they had seen.

They knew how powerful this weapon was. Now, these Zergs were trying to stay away from humans as much as possible.

Where humans appeared, these Zergs were hiding madly. They were worried that humans would continue to use HE weapons.

"Stay away from these humans and don't stay with them!"

"These humans carry that kind of weapon. You can't stay with them. You must be on guard against them at all times."

"Pay attention to the movements of humans at any time to see where their target is?"

The Zerg are much smarter than the demons. The Zerg have been traveling in the universe for many years and know a lot of things. They are now observing humans smartly and want to observe their next target.

As long as they know the next target of humans, they can avoid it immediately.

At the same time, the Zerg army also contacted the Zerg King, hoping to learn from him the next target of humans.

After receiving the request from his army, the Zerg King immediately looked at the God next to him, "God, humans are the race you created. They now have terrible weapons. Please be sure to control them and don't let them hurt my people by mistake."

"Humans will not hurt the Zerg, you can rest assured." God said with a smile.

At the same time, he was secretly happy in his heart.

It seems that after this human HE weapon fell, it did cause an extremely strong deterrence to the Zerg.

Now, the Zerg King has personally come forward to ask him not to accidentally hurt the Zerg army. It seems that the effect of humans establishing their prestige has already taken effect.

Next, it depends on the demons.

On the battlefield below, all the demons are madly staying away from the explosion area.

At this moment, the demons are afraid of humans in their hearts.

However, they will not express fear of humans, and they will not admit such things.

Therefore, although the demons are madly staying away from the explosion area, they have not bowed to humans.

In the sky, God's eyes looked at the Lord of the Abyss next to him.

The Lord of the Abyss looked very ugly at this moment. Humans' weapons were very terrifying, which caused him extremely strong psychological pressure.

"God, what's wrong with this race you created? Why is it getting stronger and stronger?" The Lord of the Abyss looked at God, his tone full of shock.

God created humans and demons. There has always been friction between the two worlds from ancient times to the present.

However, the demons he created are always better than humans.

Therefore, every time there is friction, demons have the upper hand, and humans are always the ones who suffer.

However, the situation now seems to be different. Humans now have become much stronger than before.

In the past, humans only used cold weapons.

However, humans now have abandoned cold weapons and use this terrible hot weapon.

"Humans are a race I created by imitating earthlings. They can learn endlessly and endlessly. In fact, I don't know where their limit is, but I knowThey can become infinitely powerful. Even, one day, they can easily destroy supreme gods like you and me. "God said in a deep voice.

"Really?" The Lord of the Abyss widened his eyes. He didn't believe it in his heart. After all, what God said was a little too awesome.

"I'm not lying to you. You have seen the development of mankind. From the beginning of weakness to the current strength, they didn't spend much time. "God said calmly.

"Humanity is getting stronger and stronger. The threat to the abyss is very strong. God, what do you mean by this?" The Lord of the Abyss looked at God coldly.

At this moment, humans suddenly released a HE weapon.

He knew that this must be authorized by God, and the purpose should be to show them the abyss.

"It doesn't mean anything. I just show you the power of mankind. From now on, the balance between the abyss and the human world will no longer be inclined to the abyss. I hope you will not invade the human world casually in the future! "

God said meaningfully.

The Lord of the Abyss had a very ugly face. His eyes flickered a few times, looking at the 700 square kilometers of explosion area below, and finally, he nodded heavily.

"God, your goal has been achieved. I admit that humans are very strong, and this weapon has threatened the abyss. However, the abyss itself is now in danger. Even if you show me the power of humans, what can you do? If the emperor is not defeated, we will eventually go to extinction. "The Lord of the Abyss said calmly.

"As long as humans use this kind of HE weapon, coupled with the cooperation of the Zerg army and the demon army. It is possible to destroy the zombie army, and then we can also drive the emperor out. "God said.

The Lord of the Abyss's eyes flickered, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind. Finally, he took a deep look at the explosion area of ​​the HE weapon below.

"Are you sure that humans will listen to your command? But I heard that you, the creator, can't control humans very well..." The Lord of the Abyss looked at God and said.

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