This was the first time Ye Tang had seen the person opposite's face stiffen? Even she couldn't count it herself.

Interesting, people nowadays like to form a team to slap

her face? Qi Shuang's face, which was originally high up, suddenly became a little annoyed and angry, but she probably couldn't adapt to it all of a sudden, this kind of disparity that was not taken into account by others, the anger in her eyebrows and eyes was particularly sharp and arrogant, as if she wanted to save her dignity.

"Ye Tang, what kind of attitude do you have now, how dare you talk to me like this, besides, I am still your future sister-in-law!"

Even her voice was mixed with a bit of anger, as if she was invisibly condemning and oppressing Ye Tang, Ye Tang should not treat her with such a contemptuous attitude, she is not qualified!

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?" Ye Tang sneered, only feeling ridiculous, every word was fine, "You say that you are my sister-in-law now? Did you treat me as a sister-in-law before? I don't care how close you and Ye Jiang are, but every time you come to Ye's house, you don't even want to say hello when you see me, this is you, right? Let's go to one side of the road, and no one should provoke anyone!"

"Now put on a posture of a sister-in-law to teach me a lesson, are you worthy?" "

Do you think that everyone else is a big fool, it doesn't matter how you treat others, everyone else must be respectful and good to you as always? Do you think about this for yourself? I really don't know if you rely on your identity as the eldest lady of the Qi family, too self-righteous, or are you stupid and dull as a pig, and you don't understand such a simple way of life?"

Let me tell you, no matter which one it is, I, Ye Tang, am not used to you!" When he

said the last sentence, Ye Tang's aura was full of energy.

That's right, why is she used to Qi Shuang.

The eldest lady wants to show off her nobility, show off alone, don't come to her side!

Qi Shuang's face became more and more ugly.

She can look down on Ye Tang, or she can not take Ye Tang in her eyes at all.

However, she couldn't accept that Ye Tang didn't take her seriously.

Perhaps the life of the pampered eldest lady since she was a child has made her develop this arrogant character and have an innate sense of superiority, especially when she is against Ye Tang, who is good-for-nothing, this sense of superiority is even more obvious.

But now, this person she looks down on doesn't take her seriously at all, and uses it to humiliate her.

She couldn't accept such a huge gap at all, and she felt humiliated.

"You!Ye Tang, you dare to call me stupid and dull as a pig!" For

a while, Qi Shuang was so angry that his whole body was shaking, and his face turned red with anger.

But in the end, it was the eldest lady, and she didn't lose her temper.

Ye Tang replied lightly: "You are not stupid, can you say such a thing? Then I want to go back to the original question - how old are you?"

Qi Shuang didn't speak, and endured it for a while before calming down his emotions.

"Ye Tang, I don't want to quarrel with you. "

Qi Shuang's emotion and expression management is only under Ye Jiang.

After a while, she returned to her previous noble and elegant image of the eldest lady, but she still had a tense face.

Ye Tang wants to laugh or not: "Please remember, the first to flirt is cheap." Qi

Shuang: "......" Qi Shuang was choked again, and continued: "If it weren't for you, would your eldest brother be sick and hospitalized

?" She also wanted to use this matter to continue to kidnap Ye Tang, but heard Ye Tang say: "Then I should also send you to the hospital once, otherwise I'm sorry for my special skills, right?"

Qi Shuang: "......"

When did Ye Tang become so sharp-tongued?

She really can't say this mouth.

Ye Tang saw that Qi Shuang's face was gloomy and he had nothing to say, so he turned around and left directly.

Qi Shuang watched Ye Tang leave, no matter how angry he was, he was helpless.

She didn't expect that she came to Ye Tang as a sister-in-law to calm down public opinion on the Internet, and in the end, she had eaten such a big suffocation.

Let's see, she will definitely make Ye Tang regret treating her like this!

Of course Ye Tang doesn't know, Qi Shuang is still yy She will regret it.

She didn't even know that Bo Chiyan was behind her just now.

After Ye Tang left, Qi Shuang saw a man standing in front of him, wearing a string of Buddhist beads on his wrist, which was indescribably profound.

To be honest, when he saw this man at first glance, Qi Shuang was subconsciously stunned in his heart.

Under the sun, the man's face was a little dazzling, and when it fell on her eyes, it was also a little dazzling.

When he saw the man's face clearly, Qi Shuang's heartbeat seemed to stop.

This man looks too noble and too unattainable.

Even a woman like her, who has always been arrogant, has an inferiority complex like an ant in front of him.

"Miss Qi?" The man's voice was magnetic and heavy, very good.

Qi Shuang hesitated a little: "Mr. Bo?"

Bo Chiyan, she definitely won't know her.

And it is said that he wants to marry Ye Tang.

However, in the upper circle of Cloud City, who doesn't know that the Bo family is a rising star, it is better to say.

If you don't hear it, it's called nouveau riche.

It's just that this nouveau riche has a really strong capital, so those nobles in Cloud City can still give Bo Chiyan a little face. But in front of the old giants, it is really nothing.

It has to be the Gu family, which has been stationed in Cloud City for hundreds of years and has accumulated capital over several generations, which is not a self-made nouveau riche like Bo Chiyan, which can be comparable and comparable.

Could it be that he wants to teach Ye Tang a lesson for himself?

Bo Chiyan's thin lips curled slightly, and the words he said looked a little poisonous: "If your eyes are blind, then don't use them in the future."

But when he said this, his expression was lazy and noble, a little more cool and imposing, which would not make people annoying, but sincerely raised a sense of shame.

It wasn't until Bo Chiyan was far away that Qi Shuang came back to his senses.

What he said just now was he sarcastically mocking himself?

Yes, Bo Chiyan was satirizing Qi Shuang's eyes, just like the Ye family, he actually dared to look down on Ye Tang.

Qi Shuang, who reacted, pinched his fingers into his palm.

Ye Jiang didn't expect that Qi Shuang, who had sworn that he would be successful in his debut, instead of persuading Ye Tang to come forward to calm down public opinion on the Internet, he was slapped in the face in front of Ye Tang, and he was so annoyed that he couldn't do it.

Unexpectedly, Qi Shuang would only be able to use his mouth, in fact, it was just a showcase, useless!

All the people in the Ye family who could use it gathered in the living room, except for Ye Mubai and Ye Limo.

Gao Xue couldn't help asking: "What about the fifth child? Why don't you see him? Really, my sister has an accident, why don't he know to come out to show concern."

Ye Hao sneered: "Who knows him, hasn't he been like this all the time recently? What is the place at home, the hotel is still a guest house, you can go back if

you want to, and if you don't want to go back, you don't want to go back?" Zeng Xiulan didn't want to worry about these things anymore, and said directly: "Okay, I called you here to discuss the matter of Starlight and Jiang Jiang." Jiang Jiang's current reputation will definitely be damaged, and Starlight's reputation is not very good on the Internet now. Now, what do we need to do to save our reputation, do you have any good ideas in mind? "

Even though PR has been doing it, to completely eliminate the impact, you have to rely on other means.

Ye Ting first said: "Grandma, if there is anything that needs to be used for me, I will definitely go all out." "

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