How did Gao Xue know that Ye Hao had been hooked up with her old green tea best friend, that is, Lin Qingqing.

By the time she knew, it was too late.

After Lin Qingqing's various blows on the pillow, Ye Hao also began to be dissatisfied with this family.

Gao Xue only knew about favoring Ye Jiang, but she didn't notice the crisis around her at all.

After Mrs. Ye lost her temper, she sat down on the sofa again, and her voice was fierce: "One day, I will find out the boss of this bright media." I want to know who the other party is. I heard that the boss behind her is quite young, no wonder she is so ignorant of current affairs, she can manage such a big company well, I'm afraid that there is not some master behind her to guide her.

"I don't care if I am superior or not, in short, the company that is against our Starlight Entertainment, I, Starlight Entertainment, will definitely not let her go easily!" Mrs

. Ye was angry this time, especially Ye Tang's performance of hanging Ye Jiang on the variety show, which made her even more angry, and vented all her grievances on Ye Tang and the bright company.

"I also made a mistake this time, I should have known that I shouldn't have let Jiang Jiang participate in this broken variety show. "

Her precious granddaughter worked so hard to get fish for the guests, she couldn't even eat herself.

How did this damn broken variety show be filmed? Let her baby granddaughter suffer so much.

The thought of her precious granddaughter suffering inside, Mrs. Ye's heart was screwed together.

However, the cruel reality that Ye Hao conveyed just now told her that she now has no way to deal with Bright Media, or even Ye Tang.

Therefore, Mrs. Ye could only speak cruelly at home, and she was incompetent and angry at home.

Although Ye Liunian and Ye Mingqi did not go home, they also made a video call.

The two of them have always hated Ye Tang the most, but what happened recently in the family surprised the two of them a little, they really didn't expect that this sister would dare to do so many crazy and even outrageous things.

In the eyes of Ye Mingqi and Ye Liunian, Ye Tang is still the little girl with only promising eyes, careful not to make them angry.

How could such a Ye Tang do such things that disregarded the emotions of his family?

However, Ye Tang really did it.

Especially Ye Mingqi, when he saw Ye Tang appear in a variety show, with such a bright smile, the whole person was even more radiant, which was diametrically opposed to the previous gloomy image, as if an earth-shattering change had occurred, which really made him feel a huge contrast between Shi Bei and his three days.

But in his heart, it seemed that there was more disgust and darkness.

Now that she saw Jiang Jiang unlucky, she was so happy?

Unfortunately, no matter how good she behaved better than Jiang Jiang, they wouldn't like this sister.

If Ye Tang heard his question, then she would definitely answer, don't be too happy, okay?

Among the seven brothers of the Ye family, Ye Huai'an, who was currently the only one at the scene, did not make a sound, and what had happened recently had exhausted him.

Although Ye Tang performed well in variety shows, he was very comforted, but he also didn't want to see Ye Tang and Ye Jiang hurt each other.

Ye Mingqi asked very strangely: "Grandma, I see that you have made a mistake." Jiang Jiang has no problem participating in this variety show, the main thing is, Ye Tang, is she so bold now? Don't you even listen to all of you? Let her terminate the contract with Bright Media, won't there be nothing?"

Mrs. Ye began to pour bitter water: "Now in addition to you and the fourth, there is also the seventh." Everyone in the family has nothing to see Ye Tang. Your eldest brother, second brother, especially your fifth brother, have also been brainwashed by Ye Tang now, and they even think that it is because we are not good to Ye Tang that Ye Tang has become what he is today. In short, it's hard to put into words. Now, it's just you and the fourth and seventh left. "

Mrs. Ye doesn't know that the third and fourth are also Ye Tang's blacklist.

Ye Mingqi: "I see. He

said, it turned out that Ye Tang had changed his way to compete with Ye Jiang for favor.

However, his brothers and brothers really got hit.

Clever and clever

, though, he wouldn't have been tricked anyway.

It's even more impossible for him to call.

"Grandma, forget it. Since Ye Tang likes to stay in this variety show so much, let her go. Although Ye Jiang's performance is indeed not good, it doesn't mean that Ye Jiang's performance will still be covered by Ye Tang's edge in the future, isn't it?"

Mrs. Ye nodded: "You're right." "

Her precious granddaughter is not an ordinary person.

In another video call, Ye Liunian also said: "Grandma, I also think now that this bright media is deliberately engaging in our Starlight Entertainment." Or are they targeting us? They obviously know that Ye Tang is someone we don't want to see in the Ye family. We Starlight Entertainment have been stationed in the entertainment industry for decades, and which other entertainment companies in the industry don't give us some face? Only this bright media has never given us any face from beginning to end.

"Now, they are also holding Ye Tang. Ye

Limo has wanted to visit the CEO of Bright Media several times, but as a result, he was rejected without exception.

Therefore, Ye Liunian feels that this bright media is also very problematic.

Ye Hao nodded: "What Liu Nian said is that we still have to pay attention to one thing in the future."

Mrs. Ye gritted her teeth with hatred for this bright media that "doesn't know current affairs".

She would be happy if Bright Media was willing to cooperate with them, and they were so rich, it was what Starlight lacked. Recently, because of the public relations for Ye Jiang, the company's finances have been a little tight.

It can be said that Mrs. Ye both hates and longs for the bright media that thieves have money.

If she really finds out the boss of Bright Media, then she will really have a good show.

"I said, are you brains funny?"

On the other side, Ye Mubai's sarcastic voice suddenly came.

"Why does Bright Media have to cooperate with you? And why do you have to listen to your words and throw Ye Tang, who you don't want to see, to a certain location to hide? Who do you think you are?"

Ye Liunian and Ye Mingqi were both shocked when they saw Ye Mubai coming down from upstairs.

This was the first time they had seen Ye Mubai speak coldly like this.

In the past, I just heard my family mention it.

When Mrs. Ye saw this grandson coming down, she also subconsciously tightened her scalp.

During this time, they have formed a psychological shadow under Ye Mubai's various cynicisms.

Ye Mubai is her grandson, she is reluctant to beat or scold, and she can't say anything about the bitterness in her heart.

"Mu Bai ......"

Ye Mingqi originally wanted to rely on his identity as the boss, teach Ye Mubai by word and deed, and educate Ye Mubai well, so that Ye Mubai would not be deceived by Ye Tang.

It's a pity that he doesn't know Ye Mubai who is now blackened.

Ye Mubai did respect Ye Mingqi before, but now, there was no sense of respect in his eyes at all.

On the contrary, he directly interrupted Ye Mingqi's words and continued: "While thinking about clinging to other people's bright media, but I couldn't cling to it, and I also said that others were targeting you, and what did you say that it would be impossible to let others go in the future." Do you want to ask yourself first, are you worthy? No one else has money, no one else has the ability, this ability to come from the mouth is not small!"

"Is there a possibility that people don't look down on you at all?" You yourself have a lot of drama, jumping up and down like a clown jumping off the beam, thinking that people want to give you face, I think you are too thick-skinned!".

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