After Ye Mubai said this, Ye Ting stopped squeaking, what if Gu Chen was instigated by him to go to a variety show

? Wasn't she Ye Tang crazy before, and she also made a lot of nonsense on the Internet saying that she wanted to be Mrs. Bo? In this case, Gu Chen also came to a variety show, she shouldn't mind, right?

Otherwise, Ye Tang is still thinking about Gu Chen.

It's a pity that Gu Chen doesn't like her at all.

Only Ye Jiang's simplicity and kindness are Gu Chen's ultimate destination.

Ye Tang, you must understand this.

In Ye Ting's opinion, Ye Tang was in a hurry to announce the news of her engagement to Bo Chiyan on the Internet, wasn't it because he was unconvinced and wanted to use public opinion to suppress Gu Chen and Jiang Jiang on the surface?

No matter how beautiful Ye Tang is on the surface, in fact, she still can't let go of Gu Chen in her heart. Therefore, she has always refused to forgive Ye Jiang, thinking that Ye Jiang snatched Gu Chen, and even felt that the entire Ye family was helping Ye Jiang snatch Gu Chen, she was really ridiculous!

No matter what, Ye Tang must not hate Jiang Jiang because of this matter.

Jiang Jiang is so kind, if she knew that Ye Tang would do so many crazy things because of jealousy, she would definitely not forgive herself.

If Ye Tang knew that Ye Ting was so obscene with her, he would definitely use the sole of his shoe to pull out all the water in Ye Ting's brain.

"You just want to embarrass Tangtang. Ye Mubai broke Ye Ting's mind and said coldly, "Over the years, Tang Tang has been embarrassed enough in our family." Don't think that if you go on a bad show together, Tang Tang will be afraid. I'm telling you, you're dreaming. It's

a pity that because of Mrs. Ye's obstruction, he can't be on this show.

But he also knows that the current Tangtang can't afford to lose.

Ye Ting heard Ye Mubai say this, and his rebellious psychology came up in an instant: "If you are not afraid, you will go up." She's not afraid, Jiang Jiang and I are not afraid of her!Let's see!

" Ye Mubai nodded and continued to sneer: "I think the sixth child, you still think about it now, how to explain to grandma what you did just now."

After speaking, Ye Mubai slammed the door and left.

Ye Ting's face darkened, thinking about the basket he poked down, and he felt a little afraid.

When Mrs. Ye knew about the trouble caused by her precious grandson, her head was dizzy again, especially when she saw netizens commenting that Ye Ting was a pig teammate of Starlight Entertainment, she gritted her teeth and turned black.

The topic of Ye Ting and Ye Tang remains hot, and the amount of discussion continues to increase.

The program team and director have already chosen to lie flat.

There is a fight between the gods and goddesses, and these little minions who work for the capitalists should not worry about that heart.

Variety shows can be filmed if they can be filmed, and if they can't, forget it.

Gao Xue and Mrs. Ye discussed at home for a long time, but they didn't come up with a result until Ye Hao came home.

Ye Hao was wearing a suit from work, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses, and looked very serious.

Although he usually obeys his mother's words, it does not mean that he does not have any majesty.

Now that the company has repeatedly made some public opinion, he is also very irritable, and even begins to wonder if his mother has the same energy as she did back then to manage the company well.


Ye Hao looked around the living room.

"What about Ye Ting?" Gao

Xue hurriedly replied, "In the room." She

always felt that her husband seemed to be a little different today.

Sure enough, Ye Hao was already furious: "Let this rebel get out of here!" He made such a big fuss, and he still has the face to stay in the room to rest, isn't it? Lao Tzu is not going to pick up a layer of skin on him today, Lao Tzu is not surnamed Ye!" "

How did I teach him before? Don't think that you can do whatever you want if you have a few fans on the Internet." Our Ye family's words and deeds, we still have to pay attention to it, he is already twenty years old, not eighteen years old, let alone a child! Does he know that the stupid things he did on the Internet will not only make people laugh, but also implicate the reputation of Starlight Entertainment and Jiang Jiang!


Hao!" "Husband!"

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law saw Ye Hao so angry for the first time, and hurriedly expressed comfort.

"Forget it, Ting'er didn't mean it.

Gao Xue pleaded with Ye Ting in front of Ye Hao, but if it was Ye Tang, maybe she would just stand aside and let Ye Hao deal with it, without saying a word, this is the difference.

It's a pity that Ye Hao can't listen to any persuasion anymore.

Now that public opinion on the Internet is making such a big fuss, although he spent money to withdraw the hot search, it is not something that can be made up for afterwards.

Ye Hao called Ye Ting down and whipped him with a stick.

Ye Ting was also stubborn, kneeling on the ground without saying a word.

Ye Hao threw the stick and asked Gao Xue to call Ye Tang.

Gao Xue immediately understood and called Ye Tang.

Ye Tang had long expected that the Ye family would call her.

Now that public opinion is making such a big fuss, it is not her who is anxious, but the Ye family.

Ye Tang leaned on the sofa and saw the number floating on the mobile phone screen, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

This feeling of playing with the Ye family in the palm of his hand is really not ordinary.

She deliberately waited for a while before answering the Ye family's call.


"Ye Tang!" Her mother, who didn't have any affection, shouted over there, and at the same time, there was also the sound of Ye Hao beating Ye Ting with a stick, as well as insulting Ye Ting.

Ye Tang smiled again, it turned out to be a bitter meat trick.

Well, not only did this trick not work for her, but she was happy to listen to it for a while.

At this moment, Ye Tang looks like a crazy critic who has succeeded in revenge.

"What's wrong?" Ye

Tang's tone of voice dragged on a lot.

Gao Xue hurriedly said: "Ye Tang, you see that your sixth brother has been punished now, you should be satisfied, right?" I hope you can post a Weibo and shake hands with Ye Ting, don't forget, you will shoot a variety show together tomorrow." You finally signed with another company, and you finally have such a resource to show your face, and you don't want to lose such a hard-to-get resource because of the quarrel with your sixth brother, right?"

Gao Xue's speaking art really made Ye Tang feel admired.

"Mrs. Ye, I think you misunderstood what is. Satisfied or dissatisfied, it's not you who have the final say, it's me. The

last sentence made Gao Xue's heart cold.

"As for resources, you don't have to worry about them. Bright Media has more money than your company, not to mention resources. Even if it's yellow, I can still be on other variety shows. I don't care at all.

Gao Xue couldn't help but raise her voice: "Ye Tang, I'm your mother!

Ye Tang's voice was even cooler: "So what? You don't think you will have any privileges in front of me, right? The things you did to me before, I am disgusted that you are too late, even if you beg me, I will not look at you more." So Mrs. Ye, I advise you to keep your eyes open, take a good look at the current situation, and don't daydream all day long, thinking that your mother has a lot of weight in front of me. "

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