This second non-life planet was quickly devoured by him.

One day passed, and the number of his planets reached twenty-one.

He was very excited.

Looking at the twenty-one planets in his dimension.

He felt like looking at his own children.

This was the planet he had created with great effort, and it would be a part of his world in the future.

"Come on, human!"

SCP-722 encouraged.

Mo Yu looked at the distant universe, where countless planets were shining, and each bright light was a planet.

He took a deep breath and continued to move towards the third non-life planet.

He needed to hurry up and create 10,000 planets as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when that terrifying existence came.

Then, he would have nothing.

Even, he himself would be devoured by that terrifying existence.

He must become a supreme god before that terrifying existence arrives, so that he has a chance to resist.

Even if he can't beat that terrifying existence at that time.

He can also escape like the Insect King.

The worst that can happen is that he will wander the universe.

When he becomes stronger, he will devour that terrifying existence in turn.

Therefore, he devoured non-life planets crazily in the universe.

Although the Lord of the Abyss created this universe, his attention was only on the abyss.

He didn't care about other non-life planets at all.

He just created these non-life planets.

If he didn't pay attention, he wouldn't know even if these non-life planets disappeared.

Just like this universe is too vast, some planets will suddenly collapse, and then turn into fragments, these fragments will also wander in the universe, and suddenly hit other planets, smashing other planets into fragments.

In the universe, planets are born every day, and planets are destroyed every day.

The Lord of the Abyss doesn't care about these things.

Therefore, Mo Yu swallowed his non-life planets in his world, and he didn't know.

Unless someone swallowed his abyss. He would know.

If he swallowed other non-life planets, he wouldn't care and wouldn't know.

Therefore, Mo Yu devoured ten non-life planets in succession and created a hundred planets of his own, without the Lord of the Abyss noticing.

At this moment, the Lord of the Abyss and others were fighting fiercely with the Emperor.

"No, the Abyss is about to be occupied!"

The Lord of the Abyss kept an eye on the situation below.

At this moment, in the Abyss, the demons and Zerg armies were once again defeated by the zombie army.

Most of the territory of the Abyss was occupied by the zombie army.

The demons and Zerg were beaten and huddled near the exit of SCP-1762.

The exit of SCP-1762 was guarded by human agents.

Humans built this place into a fortress to prevent any demons, Zerg or zombies from returning to the human world again.

Therefore, when the demons and Zerg armies retreated here, humans also warned the demons and Zerg not to approach SCP-1762.

Although we are allies, this is the last bottom line of mankind. Humans will never allow demons and Zerg to return to the human world from SCP-1762.

The demons and Zerg were forced to come here by the zombie army, and they had no choice.

Because they wanted to go back to the human world through this passage.

The human world is wide enough.

They can build defenses there to resist the zombie army again.

However, now they are resisted by humans.

Humans do not allow them to pass through these passages.

Suddenly, friction occurred between the two sides.

The human agent took out the demon pistol and locked the demon.

And, some demons who tried to climb over the wall were shot.

Suddenly, the demon pistol condensed the abyss energy, forming abyss bullets, and killed powerful demons one by one.

Shocked many demons.

The Zerg behind saw that humans used those demon pistols to kill powerful demons one by one, and they were also shocked.

They thought that these demon pistols could also kill them.

Suddenly, many Zergs who had originally followed the demons to charge turned back and did not dare to approach.

Humans used the power of the demon pistols to intimidate the demons and the Zerg army.

However, this situation could not last long.

When the Zerg reacted, humans would be vulnerable.

After all, these demon pistols were specifically aimed at demons, not Zerg.

Many powerful Zerg beings could easily tear apartThe fortress they built.

After all, the Zerg can tear through space.

"Human, what do you mean by this!"

A demon leader roared.

"The abyss is your territory. Are you going to abandon the abyss and run away? We are still insisting. What reason do you have to retreat?" Wang Ming shouted through the tweeter.

"Didn't you see the zombies? We can't beat them. Are we going to stay and die?" The demon leader roared.

"Look, this is the demon. The demon who once defeated all the tribes is so cowardly. It's just a group of zombies, but he is so scared." Wang Ming sneered.

"Get out!"

The demon leader roared.

However, an abyss bullet instantly hit his forehead.

His body instantly turned into a ball of abyss gas and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"I am guarding here on behalf of mankind. If you dare to cross the line, then he will be your end." Wang Ming said coldly to all the demons and Zerg.

Just now, he shot and killed a demon leader, shocking all the demons and Zerg.

"If you are willing to fight the zombie army, we humans will help you without hesitation. But if you want to retreat from here to Panlong Star, then, sorry, we will do our best to stop you." Wang Ming said coldly.

Hearing Wang Ming's words, coupled with the fact that he just shot and killed a demon leader.

All the demons and Zerg weighed it, and then turned to fight against the zombie army behind them and decided to fight with humans.

"A wise choice!" Wang Ming said calmly.

At the same time, he was relieved in his heart.

Although he was very calm on the surface, he was panicking in his heart.

He was just a paper tiger.

If the Zerg on the opposite side had a little more blood, questioned him, and rushed up, then his disguise would be broken.

Then, the entire human base would be torn to pieces by these demons and Zerg.

Fortunately, the Zerg were frightened by him and did not dare to rush up.

Now, humans, demons, and Zerg are fighting against the zombie army together in SCP-1762.

PS: Please give me a gift

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