Sure enough, the program team assigned them a treasure hunting task.

Director Zhu: "Tonight, I prepared a meeting gift for all the guests. "


the guests, the guests can't believe it, the director and the program team don't cheat on

them, they have to give them a meeting gift?" Liu Haoxuan: "What a meeting gift, take it out and show it to us." "

There's no rush on this. Director Zhu said with a mysterious face: "Presumably everyone didn't eat much

at noon, okay?" Liu Haoxuan looked at the sky and touched his stomach again: "No, we ate well at noon today." There are fish, cabbage, screws, lotus root slices, meat and vegetables, plus Tang Tang's cooking skills, don't enjoy it too much.

He added: "By the way, is this something that can be said?"

After speaking, Liu Haoxuan still looked at Ye Ting with an innocent face.

"Oops, I seem to have forgotten, you team doesn't seem to have eaten well. The little cabbage at noon today, are you only fried one plate enough to eat? Oh, I don't know who it is, it was terrible at the beginning, and asked Tang Tang not to eat the fish caught by his sister if he has the ability. I really didn't expect that in the end, he himself would be reduced to eating cabbage. Ye

Ting: "......"

Obviously, Liu Haoxuan deliberately said it to Ye Ting.

Sure enough, Ye Ting's anger had already come up.

This dog thing is obviously provoking him!

Liu Haoxuan came out of the dishes at noon, saw Ye Ting washing cabbage there, and chatted with Ye Ting casually.

Who knows, Ye Ting's hostility towards him is too big, and he is simply inexplicable.

At that time, the monitoring was temporarily closed, and I didn't know where Ye Ting's anger came from, so I almost fought with him.

Like on variety shows, everyone has a conflict, and after mediation, it's generally fine, and he has experienced this situation a lot. Ye Ting is not so petty, just because he helped Tang Tang say a few words on the variety show, he held a grudge in his heart, right?

In the end, he reacted, it turned out that Ye Ting was because Ye Tang cooked for him, but his so-called brother couldn't eat it now, so he was jealous and hated him, and he poured all his anger on him.

Now, Liu Haoxuan won't do it.

What kind of person, while speaking harshly to Tang Tang, he was also wronged, blaming Ye Tang for not asking him to eat.

Now, I'm almost going to hit him. If Tang Tang hadn't appeared in time, Liu Haoxuan felt that he might really be beaten today.

I heard that Ye Tang has been in the Ye family for several years.

Liu Haoxuan even wanted to ask Tang Tang, how can you stay in such a brain-dead place for several years, isn't it just that people are treated well?

Fortunately, Tang Tang should be completely indifferent to these people now. At this time, Liu Haoxuan completely sympathized with Ye Tang, what kind of people are these, it's disgusting.

[Hahaha, Liu Haoxuan has simply taken all the bamboo shoots on the mountain! This is clearly stimulating Ye Ting and them!]

[Have you ever watched Ye Jiang's live broadcast room come out and say, Ye Jiang, how did they eat at noon? How do I look at the six of their guests, all of them are languishing, as if they haven't eaten a full meal for eight hundred years].

[I watched it, I just came out of Ye Jiang's live broadcast room, and I can only say that it is difficult to say. They exchanged a dead fish for a basket of cabbage and a little rice. Ye Ting: That's equivalent to buying and selling. His fish were all dead, but because Ye Ting thought it was meat, he had to change it to a basket of cabbage and rice the size of other villagers. The villagers were unwilling, Ye Ting actually said that the villagers were good at calculating, and it was already a loss to exchange meat for her food, so it was really good. Thanks to the high quality of the grandmother, he didn't scold him, please, isn't the grandmother willing to change it, it's still a dead fish

] [So isn't this a proper moral kidnapping? Did he kidnap Ye Tang so morally before? Wealthy son, just this quality?]

As Guan Qian expected, Ye Ting was scolded by netizens.

[By the way, there is also Zheng Yi's eldest lady, when she saw that she could only eat Chinese cabbage at noon, that face was so long, and she complained in front of the camera that Ye Jiang was not as useful as Ye Tang. As a result, Ye Ting, who was anxious to protect his sister, quit, and the two of them quarreled in front of the camera, I was really convinced. Before he had any meals, he began to fight, and the direction of this plot was really to catch horses]

Forget about the others, Zheng Yi has seen the food situation of Ye Tang's team.

When others eat fish and meat, she only has a plate of vegetables, so it's no wonder she doesn't complain.

As soon as Zheng Yi complained, the others knew that Ye Tang had eaten so well, and they also had a little other opinion about Ye Jiang in their hearts, although they didn't show it.

At this moment, Ye Jiang wanted to kill Zheng Yi in his heart.

Originally, these people were on variety shows to set off her excellent, but now it's okay, she has made her head and two big, let alone attract fans.

Ye Jiang, who grew up in good times since he was a child, was always held by the people around him, and he was so disgraced for the first time.

On the other hand, Ye Tang, she seems to be on vacation, not only does everything go smoothly, but also captures the hearts of the three guests, and there are not so many grievances and bad things about her.

Ye Jiang doesn't know what he came to the variety show to do now.

[The point is that the vegetables behind Ye Jiang are cooking, the fire is too big, and the dishes are all burned black. Waiting for the plate, no one caught it, Qin Lili lowered her head and picked up the white rice

vigorously there, laughing to death] [Yes, anyway, not only did I not eat well, but I didn't eat enough

] [Isn't Ye Ting a Xuanmei madman? Why don't you show off now, is it not dazzling? Hahaha] [

All in all, Ye Jiang's live broadcast room, in addition to being bad, is it bad, and it is also the kind that jumps with chickens and dogs. I still have a good impression of Ye Jiang, but now I don't want to click into her live broadcast room at all, I still rarely watch Sister Tang show off her skills, at least it's cool]

Ye Ting looked annoyed

: "Liu Haoxuan, you ......" Liu Haoxuan sarcastically mocked Ye Ting in public, Ye Ting was very unhappy, and wanted to say something, but was directly interrupted by Ye Tang: "Okay, what kind of tongue are you fighting for here?"

Ye Tang's tone was not very impatient, and there was still a task in the afternoon.

Don't think she doesn't know what Ye Ting wants to do in the yard at noon.

In the past, she only thought that Ye Ting's mouth was a little stinky at most, but now she knows that this person is simply brain-dead, if she hadn't appeared in time, would he still have to beat Liu Haoxuan? What is this

not brain-dead

?" "Ye Tang, are you mistaken, he was the one who stirred up trouble first, what are you doing now!Why are you still talking to him?"

Ye Ting was indeed angry when he saw Ye Tang's attitude.

But he never thought that this was his previous attitude towards Ye Tang.

Which time, didn't they help Ye Jiang like this? Now, they are embarrassed to talk about her!

Sure enough, if the knife doesn't stab him, he doesn't know how much it hurts.

Ye Tang felt funny, and his tone was even cooler: "What are you anxious about, what Hao Xuan said is also the truth? Tell me for yourself, which of his words is false? No, no. "

She just helped Liu Haoxuan what's wrong, this Ye Ting is funny, so she thinks she will help him with such a wolf-hearted thing.

When Ye Tang said this, Ye Ting was speechless.

[Ye Ting's temper is so big, when he mocked Tang Tang to brag before, Tang Tang didn't get angry, he just slapped him in the face with his own strength. Why is it that Brother Haoxuan just told the truth now, and he is so angry]

[Someone can't afford to play, it's really not me who said, if I changed my words, I might be more tea.] Who made Ye Ting's mouth stink, at the beginning, he was not very energetic when Tang Tang couldn't catch fish, speechless]

Director Zhu saw that Ye Ting was suppressed by Ye Tang again, stood up again, and began to play a round.

"Ye Ting, don't worry, our meeting gift is what you need, that is, chickens. Today we are divided into teams again, and I will give you a map with clues to help you find the chickens.

"When you find the chicken, dinner will be hearty." "

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