"Then the matter of opening a chicken farm will be left to Aunt San and Grandma. If you encounter some difficult problems, you can ask Yang Yaoxiang for help. After all, he is the village director of our village, and his words often carry some weight." Jiang Chuan continued to make arrangements.

He knew nothing about opening a chicken farm. It required some complicated procedures and wasted time. Jiang Chuan naturally would not waste time on these trivial matters.

Handing it to Aunt San and Grandma, they should be very happy.

"Okay, okay, just leave this matter to us!" Aunt San nodded repeatedly.

It can be seen that although she did not dare to agree before, she was still very happy in her heart.

"By the way, Aunt San, Grandma, there is another thing that I need you to spread in the village for me."

"What is it? Chairman, just tell me, hehe..." Aunt San was also caught off guard and said.

Jiang Chuan smiled awkwardly, "Aunt San, please stop teasing me.

In fact, the matter is very simple. When the house is under construction, you can help promote it. Some women in the village who often stay at home can also go to the construction site to help.

I will pay them 100 yuan a day. If there are men willing to go, I will pay them 150 a day. If some high school and college students come back and want to work and study, they can also be paid 100 yuan."

Jiang Chuan has also thought about this matter carefully. After all, this village is the village where Jiang Chuan grew up, and in the past few years, many people in the village have helped Jiang Chuan more or less.

Now that he has the ability, it is also his duty to help the villagers a little.

"Okay! Xiaochuan, it's great that you can think of this aspect." Jiang Tao took the lead and slapped his thigh, his face full of gratification.

Jiang Chuan can still think of other people in the village at this time. It must be said that this kid is very broad-minded and kind-hearted.

100 yuan and 150 yuan a day is a very good income for the villagers of Qinglong Village.

After all, when he worked as a helper at the dock, he could not earn 150 yuan a day.

It is estimated that many people are willing to accept this high-paying job...

"Okay! Xiaochuan, you are still thoughtful." The old lady was also relieved.

"Brother, although I don't know why you asked them to help, I suddenly feel that you have become more majestic." A Gang also smiled innocently.

"Don't praise me so much. Qinglong Village is the place where I was born and raised. The uncles and aunts in the village usually help me. Now I am a little bit capable. It is also right to give back to these simple villagers within my ability." Jiangchuan smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Okay! We will definitely promote this matter for you." Aunt San also nodded quickly.

Just these words that Jiangchuan said just now made them look at Xiaochuan differently again.

It is indeed very rare for an 18-year-old boy to be able to think of this level and still remember the villagers in the village after becoming rich.

In the past, there were some people who suddenly became rich in the village. After they became rich, they directly left Qinglong Village and went to a larger city to develop. They never thought about helping these villagers.

Jiang Chuan continued, "Also, if the chicken farm also needs manpower, you can also find some people to help at that time."

"Well, speaking of it, my aunt and I may not be able to handle it at that time, and we really need to recruit a few people." Aunt San also nodded in agreement.

"By the way, Aunt San, did the Pei brothers come to cause trouble when we went out to sea these days?"

Jiang Chuan has always been more concerned about this matter.

I wonder if the brothers have been more honest recently after the last lesson?


Aunt San shook her head and said, "We have met the eldest brother of the Pei family several times in the past few days. He didn't say anything when we met, but he didn't embarrass us either.

As for the second brother of the Pei family, he seemed to have changed his temperament. Not only did he not embarrass us, he even greeted us with a smile when he met us several times.

It seems that he wants to make peace with us..."

"Is that so?

If we can make peace with each other, that would be the best.

After all, we are all from the same village, and it's not good to have a too stiff relationship." Jiang Chuan also said.

Grandma said seriously, "Xiao Chuan, you are right!

Anyway, we are from the same village. If the Pei brothers take the initiative to give in, you should forgive them..."

"I understand, Grandma. If they take the initiative to give in, I don't have time to deliberately forgive them."It's five o'clock in the afternoon when I was ready to go back. I just brought Lele to the door of my house and saw three people standing at the door. Jiang Chuan was very familiar with two of them, Gao Peng and Gao Bo who were rescued at sea today. Beside them was an old man wearing an old gray-black Zhongshan suit, looking thin and withered, with a ewe in his hand, followed by two lambs, and a fruit basket in his other hand. "Grandpa, that's Brother Jiang!" At this time, Gao Bo also noticed Jiang Chuan coming towards him, and immediately introduced him to the old man. The old man hurriedly turned around and walked towards Jiang Chuan in small steps. His left leg looked a little inconvenient. Plop... After walking in front of Jiang Chuan, the three of them knelt down in unison. "Old man, what are you doing? Get up quickly. You are so old, I can't bear it if you kneel down suddenly, get up quickly. "

Jiang Chuan quickly helped the old man up, knowing why he did so.

"Thank you, benefactor! Thank you so much, thank you for saving my two naughty grandchildren.

It is your kindness that has kept the incense alive for our Gao family."

The old man's eyes were filled with turbid tears, and it was obvious that he was extremely grateful to Jiang Chuan.

"Brother Jiang, thank you for saving my life."

Gao Bo directly pulled Gao Peng and kowtowed to Jiang Chuan on the ground.

"Okay, okay, get up quickly!" Jiang Chuan also quickly helped Gao Peng and Gao Bo up.

He thought Gao Bo didn't dare to tell his family about what happened at sea this morning, after all, it was a very serious matter.

And many of these minors have no responsibility.

But I didn't expect them to come to thank him so soon.

"Benefactor... take this money, the old man really doesn't know how to repay your kindness! ”

The old man put down the fruit basket, lifted his clothes, and took out a wrinkled earth-gray handkerchief from the inner pocket of his clothes, which might contain some loose change.

“Old man, don’t do this! Take the money back, I don’t need it.

Okay, okay, let’s go into the house! Let’s talk about it after we go in.”

Jiang Chuan also hurriedly brought the three people home.

The old man held the handkerchief tightly in his hand and kept stuffing it into Jiang Chuan’s pocket.

It can be seen that the old man is a grateful, simple and kind person.

Perhaps for him, this is the most direct and sincere way of expressing gratitude...

“Old man, my name is Jiang Chuan, you can call me Xiao Chuan from now on. I am really not used to you calling me benefactor at your age.

And saving the two brothers was just a matter of convenience. I never thought of asking for your thanks.

If you are so polite again, I will send you away! "Jiang Chuan pushed the old man's hand back and said seriously.

"Then...then you must accept these fruits and these three sheep.

Otherwise, the old man will feel really bad." Seeing Jiang Chuan so determined, the old man had to put the handkerchief back into his pocket again.

Then he put down the fruit basket and handed the rope holding the sheep to Jiang Chuan, looking honest and a bit cute as an old man.

Jiang Chuan smiled and shook his head, "Old man, I will accept the fruit basket. I feel your kindness and sincerity. You can take the sheep back!

I don't lack pets or mutton, and I don't have time to take care of them."

For Jiang Chuan, the three sheep are just a drop in the bucket. They are dispensable and it's really troublesome to keep them.

But for the old man in front of him, they may be the hope of life, so he must not accept them.

In this real society where people who help others with kindness will be blackmailed, there are not many such honest and grateful old people.

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