Fu Daisy on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but say on the side: "Is the fishing powerful, it doesn't seem that you need to judge, right?" Ye Ting has been praising Ye Jiang for being powerful just now, but he didn't expect to insert such a small fish, is it normal for everyone to have a sense of disparity in their hearts? Gu Shao, even if you want to comfort Ye Jiang, there is no need to open your eyes and say nonsense, right?"

also said that Gu Chen was Ye Tang's fiancé before, and it was not ambiguous to defend other women.

When Ye Tang heard Daisy say this, he couldn't help but laugh in his heart, and added bluntly: "Well, it's good that Ye Jiang doesn't have fishing tackle." Otherwise, there would not even be this last excuse.

Daisy heard the meaning of Ye Tang's words and almost didn't laugh.

Ye Jiang and Gu Chen: "......"

[Hahaha, I'm laughing to death, Ye Tang's words are really a god. It's not, it's a loss that there is no fishing tackle, otherwise Ye Jiang wouldn't know how to explain what he said so awesomely, but he only got such a small poor

fish] [Actually, Ye Jiang's fish is not small, but compared to Ye Tang's, it is really different

] [Gu Chen's drama of comforting Ye Jiang was too deliberate, and he probably thought that Ye Tang would have any heart fluctuations because of this, but as a result, there was no wave in people's hearts233] [

Ye Tang is worthy of being the heroine of Shuangwen, and the four of them must not have to worry about this meal at noon today]

In front of the camera, these two girls sang as if they were singing double reeds, saying that the two of them were nothing.

Gu Chen suddenly felt a little irritable in his heart, he had done this before, so he never felt that he had a problem.

But now that Ye Tang is not following him, he will no longer indulge him.

Daisy inadvertently cued Ye Ting, and Ye Ting remembered his previous remarks, and his face was also a little red.

He did say this, but he didn't expect it to become evidence in the face now.

"That's it!" Liu

Haoxuan can't look down on those two wealthy ladies, what qualifications do they have to diss Tangtang?

He continued: "I see, you just can't eat the fish caught by Tangtang, so you are jealous and sour there." So Tang Tang, don't bother with them, let's have a delicious meal of fish at noon.

Ye Tang smiled slightly: "Okay, let's see if we can make a few people angry." The

people in Ye Tang's mouth are naturally Gu Chen, Lin Jiali, and them.

Zheng Yi and Lin Jiali: "......" Zheng Yi and Lin

Jiali didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to help Ye Tang speak.

You must know that they and Ye Tang have known each other for a long time, no matter in the Ye family or anywhere else, no one has ever stood on Ye Tang's side.

But now there is, which directly caught Lin Jiali and Zheng Yi off guard.

Lin Jiali's face flushed: "You!"

But except for this sentence, she couldn't say a word about the rest.

These guests obviously teamed up to target Jiang Jiang!

However, they had nothing to do.

Now, they should be able to deeply appreciate the taste of Ye Tang being collectively targeted by them before.

However, Ye Tang didn't take them to heart at all. Because the most important thing right now is to make today's lunch.

Fortunately, the director took the initiative to propose to let them be grouped, otherwise if she was asked to cook for Ye Jiang and them to eat, it would not be too much to die.

Who still doesn't know that she and Ye Jiang and her gang are mortal enemies, and she doesn't want to cook for them.

Ye Jiang saw that Guan Qian and the others were all on Ye Tang's side, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Originally, she hoped to get Guan Qian's appreciation and pave the way for herself.

Unexpectedly, Guan Qian and the others are now on Ye Tang's side.

Ye Tang counted the fish in the small bucket, in addition to the fish he ate at noon today, there were leftover fish, which could not only be taken to the market to sell, but also exchanged with the villagers for other ingredients, as well as rice.

She is not Xi to eating fish and fruits, and she also wants to eat fragrant rice and fresh seasonal vegetables.

Ye Tang told the other three people about his idea of selling fish and exchanging ingredients, and they all agreed.

Fu Daisy said happily: "Then let's go to the market to sell fish first, see how much fish can be sold, and then use the money from the fish to buy some other ingredients, maybe there will be some money left, then don't worry about anything." "

Hehe, she's hugging her thighs this time.

When Director Zhu heard Daisy say this, he gasped and hurriedly added: "No, this does not meet the regulations of the program team." Guests cannot sell things in the bazaar in exchange for money without permission, and can only be reasonably distributed by the program team in the future. However, you can use the fish to exchange it for other ingredients with the villagers or staff. "

What are you kidding, if Ye Tang takes the fish to the market to sell, then this show can end directly without continuing filming.

Daisy listened to the director's words and almost vomited blood, should the director be such a dog?

[I can see it, even if Director Zhu can't afford to play 2333 at all, why don't you let Ye Tang sell fish, I'm really afraid that Ye Tang will sell fish directly in the program group and make a fortune

] [Then the show doesn't need to be filmed]

[Sister Tang is probably the only female star who makes both the program team and the director feel scared, right? ] [It's still that sentence, Sister

Tang is awesome].

[Ye Tang is really amazing, I won't tell you, my fishing dad has started to play back now, he wants to study how Ye Tang did it, with such poor equipment

, to catch so many big fish] Liu Haoxuan said curiously: "Tang Tang, you are too good! Why are you so good at fishing, my dad also likes fishing, but he has to fish for a long time before he can barely catch one, and he still uses professional fishing tackle." So, you're too powerful, how did you do it?"

Ye Tang smiled slightly and said, "A real strong man is never afraid of the environment. Netizens

have commented, jokingly saying that the poor student is a lot of stationery.

Guan Qian interjected on the side and said, "I think Tang Tang is quite proficient in fishing, did he often know how to fish before?"

She couldn't have imagined that a young girl like Ye Tang would actually like fishing.

Ye Tang nodded and said, "When I used to be in the village, I would fish when I had nothing to do.

Guan Qian smiled slightly: "No wonder." The

program team didn't let them go to the market to sell fish, so they went door to door knocking on the doors of villagers, hoping to exchange the fish for other ingredients.

Along the way, they were full of laughter.

In less than half an hour, they exchanged the fish for rice, greens, lotus roots, and screws.

Ye Tang: "The screws of this season are very precious. If you stir-fry it with chili peppers, it will definitely be delicious.

Daisy looked at the ingredients in front of her and couldn't help but drool again.

If these dishes are fried, she may be able to eat three bowls of rice.

The netizens in front of the screen couldn't help but swallow their saliva when they heard Ye Tang talk about screws.

As soon as Liu Haoxuan came in, he smelled the strong aroma of rice.

The aroma is simply so tempting.

"It smells so good.

Ye Tang had already cooked rice in the rice cooker, she rolled up her sleeves and began to stir-fry.

The dish to be made today is chili lotus root slices, small fried fish, stir-fried screws, and the last small green cabbage.

Daisy squatted there and set the fire, while watching Ye Tang stir-fry, her mouth watering.

Guan Qian hasn't been in the kitchen for many years, Ye Tang is stir-frying, Daisy is controlling the heat, Liu Haoxuan is chopping wood at the door, and she cuts all the dishes on the cutting board.

With the cooperation of the four guests, the lunch was finally completed.

In the live broadcast room where Ye Tang is located, the number of viewers has risen on the Internet, and it has risen all the way to 700,000.

On the contrary, there is Ye Jiang, a top-notch live broadcast room over there, which also supports only 500,000 people.

The difference between the two is already obvious.

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