What the?

The Ye family was extremely shocked and incredible at this option.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Ye Hao completely rejected these two options, it was impossible for Ye Jiang to expose her true identity, which would have a great impact on her in all aspects.

As for Ye Tang....

Anyway, Ye Tang is the biological daughter of their family who finally got it back.

Ye Hao gritted his teeth, his face tense: "Ye Tang, I can promise you any other requests, but only these two requests, no." Even if you ask for money, or the resources of the entertainment industry, I can give it to you.

Ye Tang sneered over there, and his tone was lazy: "I don't care if you can do it, now it's your Ye family begging me, not me begging you." I'll give you one night to think about it and give me an answer tomorrow morning.

"As for money and resources, Bright Media can give me much more, I don't look down on you three melons and two dates, I'm cold."

This yin and yang weird ridicule made the Ye family very angry.

After finishing speaking, Ye Tang hung up the phone directly.

The blue fat man stood up and asked Ye Tang, "Do you want to completely cut off relations with the Ye family?" But how do you know that the Ye family will definitely choose the second one, what if they choose the first one? Didn't your plan fall through?

Ye Tang glanced at it: "What are you kidding?" The Ye family protects Ye Jiang so much, will Ye Jiang expose his identity? Between me and Ye Jiang, will they choose me? I see you've been eating too much cat food lately, and your brain is clogged. Blue

Fat Man: "..."

Don't attack with a cat, okay?"

"That's right."

Ye Hao heard the sound of hanging up over there, and he was so angry that the green tendons on his forehead burst out.

In a fit of rage, he threw his phone to the ground.

Ye Ting was still kneeling on the ground, the first time he saw his father lose his temper, and the fragments of his mobile phone even smashed into his face.

His heart finally became faintly uneasy.

He felt that he seemed to have fallen into an irreparable disaster this time.


Gao Xue, Mrs. Ye, and Ye Jiang all looked at Ye Hao with worried faces.




"Ye Ting, don't have dinner tonight." Ye Hao was furious, and he didn't know how long he stood before he finally issued a cold order, "Kneel in front of the ancestral tablet now, and kneel until tomorrow morning." "

Yes, Dad."

Ye Ting stood up from the ground and endured the injuries on his body.

Gao Xue looked at her son's thin and fragile figure, and she was so distressed that tears were about to fall.

"And you."

Ye Hao looked at this delicate and weeping woman, and a trace of imperceptible disgust flashed in his eyes.

"Don't mess with Ye Tang if it's okay, do you think she is still the original caring and docile daughter?"

Gao Xue lowered her head and whispered, "I know."

After everyone dispersed, Ye Hao called a video to the third and fourth sons, planning to discuss with them what had just happened.

There have been too many things happening in the family recently, and the third, fourth and seventh children seem to have been staying out of the matter and have never cared much about it.

He didn't want his sons to get involved in these family affairs.

But now that the eldest is sick, the second child is silent, and the fifth child feels that the Ye family has failed Ye Tang and has always hated them.

Now, only his three sons remain.

The seventh didn't answer the phone, but the third and fourth answered his video.


Old Sanye Mingqi had just finished taking a shower and came out of the bathroom.

"It's so late, what's the matter?"

The old Siye Liunian was still flirting with the beauty, but when he saw that his father called him and pushed the beauty away, he replied locally.


"I am looking for you today for a very important matter."

Ye Hao told his two sons, the third and fourth, about Ye Tang, and almost listened with a frown.

In fact, the third and fourth children should hate Ye Tang the deepest among the brothers, so much so that they don't even want to see Ye Tang, so they will keep hiding outside and refuse to go home.

The strange thing is that Ye Tang likes the third brother and the fourth brother very much.

Even if the third and fourth openly stated that they didn't like her, she didn't mind.

"I thought something was going on?" The fourth child laughed there, "Didn't Ye Tang let us officially announce the severance of relations with her?" Okay, then break it off, it just so happens that I hate this pretentious sister too, and it's a hundred to break off the relationship. "

Fourth!" Ye Hao's face immediately darkened, "Listen to what you're talking about?" Ye Tang is your own sister in the end, no matter how much you hate her, you have to admit this fact. Ye Tang will always be the biological daughter of our Ye family, and this cannot be changed. Don't give me these bad ideas again, or I won't be able to spare you when you come back!"

Ye Liunian put away the look of hanging Erlang just now, and said, "Dad, you misunderstood me." I mean, didn't Ye Tang give you two choices? Either admit that she is the eldest lady of the Ye family, or break off the relationship. She said that, isn't she forcing us to make a choice? If you want me to say, you let her go, she'll come back sooner or later on her own anyway. Ye

Tang's little trick, he saw through it at a glance.

It turned out that she minded her status as an adopted daughter so much and wanted the identity of a genuine daughter.

Ye Liunian's words made Ye Hao a little skeptical.

Ye Tang's recent performance doesn't look like he will come back in the future.

Ye Mingqi also spoke over there: "Dad, or you just listen to the passing year." Anyway, Jiang Jiang's identity must not be exposed, you should know better than us. Ye

Mingqi thought very simply, anyway, Ye Jiang must not be harmed.

"Besides, she has left the Ye family now, and if she doesn't mix well in the future, she will know how good the Ye family is, so she will come back by herself. The outside world is not as simple as the relationship between the Ye family.

Ye Hao: "Okay, then it's decided."

To be honest, Ye Hao is also in turmoil now.

Since Ye Tang wants a statement that they have severed their relationship, give it to her.

No matter what, the Ye family is her home, how can she really not go back?

Later, this statement became the most regrettable decision made by the Ye family.

The next day, netizens saw a powerful statement, which was a statement by the Ye family announcing the severance of relations with Ye Tang, and it had legal effect.

Ye Tang should really thank the Ye family for giving her the identity of an adopted daughter.

If it's his own daughter, this relationship will never be broken.

At the same time, they saw Ye Ting's apology statement posted online.

At this point, Ye Tang and the Ye family said online that they had reconciled.

On the day of severing the relationship, Ye Tang went to handle the transfer of household registration.

Ye Hao didn't expect that Ye Tang would be so active in applying for a household registration, and in the face of the fact that they chose Ye Jiang instead of her, he didn't show any loss or sadness at all.

For a moment, he was still a little skeptical of his judgment.

Will this daughter really come back by herself in the future, as the third and fourth children said?

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