Ye Jiang also didn't expect that she was a top female figure, and the traffic in the live broadcast room could actually lose to Ye Tang.

In her live broadcast room, most of the people who came were just her fans.

But Ye Tang's live broadcast room, all passers-by came, this is the live broadcast effect that Ye Jiang originally wanted, gaining new fans in the passer-by's plate.

Ye Tang honestly guarded Huixing Design Company, why do you still want to eat the cake in the entertainment industry?

However, this is just the beginning, and Ye Jiang was only discouraged for a while.

Ye Jiang brought the fish back to the small kitchen, because they were separated, they and Ye Tang were not in the same kitchen.

Today at noon, they had only a poor fish for lunch, not even rice.

The program team has always been very cheating, so naturally they will not provide them with rice.

As for the fish, it can be made into fish soup.

Ye Jiang thought for a moment and asked, "This fish, do any of you know how to get it?"

The fish has to be dissected, scaled, and entrailed, but obviously no one can do these things.

On the other hand, in the live broadcast room on Ye Tang's side, Ye Tang did this neatly, and even provoked passers-by in the live broadcast room to applaud her.

Is there a delicate female star in the entertainment industry who can kill fish?

I'm sorry, Ye Tang really can.

There were six people in their group, and when they first started to divide the team, Qin Lili was still complacent, and consciously followed Ye Jiang's team.

Now I know that she is unlucky, regretting staying here with Ye Jiang, and now I don't know if I can have lunch.

According to the convention of the show, they are grouped, and they must be divided in half, but except for Guan Qian, no one wants to go to Ye Tang's group, and they have one more person on their side, becoming six guests.

Now it's okay, she doesn't even have to take regret medicine.

Hasn't the outside world been saying, Ye Jiang is very powerful, since he is so powerful, how can he become like this as soon as he is on a variety show?

Of course, Qin Lili didn't dare to say this, she didn't even dare to show it.

No matter how good Ye Jiang is, at least she still got a fish with a harpoon.

If there is no Ye Tang to make a comparison, Ye Jiang can still be regarded as a great existence.

Now, I can only say that it is a bit blind.

Qin Lili now began to feel that the outside world's praise of Ye Jiang seemed to be a bit excessive.

On the contrary, Ye Tang is not so unbearable.

Even if she doesn't like Ye Tang, she still thinks so.

Zheng Yi looked at the fish, swallowed her saliva, and was hungry after sitting on the bus for so long: "Jiang Jiang, you know, I haven't cooked a meal since I was a child, and my aunt takes care of us at home." Not to mention, let me deal with this meat.

Lin Jiali also nodded violently on the side, and she was the same.

Of course Ye Jiang knows that these are all young masters, where have they cooked, even she herself has been pampered since she was a child, if it wasn't for the show, she would definitely not be too lazy to do this.

When there was no group just now, Guan Qian and the others also said that they would help make fish.

Well, now their team is full of useless people.

For a while, Ye Jiang was very irritable, what is the use of this group of people?

Fortunately, Gu Chen felt sorry for Ye Jiang and made a timely move: "Jiang Jiang, let's do it with me." As I said, I want you to taste my craft. Although I haven't cooked before, I'll try to do it well.

Gu Chen's words warmed Ye Jiang's heart, and it ushered in the sound of fans snorting CP.

Although he is full of love and water, Ye Jiang doesn't want to make a fool of himself in the live broadcast room.

And, now is the time to attract traffic and fans.

"Otherwise, let's also find the villagers to exchange some vegetables and rice, right?" Ye Jiang suggested, "Just such a fish, the six of us will definitely not be able to eat enough, but if we can exchange it for vegetables and rice, at least we can fill our stomachs." What

Ye Jiang thought was that vegetables were easier to fry, and it was too troublesome to clean up the fish, and the key was that no one would know how to do it.

If they forcibly make fish, they may be ridiculed by passers-by and netizens, and the gains outweigh the losses.

This proposal to change vegetables was only approved by Gu Chen and Ye Ting, and there were also fans who praised her stinky feet, praising Ye Jiang for being smart in the barrage, and the guests would definitely be able to eat at noon.

But where did a young lady like Zheng Yi suffer such a crime

? Even if there is a fish, can she swallow just a plate of vegetables?

But at the moment, there is no other way.

I knew that she was too lazy to accompany Ye Jiang to participate in this kind of broken variety show, and she couldn't even eat well in this hellish place.

Zheng Yi's expression in front of the camera was very unhappy, and Ye Jiang was also angry, if it weren't for the fact that they were so useless, would she still need to make such a decision

? In such a desolate ghost place, it would be good to have food for her?

Ye Ting said, "Okay, I'll change." "

Ye Tang can successfully change the ingredients, and they will definitely be able to.

However, Ye Ting couldn't help but swallow when he thought of Ye Tang catching so many fish.

He knew that Ye Tang could cook, and it was very delicious.

When he first arrived at Ye's house, Ye Tang cooked for them for the first time, and his cooking skills even directly beat the Michelin chef invited by their family.

Especially the pig's trotters she made, which are really delicious and melt in your mouth.

Thinking about it like this, Ye Ting's saliva swallowed even harder.

Since he returned to China, he has been fighting with Ye Tang for so long, and he has never eaten Ye Tang's cooking again.

Now, he's really hungry.

Ye Ting went directly to the kitchen where Ye Tang was under the pretext of changing the ingredients.

The dishes of their group have already been fried.

The taste of the rice mixture makes everyone in the kitchen hungry.

Fu Daisy looked at the dishes on the small wooden table, the chili fried snails, the screws were fried deliciously, and even the soup seemed to make people have the ability to have endless aftertaste. The chili lotus root slices, the small green vegetables, and finally the small fried fish all look like they are full of color and flavor, hooking each of their gluttonous worms.

"Tang Tang...... Your wife is so good......

"It's so fragrant, it's so fragrant, it's so fragrant!"

Daisy feels like she's about to fall in front of these dishes, it's so exaggerated.

She swallowed her saliva, and her voice was so loud that it shocked the fans, what's the matter, can a beautiful woman swallow saliva so loudly?

Guan Qian and Liu Haoxuan also looked at Daisy with tears and laughter.

Woo woo, she didn't mean to.

Daisy's fans are happy.

[It's over, our Daisy's daughter is in front of Ye Tang's cooking

, and her image is gone] [How many days will this variety show be filmed? I'm afraid that Daisy's daughter will stay there for a few more days, and when she comes back, she will be fat enough to become a cute little fragrant pig] [

Woo woo, I don't care, my daughter is happy. In order to make that movie before, Daisy was so thin that only ribs were left, and she almost got anorexia, let her eat, let her eat!]

Because of Ye Tang's cooking skills, Daisy's fans have a little good impression of Ye Tang himself.

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