Everyone enjoyed the meal very comfortably, and Jiangchuan also liked the warm atmosphere of home.

Perhaps he had never experienced such a warm feeling before!

Grandma and Aunt San always felt that today's meal seemed different from the past. After eating, they felt that their waists and legs were no longer sore, and they were full of energy.

But they didn't know why, so they could only think that they were refreshed by happy events.

"By the way, Xiaochuan, we have also asked about your house renovation during this period. The Feng Shui master said that two days later is a very suitable day for groundbreaking, and then you can start construction.

We have already discussed some things about the construction team, but you need to discuss the price.

Also, Shi Zhenxian's mother has contacted us several times in the past few days, saying that they are willing to sell their homestead and asked us to have a good talk with you.

The price is 550 yuan per square meter as agreed before, and if you don't agree, it can be reduced to 500 yuan per square meter.

We didn't agree, what do you think?" Grandma also started to talk about business at this time.

After all, this matter was entrusted to them by Jiang Chuan, and they have been busy these days, dealing with this matter very carefully.

"Okay! If we can start the construction the day after tomorrow, then we will start the construction. Anyway, the sooner the better.

As for the construction team, I will continue to communicate with them.

As for Shi Zhenxian and the others, ignore them...

I won't want their family to stay in the base anymore." Jiang Chuan said lightly.

Anyway, he doesn't lack the 100 square meters, and the previous construction team has already measured the place and even started to plan the construction blueprint.

"Okay, tell them when you see me in two days..." The old lady nodded.

Woof woof woof...

At this moment, there was a noisy barking sound outside, which sounded like several dogs were barking.

Huhu huhu...

Lele, who was eating on the side, suddenly grinned when he heard the barking outside.

Then a line of words suddenly appeared above Lele's head, "Master, are these wild dogs disturbing you? I'll bite them to death?"

"No, don't be so irritable!" Jiangchuan said in his heart.

Hearing the barking of dogs, Aunt San said angrily, "I don't know what's going on. There are suddenly a few more wild dogs in the village these days. They are quite fierce and look really scary.

If Lele hadn't been by our side to protect us, it would really make people feel scared to go out."

"Yes! Those wild dogs are quite fierce. They start baring their teeth and barking when they see people. I don't know where they came from. Other elderly people in the village have complained several times." The old lady also said in a low voice.

If they were seen by strong men, they would not dare to bark, but when they saw the elderly, women and children, they began to show off their power...

Hearing this, Jiangchuan and the other two people's faces changed slightly.

This kind of stray dog ​​is still very dangerous. It likes to look at people and eat. When they see groups of people or men, they hide far away.

But when they saw the old man and the child, they started barking and showing off, which was really scary.

"Since they are wild dogs, it's easy to deal with!

Lele, go out and bite them to death..." Jiangchuan gently touched Lele's head and said.

"Okay, master..." Lele felt that the ribs in his mouth were not fragrant when he heard Jiangchuan's order, and rushed out of the room directly.

If it weren't for the master's order during this period, it would have bitten those arrogant things to death long ago.

After Lele ran out, it soon became quiet outside.

Several people also began to continue chatting.

Jiang Chuan looked outside and said, "Grandma, I see there seem to be quite a few chicks outside!"

"Yes! Your third aunt and I went to the market in town a few days ago and bought them back.

I thought we would raise them bigger and kill them for you to supplement your body.

The chickens we bought are far inferior to our free-range chickens in terms of meat quality and nutrition. Anyway, I have nothing to do." Grandma said with a gentle smile.

"That's true..." Jiang Chuan nodded.

Most of the chickens sold in the market now are raised by eating chicken feed, and some are fast-growing chickens.

In terms of meat quality and nutrition, they are indeed not as good as the free-range chickens at home.

"By the way, third aunt, I remember you used to run a chicken farm, right?"

In my memory, third aunt seems to have really run a chicken farm, but I don't know why it went bankrupt later!

"Alas, that was eight or nine years ago. It was doing pretty well at first, but a chicken plague wiped it out..." Third aunt said embarrassedly.

It was because of that incident that she became honest and never thought about starting her own business again.

"Xiaochuan, why are you talking about chickens all of a sudden?" Uncle San asked in confusion.

Could it be that this guy is single?After being in bed for a long time, do you start to feel hungry and thirsty when you reach adulthood?

But this is also normal. After all, the age of eighteen or nineteen is the time when you are full of blood and it is normal to have this kind of demand.

"Uncle San, Aunt San, I suddenly had an idea when I saw those little chickens just now. I wonder if you are interested?

I plan to open a chicken farm in our back mountain, and then let Aunt San and Grandma take care of it.

Aunt San used to run a chicken farm, so she must have experience in this area. In this way, Grandma and Aunt San will have something to do every day and will not be too bored.

There is no need to work hard to catch fish in the sea...

What do you think?" After Jiang Chuan expressed his thoughts, he asked for everyone's opinions.

He did not lack money, but no one would complain about having too much money.

Aunt San and Grandma are very idle every day. They also have something to do when they open a chicken farm. After all, people in the fishing village who are used to being busy sometimes really can't rest.

Having work to do, perhaps they think they are also valuable, and they will feel more comfortable.

"This is a good thing! With a chicken farm, it can be considered a fixed asset." After hearing Jiang Chuan's idea, the third uncle immediately became interested.

Although they are making a lot of money going out to sea now, if they have another chicken farm, it can be considered a stable income.

And my wife will not be too bored if she has something to do at home.

The old lady thought about it and nodded, "Well, I think it's good too.

Although your aunt and I don't have much ability, rural women still have some experience in raising chickens and ducks."

Having something to do can also reflect their value and will not make them feel too useless.

"But... I'm a little worried. What if I lose money like before?" The third aunt obviously still has some concerns in her heart.

Perhaps the chicken plague incident in the chicken farm before still made her a little afraid to take risks.

"Don't worry, Aunt San. If we lose money, we lose money. A chicken farm doesn't cost much money.

And now that society is developed, a slightly larger chicken farm needs to vaccinate the chickens, so the chances of chicken plague are very small now.

Okay! This matter is decided."

Jiang Chuan said solemnly.

He already has a set of plans in mind, which can feed the chicks with some diluted spiritual liquid regularly.

This will not only ensure the survival rate, but also make the chicken taste better and have better nutritional value.

Just like the two yellowtail before, there will definitely be repeat customers.

Maybe the chicken farm can become their main source of income in the future.

Hearing what Jiang Chuan said, and looking at the hopeful expressions on the faces of the other people, Aunt San nodded, "Then... OK!"

To be honest, she still wanted to continue raising chickens, but she was afraid of losing money.

But since Xiao Chuan said so, there was no need to worry.

"Okay, then it's a happy decision!

In this way, I will pay for all the investment in the chicken farm, and I will leave the management to you two, Grandma and Third Aunt. I won't interfere.

When the time comes, we will divide the profits according to 4:3:3.

I will take four shares, and your two families will each take three shares. What do you think?" These things have been finalized, and Jiang Chuan also directly stated the distribution ratio.

It is better to agree on the distribution of profits from the beginning.

He contributed capital and some spiritual liquid, and he thinks this distribution ratio is very reasonable.

"I have no objection to the distribution ratio, but you can't pay alone.

You pay four shares, and our two families will each pay three shares. This distribution is more reasonable." Third Uncle said immediately.

"Yes, yes, our two families will each pay three shares. Xiaochuan, don't fight with us this time!" Grandma also said hurriedly.

"That's right, we also have to invest, otherwise it will be too much of an advantage for you..." Third Aunt also echoed.

After all, the money their family has made recently was earned by Xiaochuan.

How can they take advantage of Xiaochuan now...

"Okay, if that's the case, then it's settled."

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