As soon as they heard that there were chickens tonight, the two teams instantly cheered up.

Great, there's chicken to eat tonight.

Ye Ting, who was still sluggish just now, is also energetic now.

Anyway, he's going to get the chicken today.

What Ye Tang thought in his heart was that he had chicken soup to drink again tonight, and he couldn't eat fish every day.

Ye Tang: "Wait, I'll make you chicken soup tonight." The

chicken soup she cooks is also a must.


Daisy couldn't help but cheer when she heard that Ye Tang was going to unlock new delicacies for them, she was looking forward to the new dishes Tang Tang made for them.

Liu Haoxuan and Daisy, the two younger brothers, swore to hug Ye Tang's thighs to the death, and Guan Qian wanted to laugh when she saw it.

Netizens found that after the gentle and elegant Guan Ying, she actually smiled like a little girl, with a little cuteness.

Having said that, Ye Tang seemed to be very sure that this chicken was absolutely owned by them, which made Ye Ting and them dissatisfied again.

He really didn't believe it, could all good things fall on Ye Tang's head? It's just that he can catch a fish.

It can only be said that Ye Ting doesn't know the real Ye Tang at all.

Ye Ting stabbed on the side: "I see, don't say everything too absolutely.

Ye Tang raised his eyebrows: "Oh, is it?"

It seems that Ye Ting is still a little arrogant.

In this case, of course she had to slap him in the face and teach him a good lesson.

Slap in the face and keep walking.

The program team saw the cheering guests, and a smile appeared on their faces, they will definitely not be too harsh on the tourist guests, tonight, they will also provide rice, as well as a few vegetarian dishes, so that they can have a good meal.

As for the meat dish, that is, this chicken, it is up to them to fight for it.

As soon as the director gave the order, they began to go up the mountain to look for chickens.

Ye Tang got the map, and the drawings were drawn in twists and turns, Daisy leaned over to look at it, and was stunned all of a sudden.

"This map, like a densed map, is completely incomprehensible.

"It's okay, just follow me.

Ye Tang glanced at the sky, and it was still a little sunny.

Fortunately, she brought a sunscreen shirt and a stick by the way.

The other three guests also followed suit and wore sunscreen shirts.

Sure enough, the sun on the top of the mountain really exploded.

When Guan Qian saw the compelling sun, she was so grateful to Ye Tang for his wisdom and martial arts, and almost shed two lines of tears of gratitude.

Ye Jiang's team seemed to have no common sense of life, so they went up the mountain recklessly, but the dazzling sun almost didn't bask them to death.

When netizens saw it, they praised Ye Tang for his thoughtfulness, so that the people in the small team were spared the suffering of sun exposure.

Zheng Yi and Lin Jiali's thin skin and tender flesh naturally couldn't stand it, they directly found a shady place to sit, and refused to leave, Qin Lili originally wanted to hold Ye Jiang, but the sun was really hot, she was afraid that her appearance would be damaged, so she also ran to the shade of the tree with them.

Ye Jiang didn't bother to care about them, and followed Gu Chen and Ye Ting to continue to join the treasure hunt.

In this way, the credit for finding the chicken in the end should all be attributed to her, and it will be more brilliant in the eyes of netizens.

"We have to speed up our pace, we can't let Ye Tang and them arrive first.

Gu Chen nodded, took off his clothes to cover Ye Jiang from the sun, and took care of Ye Jiang with Ye Ting.

Ye Tang and the others have already walked a third of the way, and the program team has set up a clue in each location to guide them to find chickens.

But this clue needs to be found by themselves.

Ye Tang carried a stick and roamed the mountain, looking for evidence to guide them to find chickens.

The two live broadcast rooms are completely different.

Ye Jiang was taken care of by two men, looking for road signs all the way.

Walking all the way, resting all the way, even two big men, a little out of breath.

As for Ye Jiang, who was sandwiched in the middle, he was sweating like rain, and the makeup on his face was all spent, and he looked embarrassed.

The only consolation was that they found quite a few signposts along the way.

Ye Tang is different here, she wears a hat, but her prosperous face has not been affected at all, and she has the same breath as usual when she climbs up the mountain, and she walks like flying.

Liu Haoxuan, who was tired and panting in the back, and his steps were heavy, had nothing but admiration for Ye Tang in his heart.

The people in the live broadcast room began to appreciate Ye Tang's prosperous beauty.

Ye Tang took the drawings and found several road signs.

The audience can see Ye Tang's map, it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you will be shocked when you see it.

As Daisy said, the map is actually encrypted.

[This program group is too doggy, isn't it? I actually use a high math problem instead of a map location, Nima's I look at a map and do a high math problem by the way, Director Dog, do you want to see what outrageous things you are doing

?] [Don't you say, why doesn't Ye Tang even use a pen when solving the problem, and directly mentally calculates? I'll go, what kind of IQ is this!] [

Don't say it, I'm a graduate student who is now solving this high math problem with a pen, and I haven't figured it out yet. [

Ye Tang is awesome!

] [Daisy, they are hugging each other's thighs, I just came back from Ye Jiang's side, Ye Jiang is using a calculator to calculate, fortunately the director provided the calculator, otherwise I will see that Ye Jiang's team will be cool again]

According to the clues provided by the map, Ye Tang quickly found all the landmarks, except for the last one.

Suddenly, a hissing sound came from above Daisy's head.

A chill hit her, and Daisy's heart welled up with strange and fearful emotions.

Ye Tang's voice came in time: "Don't move!"

She picked up her stick and held it in her hand, looking for the right angle and strength.

"Tang Tang, what's wrong......" Daisy didn't know what was going on, she was a little panicked, and Guan Qian's voice also came: "Daisy, don't move yet, there's a snake above your head, don't move, you know?"



let out a rapid scream, alarming the snake, Daisy saw the shadow that flew over, so frightened that she held her head in her hands and closed her eyes.

The next second, she heard a roar, and a stick was nailed to the tree, along with the snake.

That stick was thrown by Ye Tang.

"Tang Tang!"

Daisy was so frightened that she threw herself into her arms and cried out.

"It's okay.

Ye Tang comforted the frightened Daisy, and saw an icon on the ground, which was the landmark set by the program team, and it was the last logo, so they successfully found it.

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