I have to say that fans are worried that Daisy will gain weight, and there is a reason.

Daisy's agent couldn't help but hold her forehead while watching the live broadcast.

He could see that Daisy had completely forgotten what he had said beforehand to keep her figure.

Now he only hopes that Sister Tang can show mercy and don't feed Daisy too incredible.

Eat delicious food for a while, lose weight crematorium.

Ye Tang saw that she was very greedy, and handed her the chopsticks: "Quick, let's taste it first." "


!" Liu Haoxuan picked up the chopsticks and gave the bowl to Ye Tang: "Tangtang, then we're welcome!" Ye Tang

almost patted his chest: "Don't be polite to me, eat quickly."

Daisy ate a piece of fish, then took a sip of the soup, a delicious fish broth, and finally it was warm into her stomach. The feeling of this kind of food is so healing.

"It's delicious!" Liu Haoxuan also sat on the small bench, gulping on fragrant rice, sandwiching a piece of lotus root and a piece of fish, and feasting on the side.

"Tang Tang, I didn't expect you to be so good at cooking! Fortunately, our team has you, so we can eat such a delicious meal, otherwise we will definitely be hungry."

After speaking, he also gave Ye Tang a thumbs up.

Daisy also nodded violently on the side: "That's right, Tang Tang is really good." Ye

Tang seems to have relied on his good cooking skills to capture two little followers.

Liu Haoxuan remembered what happened before, and couldn't help but say cheaply: "I don't know what happened to Ye Jiang? Wasn't it arrogant before? I saw that Ye Jiang caught such a small fish, and their team was still boasting about it there, belittling Tang Tang, I don't know if they can boast about it when they eat." If you know that we have eaten so well at noon, will you cry angrily?"

Daisy also smiled: "It's definitely not as good as us."

Guan Qian ate snails curiously, this thing is indeed a delicacy in the countryside.

"You taste this screw, Tang Tang is really delicious, how can the snail meat be so tender?"

Daisy and Liu Haoxuan immediately put down the bowl and began to eat the plate of snails, and soon there was nothing left.

The performance of these two live broadcast rooms can be said to be worlds apart in the eyes of netizens.

[They eat so deliciously, they can't help but want to join their meal, the dog head holds the rose jpg

] [The food here is really good, I just came from Ye Jiang's live broadcast room, good guys, there are only cold bowls and cold chopsticks over there, a few daughters can't do anything, they can't even kill the fish, and they haven't fired yet] [Compared with the live broadcast room over there

, this is a paradise, a paradise on earth!] [

Compared with Ye Tang, it's really useless over there]

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, as soon as Ye Ting walked in, he saw that they were eating very deliciously.

The whole kitchen is still filled with the smell of food.

He didn't have to guess to know that the dish was made by Ye Tang.

His steps paused, and there was something unpleasant in his heart.

Because in the past, Ye Tang cooked for him to eat.

Everyone was having lunch, Liu Haoxuan saw Ye Ting, and just shouted politely: "Ye Ting, is there something wrong with you? Why did you come here alone?"

Of course Ye Ting wouldn't say, he originally wanted to hang around here for a while, waiting for Ye Tang to take the initiative to invite him to dinner.

Then, he also went down the stairs and ate with them, and called Jiang Jiang over by the way.

Although they had a little unpleasant quarrel before, Ye Tang didn't know that there was no one who could cook on their side, and it was okay for everyone to sit down and eat together, right?

However, Ye Tang didn't pay attention to him at all, let alone ask him to eat.

The food she cooked was given to Liu Haoxuan and them, obviously it should have been eaten by him.

I don't know why, he suddenly felt a little stuffy in his heart, and the grievances in his heart also overflowed.

He looked at the plate of fish and said, "You guys had a good meal at noon today."

Ye Ting's tone of voice was also a little yin and yang, as if he was blaming them for eating alone.

Ye Tang naturally heard it, but she also made up for it: "That must be better than you guys." As for the small fish that Ye Jiang caught just now, it is not enough for us to stuff between our teeth.

After speaking, Ye Tang still had disgust on his face.

Ye Ting didn't expect Ye Tang to give her no face at all, and even laughed at Ye Jiang to her face, and finally couldn't help but use the topic to play: "Ye Tang, what are you doing like being covered with thorns? Anyway, Jiang Jiang is your sister, right? I'm your brother, right? Even if you win this time, Jiang Jiang and I haven't even eaten yet, can't you call us to eat together? Why are you so careful?"

Ye Ting said, and he was also very indignant in his heart.

Ye Tang cooked but didn't ask him and Jiang Jiang to eat, but gave it to other guests he didn't know, which almost made him dizzy.

Although reason told him that he was filming a show now and they were divided into groups, he still couldn't accept this fact emotionally.

There was only one angry fact in his mind, Ye Tang made something delicious, and he didn't ask him to sit down and eat it together.

Hearing Ye Ting's words, the temperature in Ye Tang's eyes visibly began to cool down with the naked eye.

"Ye Ting, I ask you to remember that I have severed relations with your Ye family, and I have nothing to do with you. Also, Ye Jiang is your sister, but not mine. If you want moral kidnapping, you also have to respect the most basic facts, right

?" "Besides, why do you think that I must call you and Ye Jiang over for dinner? You have to have a sense of boundaries to be a human being, how did you take it for granted?"

Ye Ting was stunned for a moment before remembering the statement that their Ye family had made the day before yesterday to announce it to the world.

It has been clearly stated that Ye Tang has no relationship with the Ye family from now on.

Liu Haoxuan was the first time to eat the Ye family's melon up close, and like Daisy, they were more curious and gossipy about Ye Tang before.

But now, they are starting to feel a little sorry for Ye Tang.

What kind of person, is there such a moral kidnapping?

Ye Ting's face was also a little red when Ye Tang said it, but he still said stubbornly: "We just have one meal, is it necessary?"

Before, he didn't know how many meals he ate.

But it was before, and it is now.

Ye Ting used to eat Ye Tang's food, but he didn't have a soft mouth, but kept saying that he only had a sister like Ye Jiang.


Tang: "Of course it is necessary, because I am the one who cooks, and I am the one who consumes physical strength, and I have the right and right to decide who eats and who does not eat, I am the master." If you're not happy, cook your own meals. "

I like to eat other people's food so much, are you begging?"

Ye Tang's last sentence directly made Daisy laugh.

is worthy of Ye Yi, this sentence is really a bit cool.

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