Even the netizens who mocked Ye Tang just now didn't dare to squeak, Ye Tang can be said to be showing off his skills online.

Liu Haoxuan carried a small bucket and loaded the big fat fish that Ye Tang had just caught.

The fish was jumping around, the meat looked fat and tender, Liu Haoxuan's hungry stomach was already cooing, and tears almost flowed down from his mouth.

Such a big fish is enough for the four of them to eat.

However, this hanging is not over.

Ye Tang continued to sit on the lawn and fish, and the fishing rod moved from time to time, representing the fish in the pond, which were lining up one after another to take the bait, and began to become Ye Tang's victorious results one after another.

In a few moments, the small wooden barrel was full of fish.

At this time, Ye Ting and Ye Jiang were really stupid.

Ye Tang saw that the fish in the small wooden barrel were full, so he put away the fishing rod with satisfaction.

"Well, these fish should be enough.

Liu Haoxuan was carrying a bucket full of fish, and he was simply happy and convinced of Ye Tang, and directly facing Ye Tang was kneeling on one knee, his eyes full of sparkles.

Ye Tang raised his eyebrows, a little surprised

: "Haoxuan, what are you doing?" Liu Haoxuan looked solemn: "Tangtang, from today on, you are my god!"

Liu Haoxuan said in his heart: What we focus on is sincerity.

Ye Tang: "......"

really deserves to be him, which is no different from Liu Haoxuan she knew from grapevine.

In order to eat fish, he even lost his temperance, and Liu Haoxuan's fans couldn't stand it.

"Sister Tang, don't dislike our family Haoxuan, he also looks handsome, essentially a second-class funny boy.

"Brother Haoxuan, look back quickly, the ground is full of your discipline. "

It's over, my Brother Haoxuan's sand sculpture attributes have been completely exposed, which makes Sister Tang smile. Director

Zhu and the program team also didn't expect that Ye Tang actually gave them such a big surprise at the beginning, and his strength went hand in hand with Ye Jiang's team, and it could even be said to be better.

The -for-tat between Ye Tang and Ye Jiang is the biggest attraction in the show, and now that the two of them are still battling, won't the show become more interesting?

Sure enough, Ye Jiang's fans have become yin and yang in the barrage, jumping up and down in the barrage, with Ye Tang's rhythm. Either I think Ye Tang is deliberately showing off, or I think Ye Tang is cheating, in short, I don't recognize Ye Tang's excellence.

Ye Tang himself is an eighteen-line black in the circle, and he originally accumulated few fans.

At this time, it reflects the advantages of Ye Jiang's top stream, with many fans and will control the comments.

However, Ye Tang couldn't see these smoky things at all.

Excellence is made by doing, not by saying.

Fortunately, passers-by and fans will not be affected by them, and they are still in the barrage hahaha, thinking that this episode of the show is very interesting.

Wang Lu is also watching Ye Tang's show, this is the first show of Ye Tang's comeback, and it is also the first variety show that Ye Tang participated in with the vest of the boss of Bright Media, as a best friend and comrade-in-arms, she will definitely support it to the end.

Having said that, in order to start a business, her boss vowed to develop Bright Media Company into a leading boss in the industry, which is really hard enough.

Of course, the Ye family also pays great attention to Ye Jiang outside the show.

They felt that although Ye Jiang was a bit disadvantaged, as long as Ye Ting and Gu Chen were there, they would definitely be able to protect Ye Jiang.

Sure enough, Gu Chen glanced at Ye Tang, retracted his gaze, and began to comfort Ye Jiang.

On Ye Jiang's face, there is already a visible loss.

Although she knew that fishing was just a trivial thing worth mentioning.

But now, she has been compared to Ye Tang in fishing, and her mood will definitely be low.

Gu Chen has always felt sorry for Ye Jiang, since Ye Tang first arrived at the program group, he felt that Ye Tang was aggressive, and he was not polite to Ye Jiang's sister at all, which made him hold back a stomach of resentment in his heart.

Even though he felt a little guilty about Ye Tang in his heart, it didn't mean that Ye Tang could do whatever he wanted in front of him.

So he decided to talk to Ye Tang when the filming of the show was suspended.

Jiang Jiang has a pure temperament and will definitely be bullied in front of the powerful Ye Tang.

Thinking about it like this, Gu Chen's voice was also full of 120,000 gentleness, comforting his sweetheart: "Jiang Jiang, it's okay, it's already a great thing that you can get a fish in such a short time." If you also have fishing gear, you're sure to catch more fish as well.

His last sentence was to directly deny Ye Tang. Like this, Gu Chen didn't know how much he had done before.

Seeing that the eldest young master of the Gu family said so, Zheng Yi and Lin Jiali naturally echoed and patted on the side.

Lin Jiali: "That's it, Jiang Jiang, it's just a fish, what's so powerful." Ye

Huai'an and Lin Jiali broke up, and Lin Jiali threw the black pot on Ye Tang.

Ye Jiang saw that everyone comforted her, and smiled: "It's okay, I just suddenly felt a little sorry for everyone, I only got such a fish, we are six people here, I am afraid that you will not be able to eat, and I feel very guilty."

When Gu Chen heard Ye Jiang say this, he felt even more sorry for her: "I don't blame you at all." So, I'll make you a fish soup at noon, so that you can taste my craft and have a good time? This is the first time I've cooked for a girl. "

The sweetness of a pair of wall people in front of the camera is naturally envious of others.

"Gu Chen is so gentle, Ye Jiang is so beautiful, they are too sweet. "

I announced that I'm going to snort this pair of CPs, it's too compatible, okay? The prince and princess of the wealthy family, it's not too sweet, okay."

"Gu Chen is really unusual to Ye Jiang, what's the use of Ye Tang catching so many fish?" Gu Chen saw that Ye Jiang was in a lost mood, so he comforted Ye Jiang in front of Ye Tang, without caring about the mood of his ex-fiancée, is Ye Tang's heart hurting so much that he wants to drip blood?"

However, that's all for later.

Gu Chen admitted that he deliberately comforted Ye Jiang in front of Ye Tang, and he also deliberately Qi Ye Tang.

What if Ye Tang catches a lot of fish? The person he cares about the most in his heart is still Ye Jiang.

It's a pity that Ye Tang didn't care about Gu Chen, who added drama to himself at all, and didn't even give him a look.

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