Ye Limo may never have thought that the day Ye Tang married Bo Chiyan would also be the day when Ye Tang left the Ye family openly.

Ye Tang didn't expect Ye Limo to mention her engagement, she once said in front of them that when she and Bo Chiyan got engaged and successfully married into the Bo family, she would completely draw a line with the Bo family and be strangers with them.

Now, she has finally waited for this day.

The day after tomorrow is the day when she and Bo Chiyan get engaged.

Speaking of which, there is still a bit of emotion.

She is equivalent to surviving, so she has come all the way to the present.

She and the Ye family also went to a strange place.

The blue fat man also followed her out, his tail raised high, and he looked at them arrogantly, like a fox on the side.

Ye Tang looked at Ye Limo and them with cold eyes, and said, "If you have anything else, let's say it all here." You should come today to make a final break with me. The things I have in your Ye family have all been destroyed, and you must have felt it yourself. Whether it's what I gave you, or what you gave me, I've already ruined it all.

"From now on, there will be no more Ye Tang in the Ye family, only Ye Jiang.

"I hope we never have any more crossings.

Ye Limo and Ye Mubai's hearts trembled, and they couldn't say a word, they just felt as if their hearts were pressed by something, and they were suffocated to the extreme.

Ridiculous, isn't this the result they wanted in the first place? Now, isn't

it as they wish?"

Hearing Ye Tang say this, Ye Huaian finally couldn't help it and said what was in his heart, "You want to get engaged and get married, no matter what, you are the child of the Ye family." No matter what our brothers do wrongly, in the end, it is also your relatives, I want to watch you marry from the Ye family, okay?"

The last sentence was filled with endless humility.

It's a pity that Ye Tang's answer still broke the only hope in his heart.

"No, I can't. "

Isn't it clear enough for me to say?" Ye Tang said word by word, "The severance of relations I am talking about is to cut off the relationship from now on, and never meet again in the future, and never again to have any involvement and relationship." In the future, only the Bo family will be my home, as for where I got married, Ye Ershao, I probably don't need you to care.

Ye Tang's words once again made Ye Huai feel at ease.

It turned out that things were much more serious than he had thought.

When Ye Limo and Ye Mubai heard this, they couldn't hold back anymore, they couldn't control their emotions, and they still wanted to make the final redemption.

"Tang Tang, how about going home? Is it okay to go home one last time? Just beg you as a big brother, okay? At least before you marry into the Bo family, don't say such heartless words, okay?"

Unfortunately, his redemption was exchanged for Ye Tang's resolute steps back.

Just like how she ran to them in the first place.

These two pictures are now in stark contrast in the eyes of the brothers.

In the end, Ye Huai'an suddenly remembered in his mind that when he fell out of love, the girl who drank with him, she didn't drink at all, she belonged to the type of pouring a glass.

But when she saw him so uncomfortable, she still accompanied him without hesitation, listened to his thoughts, and waited for her parents to catch them secretly drinking in the small garden in the back mountain, always having her as his shield, and was scolded by her parents.

But all these pasts are gone.

They are both a few years older, but they have gone from being intimate at the beginning to being alienated and indifferent now.

At this moment, Ye Huai's pain was like a knife.

Little sister ......

Drop -

Some of the main quests have been completed.

As expected by the system, the task was successfully completed.

Ye Tang is just like the system said, he just came out to go through the task once.

After rejecting them, he returned to the company in their sight, and did not give them even a look from beginning to end.

Only the blue cat that had been following Ye Tang glanced back at them, although they felt that they looked a little pitiful at the moment, but at the same time they felt that they deserved it.

"Tang Tang, you did so beautifully just now!" "

Sister Tang, you!is!I!God!"

The blue fat man felt that he had become Ye Tang's little fan, and even danced on the ground excitedly, the others didn't know how powerful and domineering Ye Tang was just now, especially the gesture of becoming a god without love, it was really sassy.

Sister Tang is awesome!

Ye Tang glanced at it, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly, the blue fat man was crazy with joy because the task was completed?

Suddenly, her footsteps paused.

On the chair in the office, a man sits.

"Coming back?" the

man's voice was still dignified and elegant.

Ye Tang was a little surprised when he saw him: "Why are you here?"

Bo Chiyan put down the magazine in his hand and smiled slightly: "After the company's affairs are handled, I will come to see you."

He looked slow and methodical, and he didn't have the poisonous tongue when he said that people were blind in front of Qi Shuang.

Ye Tang couldn't help but smile when he heard him say this.

Well, the prince of the Beijing circle has this leisurely feeling, and he specially came

to the company to see her? No, he came to pick up her vest, right

? Thinking about it like this, the corners of Ye Tang's mouth turned up again, does Mr. Bo have such a black belly?

However, although she always did something unimaginable to ordinary people in front of him, Bo Chiyan never seemed to ask anything.

This also made her feel very relieved and have a feeling of being trusted.

Bo Chiyan looked at the little girl not far from him, the corners of his mouth seemed to be smiling with unknown meaning, and he also raised his eyebrows, always feeling that the little girl seemed to be holding back a bad feeling in her heart.

Then, his voice was a little lazy: "What are you doing standing there, but come and sit?"

Ye Tang's eyes were full of soft smiles.

She blinked her eyes twice: "Mr. Bo, you seem to be in a good mood today?"

Bo Chiyan replied lazily, a little less ruthless, "The day after tomorrow, it will be our engagement banquet." At that time, the formation may be a bit big, and there will be people coming from Kyoto, so you need to be mentally prepared.

After speaking, his voice was a little lower: "Tang Tang, are you afraid?"

Ye Tang, of course I'm not afraid.

"Okay, I got it.

Ye Tang opened a bottle of red wine, brought two goblets, and poured a glass for Bo Chiyan.

Her eyes were also playful, with the stubbornness of a girl, she clinked glasses with Bo Chiyan, and her voice was sweet and soft: "Mr. Bo, then I wish us a happy engagement in advance." "

As long as she gets

married, Bo Chiyan will never be able to run away! Get married first, and then fall in love, she will still take the initiative to attack Bo Chiyan as before.

The girl's white neck was a little dazzling in the light.

The man looked away, and a slight smile slipped through his throat: "Okay." The

news that Ye Tang and Bo Chiyan are about to get engaged also spread to the Internet.

The variety show "Let's Go Travel" was originally going to be officially announced, but now it has a topic and popularity, and it is well deserved to be synchronously announced on the Internet.

Entertainment Pat Pat V: Today's blockbuster news, didn't you always guess when you weren't in the charity association before, who are you falling in love with after Ye Tang broke up with his ex-fiancé? Now the answer is finally going to be revealed, it is said that the day after tomorrow, Ye Tang is going to get engaged to the business upstart of the Bo family in Yuncheng, as for the wedding and obtaining the certificate, the other party has not leaked it for the time being, but it is also very appetizing. This news is absolutely reliable, it is the news from Bo's enterprise! Mr. Bo has already sent candy and money, and even the cleaning aunt in the company has received it. One thing to say, this candy gift box is inevitably too beautiful, it is said that it is chocolate inside, just such a box, at least thousands of dollars. Who doesn't say a word that Bo's is rich? Ye Tang was Bo's wife as soon as he married, is this wave considered to win hemp? Attached to the candy gift box

[picture] [picture] [picture] "That, does Bo still need cleaning? I can! It doesn't matter if I like sugar or not, I mainly like to do cleaning

!" "Ye Tang, I am your half-sister! Sister, look at me!"

"Don't mess with your relatives upstairs, Ye Tang is obviously my sister, okay?"

"Good guy, the front row is starting to recognize relatives, right? I'll occupy the front row and sell melon seeds and peanuts spicy strips.

"A capitalist is a capitalist, and even a small candy has such a deep article in it. In the past, I thought it was already very luxurious for celebrities to make candy, but I didn't expect it to be a big deal compared to capitalists.

"Speaking of which, this Mr. Bo can't be the one who didn't show his face at the last charity meeting, right? Ah, his hands are really beautiful, although he didn't see his face, now that he knows the identity of the other party, it can be regarded as satisfying his curiosity a little.

"So who is this Ye Tang? First she was favored by the Gu family and asked her to be her daughter-in-law, and now she is favored by

the Bo family, and wants her to be the wife of the Bo family, from marrying the second generation of the rich to marrying the rich generation, what kind of magical existence is this woman?" "What kind of existence? Of course, it is to go to the peak of life and marry the rich and handsome!"

"Hahaha, don't say anything, Sister Tang is awesome!!"

Damn, if I marry such a rich generation, I count the money at home every day and lie flat, hahahaha I am dreaming again for 100 days, crazy and crazy......

" "I want to know what kind of mood Gu Chen and Ye Jiang will be in when they see the news now? Isn't this a slap in the face?"

"What mood can you have?" The Gu family has a lot of capital accumulated over several generations, and it is definitely a famous family in Cloud City. Marrying the Gu family must be much better than marrying that Mr. Bo, okay? This year's netizens really have no pattern and no eyes. "

I'm laughing to death, upstairs, you won't really pick it yourself, right? It's all good, you really picked it?"

"The netizens in front still eat less melons, this Mr. Bo is not simple, in Cloud City for so many years, no one has ever known his past, let alone his family background, and many people can't find out his identity. That's it, do you still think he's just a nouveau riche in Cloud City? It's so naïve

!" "If you don't brag upstairs, these capitalists will use public opinion to build momentum for themselves, what identity background is not simple, it's hard to dig it out and find that his father is a farmer hahaha!" Of course, I didn't mean to say that farming is bad, it's purely that I can't get used to seeing some people who are obviously from a bad background, and they can't compare with the pride of heaven who was born with a golden soup spoon, but they still have to make a fuss about their life experience, and they want to compare themselves with the young masters who are born rich and noble.

Ye Tang saw the hot search and found that it was a message sent by a marketing account. In the comment area, it seems that some people know the true identity of Bo Chiyan, and it seems that he is still a master of the people.

She also knew that the news of her engagement to Bo Chiyan spread to the outside world, and Bo's media and reporters who had special connections with the group would reasonably inform the outside world if necessary, so that it would be beneficial to the company and avoid some media talking nonsense outside.

#叶棠 As soon as the topic of Bo Chi Yan #

rushed up, netizens had different opinions.

Gu Chen was in the company, so he naturally saw this hot search, and his brows furrowed fiercely.

He now felt that Ye Tang seemed to be becoming more and more unfamiliar, and began to become unscrupulous in order to achieve his goals.

The public opinion of the Ye family before, even if it was not initiated by her, but it was definitely her credit for muddying the water inside, which caused Ye Jiang and Starlight Entertainment to be involved in public opinion.

Although he knew that Ye Tang was a master who did not suffer losses, he did not expect that Ye Tang was becoming more and more excessive now, and even more ruthless than before, and when the public opinion of the Ye family had not subsided, he began to launch a new online public opinion, pulling him and Ye Jiang into the water.

Ye Tang has really changed, and even he doesn't know him at all.

He finally chose Ye Jiang, which was correct.

In the living room, Mrs. Gu stepped on high heels, surrounded by servants, and came to Gu Chen's door.

Her brow furrowed slightly.

"Son, open the door, it's Mommy.

Gu Chen opened the door, his face was not good.

Mrs. Gu spoke: "Son, did you really break up with Ye Tang?"

Gu Chen nodded: "It's broken." Mom, have you also seen the news that Ye Tang and Bo Chiyan are engaged?"


fact, Mrs. Gu was not satisfied with Ye Tang's daughter-in-law.

A wealthy family like them naturally has high requirements for their daughter-in-law, but the old man is very fond of Ye Tang, so she has no objection.

Now that they've broken up, that's fine.

"Ye Tang's reputation is not good, but Ye Jiang, I will never agree to her entering the door.

Mrs. Gu's eyes crossed with a trace of contempt.

Don't think she doesn't know how many men Ye Jiang has hooked up with outside, using those men to seek benefits and convenience for herself, but those men are obsessed with her and are controlled by her.

No matter how bad Ye Tang's reputation is, he is not as shameless as Ye Jiang.

Gu Chen lowered his head and didn't speak, only feeling that his mother was prejudiced against Ye Jiang.

It's just that he is even more determined in his heart to defend Ye Jiang.

Mrs. Gu probably didn't know that her opposition made her son more determined to marry Ye Jiang.

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