Ye Tang's words made the entire living room silent.

Gao Xue seems to have finally begun to realize that this daughter's resentment towards herself is no longer something that can be explained clearly in a few words.

I no longer want to please them, I no longer want to be angry with them, and I don't care about the so-called relatives and affection, even if it is her biological mother who gave birth to her in October.

Ye Tang even hated himself for favoring Jiang Jiang for a long time, and was happy to see her and the Ye family fall into such a predicament.

Ye Tang even said just now that even if she knelt down and begged her now, she wouldn't look at her more, her heart was already ruthless to this point.

Gao Xue's heart instantly cooled to the extreme, and asked,

"Ye Tang, why are you doing this to me?" Even if she didn't treat this daughter well before, but she gave birth to her, Ye Tang should tolerate her, shouldn't

he? Ye Tang chuckled, his voice sounded so heartless: "Mrs. Ye said that she was joking, I just treated you with the attitude you treated me." Besides, I said a long time ago that there is no longer any affection between us, and the relationship has long been severed. We're just a stranger now, do you expect me to have any other attitude towards

Mrs. Ye?" "Mrs. Ye, you should be happy. Anyway, as we all know, I'm just the adopted daughter of the Ye family, and it's just an adopted daughter, so it should be normal to not get along and break off the relationship, right

?" "In the future, without my obstacle, you can love Ye Jiang wholeheartedly, isn't it great

?" Gao Xue's voice sounded a little trembling: "Ye Tang, are you hating me?" Ye Tang: "Hate?" Ye Tang

felt a little confused and even very incomprehensible at her sudden question. Didn't they just talk about this Internet public opinion? Why did they get involved in this tasteless chicken rib problem again

? What the hell is going on with the Ye family, every time she talks to them, they talk to her about feelings?


, you hate me." Gao Xue held the mobile phone, her hands trembled slightly, and she shook out all the words in her heart that had been hidden for many years in one breath, and vented it on Ye Tang, "You hate me for holding you wrong in the hospital and making you suffer in the countryside for so many years." You hate me for not caring so much for you after you came back, and even hated me for being partial to Jiang Jiang!"

Gao Xue's words were poured out like pouring beans.

"Ye Tang, if you want to hate, you come at me, don't harm Jiang Jiang, Jiang Jiang is innocent!" In the end, there was a hint of pleading in her voice, "You are now posting a Weibo saying that you and your brother are just having a little conflict, so that Jiang Jiang can also be on the variety show smoothly, okay?"

Ye Tang was really speechless, he didn't answer Gao Xue's words, but raised his voice and asked Ye Hao: "I said, this Mr. Ye Hao, can you take care of your wife? If I guessed correctly, you called me today, and they teamed up to stage such a bitter trick, you should want to talk to me about hot searches and public opinion, and you hope that we will work together to minimize the negative impact of public opinion, right? Do you make sure that the company will not go bankrupt

?" "Or do you go to the court to fight a lawsuit, and you will only play the emotional card with the judge like a resentful woman

?" Mrs. Ye, who was on the side, finally couldn't listen anymore

, and said: "Ye Tang, what are you talking about......?" Ye Tang's voice suddenly rose, and he forcefully interrupted Mrs. Ye's words: "So, are you making this call today, are you talking about private matters or business affairs?"

At this moment, Mrs. Lian Ye was so overwhelmed by her aura that she couldn't say a word.

She couldn't tell where Ye Tang's aura came from.

Ye Jiang was afraid that Ye Tang would refuse to negotiate with them again, so he hurriedly added on the side: "It's business! "

Mom is really, at this juncture, still emotional.

But the current Ye Tang is no longer the Ye Tang of the past.

Hearing what Ye Jiang said, Ye Tang's tone became lazy: "If you can't show the sincerity of this negotiation, I think it's better to forget it." My time is precious, so I won't talk to you too much.

After speaking, Ye Tang was about to hang up the phone.

Her heart is as hard as a stone, Gao Xue won't think that she can achieve anything by making a fuss here, right?

This phone is on hands-free, and everyone can hear it clearly.

The reason why Ye Hao asked Gao Xue to call Ye Tang was that he didn't squeak when Gao Xue was talking just now, and he also hoped that Gao Xue could morally kidnap Ye Tang, and while stinging Ye Tang, he hoped that she would have a good conscience, and this matter would be settled.

If she still dies and does not repent, then the Ye family will never have a place for her.

But he never thought that the current Ye Tang would be so hard-hearted that he didn't seem to care about any of them.

The current Ye Tang is no longer what it used to be, and she is no longer the little girl who swallowed her anger in the Ye family before.

While his heart was exuding a chill, there was also a little more panic.

Gao Xue didn't expect that she would output so much in one breath, but the other party not only had the slightest emotional wave, but even listened to what she said as a joke, and after listening to it, she choked twice for a while.

"Ye Tang

, you ......" "Okay, shut up for me!" Gao Xue wanted to say something, Ye Hao interrupted her, and for the first time on that face, a look of disgust for her appeared, and she was so impatient, "I think you are crazy or stupid? What's the use of you talking about this? Like a resentful woman, can't you be quiet for a while? will always cause trouble for me." It is said that loving mothers are defeated, I think Ye Ting, this kid is doing whatever he wants now, it's all your mother's habit!"

Gao Xue looked at her husband's disgusted eyes, and she was a little overwhelmed for a while.

"Husband, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it just now, don't be angry.

Although she is loved by the Ye family and lives a queen-like life, all of this is obtained by her husband's favor.

In this family, what she fears most is that her husband will be angry.

In her life, she loves her husband the most.

But she didn't know that her favorite husband was about to be hooked up with her old green tea best friend.

Ye Hao had already looked away in disgust and took the phone in her hand.

"Ye Tang, your mother didn't know how to speak just now, we are indeed here to talk about business. What conditions do you have, you can just say. If I can promise you, I will definitely promise you.

Ye Tang said: "Well, Mr. Ye is still sensible."

When Ye Hao heard this, the green tendons on his forehead were jumping.

He wanted to scold this unfilial girl, but now he doesn't have any capital.

"So, I'll give you a choice.

"First, disclose Ye Jiang's true life experience on the Internet, and explain to everyone the background of me and Ye Jiang.

"As for the second option, I'm going to publicly cut ties with you!"

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