The audience in the live broadcast room, watching the snake jump out without knowing when, was frightened.

As Ye Tang nailed the snake to death with a stick, the audience's originally hanging heart fell back at this moment. Suffice it to say, the whole process is a bit too thrilling.

For a while, the barrage was full of praise for Ye Tang's handsomeness, and even the camera brother of the program team couldn't help but praise Ye Tang's good skills.

Not to mention, when I saw the snake just now, even the camera of the camera brother shook three times, which is enough to see how scary it is.

This snake really wasn't put by their program team.

Who would have thought that there would be snakes in this season? Who would have thought that

Ye Tang was so beautiful and looked like a delicate girl.

As a result, she was able to stick the snake to death with one stick, and in the eyes of netizens, this is the same effect as being able to carry the tripod.

They love this contrast too much.

Liu Haoxuan looked at Ye Tang with a look of adoration: "Tang Tang, you are so handsome just now, just like that Hollywood blockbuster, with a whoosh, the stick was nailed to the seven inches of the snake, damn, I almost didn't kill me."

"Tang Tang, don't you know, I used to be most afraid of snakes. If it weren't for you, I would probably have fainted on the spot. Daisy

: "Me too!" Netizens

in front of the screen: "Harm, who is not?"

netizens said that you are definitely not alone.


Tang just smiled slightly, Xi to this kind of thing: "It's okay if you're fine." "

And they found one last landmark.

Ye Tang said again: "Daisy, this time is your credit.

Daisy listened, her face was still a little red, and she smiled: "I didn't expect my luck to be so good this time." It seems that we will definitely be able to find the hen faster than Ye Jiang and the others this time. She

didn't expect that they couldn't find it after searching for a long time just now, and finally found it in this way.

Liu Haoxuan said confidently: "That's not it, I said earlier, as long as Tang Tang is here, we will definitely win."

Ye Tang took the stick off the tree: "Okay, let's go." "

Grab the landmark, and together they walk to the hill where the chickens are hidden.

The other team, having already taken the landmark, walked towards the same location.

Ye Jiang's mission goal of finding chickens this time is also inevitable.

In the end, the two teams met on the hill and arrived at almost the same time.

Ye Jiang felt strange when he saw that they had also arrived.

That map can be said to have added a lot of secrets, and even she took a calculator to calculate there for a long time before taking the two men to the top of the mountain.

Ye Jiang didn't know that Ye Tang was really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Obviously, both teams are eyeing the chicken right now.

Ye Jiang said helplessly: "There is no way." Since we arrived together, we can only PK and see the winner in the end. "

The rules of PK are very simple and rude, to put it bluntly, it is to rob, see who can grab it.

There are three people on Ye Jiang's side, and four people on Ye Tang's side.

One woman, two men, one man and three women, in the eyes of the audience, Ye Tang's side is still a little weaker, after all, there is still some gap between men and women in terms of physical strength.

Ye Tang's side doesn't look so easy to win.

As a result, the audience's emotions are also stirred, wondering who will win in the end.

However, Ye Tang easily agreed to Ye Jiang's PK request: "Yes."

Ye Jiang's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and he felt that they had won.

The next moment, Qin Lili also came up with Zheng Yi and Lin Jiali.

"We're up too. "

Now, it's the six of them who want to PK with the four of them.

Liu Haoxuan looked at it and quit directly.

Good guys, the six of them beat the four of them, do you want to lose face?

Ye Ting seemed to have finally found a chance to take revenge, how many times had he been angry with Liu Hao because of the lunch meal.


for Ye Tang, Ye Ting felt that this sister was simply hopeless.

It's too rebellious.

Tonight, he still wants to talk to Ye Tang.

During this time, there has been enough trouble at home.

The reason why the Ye family made that statement of severing the relationship was not because there was no way to take her!

In Ye Ting's opinion, the Ye family was quite indulgent to Ye Tang, no matter how she made trouble, the family didn't say anything.

But in Ye Tang's opinion, Ye Ting's idea is purely because of his brain.

Liu Haoxuan just wanted to protest with the program team, but was stopped by Ye Tang.

"It's okay, I have a way.

Liu Haoxuan heard Ye Tang say this, so he didn't say much.

Ye Tang: "Then let's start." Whoever catches the chicken first will belong to whoever the chicken.

After speaking, Ye Tang was the first to run to the location where the chicken was.

Gu Chen saw that the situation was not good, so he also chased after him.

The hearts of the audience were lifted again.

Liu Haoxuan is a husband, and he is reluctant to deal with Qin Lili's three women.

As for Daisy and Guan Qian, they concentrated their firepower to deal with Ye Ting, but fortunately, Guan Qian had some martial arts skills, and she dragged Ye Ting for a while.

But Ye Tang's side doesn't seem to be very optimistic.

Gu Chen had no mercy on his subordinates at all, all he thought about was Ye Jiang, and he naturally wouldn't be light on Ye Tang.

Seeing that in the whole team, there was only one woman like Ye Tang who was grabbing chickens with him, and he felt that Jiang Jiang would definitely be able to eat this chicken tonight.

Don't say that he is a man bullying women, just now Ye Tang himself kept agreeing to PK.

Dealing with Ye Tang, he can be described in four words.

For a while, the scene was very intense.

The audience on the other side of the screen couldn't help but stand up, eager to help the people inside enter the chicken grabbing mode.

[, Brother Haoxuan, Qin Lili wants to attack you under the plate, be careful, don't let her succeed

] [Hurry up, that woman is going to run

] [After closing the shadow, you hit him on the back

] [Ye Ting is good, run away]

The barrage was fierce, and they couldn't wait to get started and help the team they like to grab chickens.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Tang had already run to the location of the Tibetan chicken.

Gu Chen followed closely and also stood behind Ye Tang.

Gu Chen looked at the chicken that was restrained by the program team, and a victorious smile appeared on his face.

He said to Ye Tang: "Ye Tang, I'm sorry, I'll take this chicken first." "


Ye Tang just smiled faintly when he saw that he was victorious.

At the last moment when Gu Chen approached, Ye Tang suddenly took out a sachet.

The tall man suddenly felt his body numb, and then he fell to the ground with a frightened expression.

The girl stood there with a smile, then bent down and took the chicken in her hand.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, this chicken is ours.

As Ye Tang got the chicken in his hand, the music of victory also rose, and Ye Jiang, who was still intercepting the enemy in front, knew that everything was over, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

She also thought that it was their team that won.

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