This is the last position of the three parties.

If this place is lost, then the zombie army will occupy the abyss.

Humans are also constantly transporting various powerful thermal weapons from Panlong Star. These thermal weapons can form a terrifying physical blow and form a fatal attack on the zombie army.

Especially missiles, these missiles fall into the zombie army and can instantly destroy a large area of ​​zombies.

Although, for those powerful zombies, it can't form too much lethality.

However, for the weak zombies, it is a crushing blow.

Humans are constantly transporting various weapons from Panlong Star.

Using these weapons, the pace of the zombie army was temporarily blocked.

Of course, they can only block ordinary zombies.

For those powerful zombies, they can't stop them.

However, these powerful zombies naturally have the high-end combat power of demons and Zerg to resist.

In this way, the three human parties temporarily blocked the pace of the zombie army.

However, this state could not last long.

Finally, humans had to transport the anomalies they had taken in to the abyss.

Then, let these anomalies deal with the zombie army.

When the dense anomalies were transported to the zombie army, the anomalies also formed a huge lethality to the zombie army.

The SCP-035 occupation mask was sent to the zombie army.

Then, the occupation mask moved madly on the faces of zombies one by one.

Every time the occupation mask passed through the face of a zombie, the body of the zombie would be corroded.

Then, the wisdom and consciousness in the zombie's mind would be erased by the occupation mask.

Any zombie that was within 2m of the occupation mask would be easily bewitched by the occupation mask and have its consciousness erased.

The occupation mask slaughtered zombies madly.

He was like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins. He had been taken in by the foundation for too long, and he enjoyed this kind of killing.

Therefore, he was very excited when he killed zombies one by one.

There were many anomalies like the one occupying the mask.

They were all killing in the zombie army.

Many anomalies had been contained for too long, and they almost forgot their abilities.

At this moment, they were all released and killed zombies crazily.

Through the anomalies, the three human parties once again blocked the pace of the zombie army, and even these anomalies posed a huge threat to the zombies.

However, most anomalies can only target some weaker zombies.

For those powerful zombies, these anomalies are not to be feared.

In the zombie army.

Uncle 682 suddenly appeared on the battlefield with Ziyun, and 682 devoured the zombies around him crazily.

His eyes were locked on those great god zombies, and he wanted to eat the great god zombies to become stronger.

At this moment, 682's height was almost close to 200,000 meters.

His realm was already very high among the great gods.

Now, if his body wants to grow bigger again, it can only be strengthened by eating zombies of the Great God level.

Eating other zombies is too ineffective for him.

Ziyun stood on 682's back and cooperated with 682.

At this moment, a lot of the sealing power in Ziyun's body was released.

She is also very powerful among the Great Gods.

She and 682 are simply invincible when they work together.

Ziyun can use the wind sealing power to seal those Great God zombies, and then 682 will take the opportunity to attack the Great God zombies.

Such a combination is a fatal threat to the Great God zombies.

Many Great God zombies were killed by Ziyun and 682.

On the battlefield, the three human parties who were originally suppressed by the Zombie University suddenly saw 682 appear on the battlefield.

After seeing 682 kill some Great God zombies forcefully, the three human parties were very excited.

Especially humans, they had never expected that 682 would grow to this size.

Many agents saw 682 for the first time.

You know, 682 was only five meters long in its original state.

Now, it has reached nearly 200,000 meters.

The size difference is so big that it blinded them.

"Uncle is worthy of being your uncle, this size is too big."

"Fortunately, we strictly contained the uncle. If we let the uncle grow freely, I'm afraid he would have destroyed Panlong Star long ago."

Many agents sighed, and they were very glad that they contained 682.

Now, 682's sizeClose to 200,000 meters.

With such a body size, if it goes to Panlong Star.

It is at the level of the end of the world.

The entire Panlong Star may be destroyed by Uncle 682.

At this moment, seeing the lethality caused by Uncle 682 in the zombie army, humans are very shocked.

The demons and Zerg are also very shocked to see Uncle 682.

Watching him slaughter those great god zombies.

Watching him ruthlessly eat the great god zombies one by one, many demons and Zerg are terrified.

"I heard that he was once the commander under the God of Flesh and Blood, Adabaoth, but because he was weak..."

Many people remembered the legend about Uncle 682.

Legend has it that Uncle 682 was once a powerful commander under the seat of the God of Flesh and Blood, Adabaoth.

In those days, he followed the God of Flesh and Blood, Adabaoth, to fight in the universe, and the lethality caused was very terrifying.

It was only because of that battle that 682 became weak, and finally, it became only 5m in size.

Then, it was taken in by humans.

Now, 682's size is close to 200,000m.

Does this indicate that 682 is about to return to its former peak?

This may be the real 682 uncle. After all, he is the commander under the Supreme God, how could he be bad!

This strength is very strong!

Uncle 682 attracted the attention of many great god zombies.

Then, ten great god zombies targeted Uncle 682.

Facing the siege of ten great god zombies, 682 did not dare to be careless.

Although, he was very confident in his strength.

In addition, there was Ziyun to help.

However, facing ten great god zombies of the same level, it still had to run away.

Therefore, he ran away madly on the battlefield.

He was very fast and very cunning.

The great god zombies could not surround him.

These great zombies tried to surround him and then kill him by force.

However, the cunning old man did not tangle with these great zombies for too long.

As long as he couldn't beat them, he would run away and would never be surrounded by these great zombies.

At the same time, on the way of escaping, he also constantly devoured other zombies.

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