Director Zhu was very happy when he saw that Ye Ting and Ye Tang had a dispute over a meal, and even let them go.

The contradiction of the guests is traffic, traffic is heat, and popularity is ratings and money.

No, he has to pull a few more advertisers and run a few more ads. The father of the gold owner behind the show will definitely happily give him a large bonus, he is really a little clever ghost.

Director Zhu planned happily in his heart, completely unaware that the biggest benefactor in the program group, his father, was sitting in front of him scolding Ye Ting.

Ye Ting was stunned when he heard Ye Tang scolding him for begging for food and food.

Ye Tang used this word to attack him, would it be too serious

? Ye Ting gritted his teeth, and his expression was still a little aggrieved: "Ye Tang, how can you insult me so much?"

Ye Tang really didn't understand, why did he show such an aggrieved expression?

Since she left the Ye family, this group of people has become more and more incomprehensible to her, okay?

Ye Tang rolled his eyes directly: "Am I insulting you? Isn't this the truth? What is the relationship between us? relatives? or friends? It doesn't seem to be." As soon as you came up, you asked me to ask you to eat with your sister, because I didn't ask you to eat, and you still showed an unhappy look, why? You are too natural for granted!" This

Ye family member is sick one by one, including the previous Qi Shuang, who doesn't even understand the most basic principles of life. Or is it because she spoiled the Ye family before, so they can be so unkind

to her? Ye Tang suddenly felt that her head was a little sick before she woke up! Ye

Ting: "No, I'm just ......"

In fact, he just wanted to say that although they did break off the relationship, but now he has not changed from their previous mode of getting along for a while.

In the past, he was so straightforward with Ye Tang, but now, Ye Tang is really not used to him at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Ting was still a little aggrieved in his heart.

But this grievance has nowhere to vent.

Ye Tang added: "I'm not your father, so I won't get used to you." If you want to continue to be the prince, then go home.

"That's it!" Liu Haoxuan couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "Ye Ting, if you open your mouth, let Tang Tang invite you to dinner, it's too boundary, right? As soon as you came up, you asked Tang Tang to invite your brothers and sisters to dinner, and blamed Tang Tang for not asking you to eat together, isn't this just begging?

Daisy also nodded: "That's right, Ye Ting, you have gone too far." The current Tang Tang has nothing to do with you, and she has no obligation to invite you and Ye Jiang to dinner. Although

she doesn't get along with Tang Tang much, Tang Tang cooked them such a delicious meal, she must also stand firmly on Tang Tang's side.

What's more, this matter is indeed Ye Ting's mistake, and netizens will definitely not distinguish between right and wrong.

Guan Qian's face was also very disapproving: "Ye Ting, you really have to restrain yourself." You're so arrogant, it's no different from bullying someone. It is a duty to invite you to dinner, and it is a duty not to invite you to dinner. This is not a place where you can do whatever you want.

As an actress who never stands in line in the circle, Guan Qian is the first time to speak for a star in public. This person is still the 18th line of the whole network black.

Ye Tang saw that Daisy and they were all on her side, and speaking for her, and there was a warm current in her heart.

She has been in this world for so long, and she rarely feels a wonderful taste of being maintained.

They just met her in Pingshui, and they just ate one meal from her, but when they saw her being criticized, they would still stand up without hesitation and speak for

her? On the other hand, what about these brothers? How many meals have they eaten from her over the years, and they have enjoyed her efforts, but they choose to stand on Ye Jiang's side every time. It can be seen that these white-eyed wolves of the Ye family who don't know how to be grateful can't even compare to a few outsiders who are not related by blood.

That's it, you still want to eat the food she cooked

, eat!

Ye Ting saw that everyone was talking for Ye Tang, and recalled that the bento boxes he had eaten before were all from Ye Tang's hands.

In the end, he held back a sentence: "You don't understand at all!"

They don't know anything about the Ye family, and they don't understand their brothers and sisters.

"yes, they don't. A hint of sharpness flashed in Ye Tang's eyes, and there was something in his words, "At least they won't eat my food while turning their elbows outward to help others target me." It's really boring to have people like that. However, I have only recently realized it.

As soon as Ye Ting heard it, he knew that this sentence was connotating him, ironically enjoying this sister's dedication before, but always helping Ye Jiang, blindly favoring a sister who was not related by blood.

Now that Ye Tang has come to his senses and no longer does this, how can he feel that Ye Tang owes him?

For a while, he couldn't say a word, but froze in place, as if he was in deep thought.

Ye Tang didn't bother to pay attention to him, and he didn't expect this sentence to make Ye Ting understand anything.

She only hoped that he would be less dangling in front of her in the future, and she was really annoyed by their so-called brothers.

Ye Tang's words undoubtedly made the audience smell some secrets.

Ye Tang's words just now seem to mean something. Who is this talking about, could it be Ye Ting? For Eh, it means that the Ye family has been targeting Ye Tang, and the reason why they are targeting Ye Tang is for Ye Jiang.

"Hasn't there been gossip before, saying that Ye Tang is not favored at all in the Ye family? Good guy, dare to love and have such an inside story? My God, how many excessive things did the Ye family do to Ye Tang?"

"Haven't Ye Jiang fans been blowing that Ye Jiang is a group pet at home, and he is quite favored by his brothers? This kind of trampling on the favor of others is really disgusting."

In order to get the favor of a man, even if the other party is an older brother, but the favor shown by bullying and squeezing another girl does make people feel disgusted by eating flies.

"It's just this kind of stupid brother, whoever loves wants it. I don't think Ye Tang is really rare at all, otherwise he wouldn't have scolded Ye Ting like this. The

group pet label that Ye Jiang fans are proud of is so belittled by netizens that it is useless.

Of course, Yu Yun also joined the belittling army, mocking Ye Ting and Ye Jiang in the barrage.

Seeing Ye Tang slapping Ye Ting like this, she was really happy in her heart.

Haha, what else did those brainless fans say Ye Tang was jealous of Ye Jiang's brother's favor.

Now it's okay, has she been slapped in the face?

Her family Tangtang is really powerful, and she quietly brought the reputation of Ye Ting's brothers and sisters to the stinky ditch.

Sooner or later, the good reputation they are trying to maintain outside will rot and stink in the stinky gutter!

Of course, the ridicule and speculation of passers-by and netizens also caused dissatisfaction among Ye Jiang's fans, and the two sides began to pinch each other.

For a while, the barrage was full of blood.

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