After hearing what the Lord of the Abyss said, God was also stunned. He also thought of what humans did.

Indeed, many humans do not listen to his command. The only one who really listens to his command is the SCP Foundation. Only the SCP Foundation and some powerful organizations know his true identity.

Even, there are many human organizations that are hostile to him and do not buy his account.

As the creator, he is still very aggrieved. Many of the humans he created are traitors and do not listen to his command.

He did not expect that the Lord of the Abyss knew even this one. It seems that his understanding of humans is still very detailed.

However, it is now led by the SCP Foundation 2 to lead human organizations into the abyss to help the demons resist the zombie army.

This time, it is led by the SCP Foundation, so he is confident that this time the humans will listen to his orders, and there should be no traitors.

"Lord of the Abyss, don't worry. This time, humans will listen to my command. I can let them cooperate with the demons and the Zerg to defeat the zombies together!"

God said to the Lord of the Abyss.

The Lord of the Abyss looked at God carefully, as if to confirm whether what God said was true.

He was still a little worried in his heart, because God's control over humans was too low.

So, he said to God, "In order to prove what you said, I need you to prove it to me. Give humans a few orders and see if they listen to your command."

The Lord of the Abyss must be sure that God has control over humans before he agrees to God's request. At this moment, he also knows what God wants to express.

"Okay!" God nodded, and then he contacted the top leaders of the SCP Foundation and gave the SCP Foundation several orders.

"Continue to use HE weapons to attack zombies, but this time, use a small-scale equivalent."

"Okay, no problem!"

Jun Tiance summoned the top leaders of humans as soon as possible, and then discussed the use of HE weapons.

Just now, humans used HE weapons with an equivalent of 10 million tons.

However, this time, they don't need to use such a large-yield HE weapon.

"I have communicated with God. Our deterrence against the demons has been effective this time. However, the Lord of the Abyss and the demon team are still skeptical about us. Therefore, God wants us to strengthen our deterrence against the demons and continue to release a few HE weapons to make the demons completely afraid of us." Jun Tiance said.

"What are we waiting for? Let's release a few more HE weapons to completely deter the demons and make them afraid of us."

"Yes, as long as the demons are afraid of us, our goal is to make the demons do this to us!"

"In this case, we support the use of HE weapons, continue to launch attacks, and show the power of our human beings!"

In the conference room, the leaders of various organizations all supported the use of HE weapons.

Everyone's goal is the same, so this project was quickly passed.

Jun Tiance also ordered the agents to launch HE weapons and continue to attack the zombie army. However, this time they only used hundreds of thousands of tons of equivalent and small HE weapons.

Although the power of this level of HE weapons is not as strong as the explosion of 10 million tons of HE weapons,

However, it is enough to deter the demons.

Humans just want to convey to the demons that humans have such terrible weapons and are no longer the weak humans who were squeezed by the demons before.

After reaching a consensus, they naturally have to do something!

SCP Foundation agents locked on to several places provided by God, and then quietly transported the HE weapons there.

HE weapons with a yield of hundreds of thousands of tons are much less powerful, but the lethality is also very terrifying, enough to form a deterrent.

After the agents arrived at the designated location, they locked on the target, and then the SCP Foundation’s senior management personally issued the launch order, personally entered the password, and personally pressed the button.


In the abyss, three earth-shaking explosions suddenly appeared, and three HE weapons with a yield of hundreds of thousands of tons exploded.

This time, the Lord of the Abyss and God had already discussed it, so this explosion was only aimed at the zombie army. The demon army and the Zerg army had received the news in advance, so no demons or Zerg were injured.

Three HE weapons exploded in the zombie army, forming a terrifying explosion shock wave.

The densely packed zombies were destroyed in an instant, and the terrible HE radiation spread in all directions.

The three explosion sites formed a terrifying radiation area,No living creature dared to approach easily.

When three earth-shaking explosions sounded, God's eyes lit up in the sky.

And the Lord of the Abyss's eyes flashed, and he was sure that God could indeed control humans.

The zombie army once again suffered countless losses, which was greater than the damage caused by the face-to-face fighting between the demons and the Zerg and the zombies.

The demons fighting the Zerg and the zombies not only failed to effectively eliminate the zombies, but they were even likely to increase the number of zombies.

Now, humans use HE weapons to directly destroy zombies on a large scale, truly destroying the enemy thousands of miles away, and the demons and the Zerg were shocked.

The Lord of the Abyss also agreed to God's request, and the demons would assist humans in resisting the zombie army together.

During this period, the demons will no longer target humans, and will eliminate zombies according to human plans.

Only humans can effectively and quickly eliminate zombies, and the Lord of the Abyss sees hope in humans.

However, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. All these human HE weapons explosions were done for him to see. He knew in his heart that humans were trying to scare him!

He was naturally unhappy. Humans are now powerful and useful to the Abyss.

If they really destroyed the zombies and drove the emperor out, he would not allow humans to grow like this. He must find a way to destroy humans.

Such a race that can grow infinitely is too threatening to the Abyss.

The Lord of the Abyss already had an idea in his heart. Of course, now, he and God are smiling but not smiling. At least on the surface, everyone is of the same mind. As for what they think in their hearts, only each other can know.

When the Insect King saw that humans used three HE weapons again, he was naturally more afraid. He had no temper at all and ordered the Zerg to cooperate with humans and not to conflict with humans.

Even, God asked the demons and Zerg to act as bodyguards for humans and not to allow humans to be harmed by zombies!

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