At the beginning, knowing that Ye Tang was going to participate in this variety show, Ye Mubai was very worried, because he and his eldest brother saw Mrs. Ye's behind-the-scenes operations.

Mrs. Ye wanted to stuff Ye Jiang into this same variety show, and the purpose was already obvious.

He and Ye Limo wanted to help Ye Tang, but he also knew that Ye Tang would not accept their help for no reason.

Moreover, she hated these brothers and didn't want to have anything to do with them.

But later, after he and Ye Limo investigated, they found a surprising fact.

Ye Tang is actually the CEO of Bright Media.

This truth made them can't believe it for a long time.

It turned out that this was the true face of their sister.

It turned out that she had so many secrets hidden in her.

It turns out that these brothers have always been so stupid and unaware, and so self-righteous.

It turned out that my sister was so good and so powerful, but they mistook Yumu for pearls, thought Ye Jiang was a pearl, and pampered her for so many years.

Ye Mubai did not expose the secrets of Bright Media, but he watched the Ye family coldly from the side.

If the Ye family knew that the person they had abandoned was far better and more powerful than they imagined, it was the vest boss they had been thinking about, I'm afraid they wouldn't be crazy, right?

And the mother, she has always been reluctant to believe that the old lady can raise a daughter who is better than her. In the final analysis, it's because Gao Xue doesn't know the vest behind Tangtang.

Well deserved, well deserved.

He and Ye Limo waited, waiting for their retribution.

Ye Mubai's sarcasm made everyone present turn blue and white for a while, and directly poked the sore feet of Mrs. Ye and others.

Ye Mingqi, who wanted to teach Ye Mubai a lesson just now, did not look good.

It seems that Ye Tang poisoned Ye Mubai quite deeply.

Ye Mingqi said: "Mu Bai, you don't know what the situation is...... Ye Mubai interrupted him with a sneer: "I think you don't know what the situation is, Ye Mingqi

." Didn't grandma just ask

you to call Ye Tang? Do you have the ability to call one?" Ye Mingqi still thought that he would be the sweetheart in Ye Tang's eyes?

If he made this call, he was afraid that he would be beaten by Ye Tang.

Ye Mubai looked at Ye Mingqi in the video, he knew from the beginning how much Ye Mingqi hated Ye Tang, so much so that he hadn't been at home much recently.

What's ridiculous is that when the third child had an asthma attack, who went to the pharmacy in the middle of the night to buy him asthma medicine?

Ye Mingqi heard Ye Mubai say this, his face was still a little puzzled, and he didn't seem to know what Ye Mubai meant at all.

Ye Mubai said: "Ye Mingqi, grandma, they don't dare to tell you the truth, I'll tell you." "

Mu Bai, don't say it.

Ye Huai'an stood up and tried to stop Ye Mubai from continuing.

He didn't want the house to become more chaotic.

"So far, what else can't be said?" Ye Mubai looked at Ye Huai'an and shook his head, "Ye Huai'an, is it possible that things have developed to the present, do you still think that this family can continue to be maintained, and it is the same as before?" I think, you are really dreaming.

"Or, do you still think that Ye Jiang has no problem with her at all?"

Even the eldest brother came to his senses and felt that Ye Jiang must have a problem.

But in addition to the guilt for Ye Tang in his heart, Ye Huaian still seems to feel that Ye Jiang is innocent. To be honest, Ye Mubai was not surprised.

Because, Ye Jiang's aura is too strong.

It seems that everyone will subconsciously choose to favor Ye Jiang.

But fortunately, he and his eldest brother have woken up in time.

Ye Huai'an heard him question himself like this, and there was a helpless look in his eyebrows.

"Mu Bai, how can you guess without

evidence?" Ye Mubai: "Do you want evidence?" Okay, I ......

it" "Mu Bai."

Ye Mubai wanted to say something, but when he heard his eldest brother's voice, he turned around and finally didn't continue.

He is now of the same heart as his eldest brother.

Now they are all wholeheartedly choosing to go to Ye Tang.

He listened to what the eldest brother said.

Ye Mubai shouted lightly: "Big brother." Ye

Limo's body has improved a lot, and compared with before he got sick, his expression seems to be much haggard.

Qi Shuang had been taking care of him in the hospital, but Ye Limo didn't seem to pay attention to her.

It's very simple, because Qi Shuang is also towards Ye Jiang.

Although, at the beginning, Qi Shuang was also because of the good relationship between the brother and sister between him and Ye Jiang, so he would love Wu and Wu, and be good to Ye Jiang.

But later, Qi Shuang also had other ideas in her heart, intentionally or unintentionally to please this sister-in-law.

Now that Ye Limo has awakened, Qi Shuang is even more insensitive, feeling that her purpose of wooing Ye Jiang is almost the same as that of Mrs. Ye to be good to Ye Jiang.

Originally, they were also considered family marriages, all for the sake of making each other's family business bigger, for the sake of profit.

Ye Mingqi and Ye Liunian saw Ye Limo coming, and out of respect for their eldest brother, they also stopped arguing with Ye Mubai.

"Big brother. "


Ye Limo didn't pay much attention to them, but walked over and patted Ye Mubai on the shoulder.

"Mu Bai, it's useless for you to talk to them about this now. During

this time, Ye Limo thought about the environment they were in for a long time.

Except for him and Ye Mubai, everyone else has been ingrained in the belief that Ye Jiang is perfect in terms of character and ability, because the filter for her is too deep, and they will subconsciously choose to believe her.

If they didn't have hard evidence, it would be impossible for anyone to believe that Ye Jiang had always had an unbearable side.

Therefore, it is useless to say more, it is better to continue to collect evidence and expose Ye Jiang at the necessary moment.

When Ye Mubai heard his eldest brother's words, he immediately understood something, and said in a low voice: "Okay, I know." "

The conversation between the brothers, no one else heard.

Then, they just left.

Ye Mingqi and Ye Liunian saw that the eldest and the fifth seemed to be united, but they didn't know what the specific situation was, and they suddenly had a uncomfortable feeling in their hearts.

In the end, Ye Mingqi did not contact Ye Tang.

The farce of the Ye family came to an end so briefly.

The hearts of all the people in the Ye family seemed to be a little blocked to varying degrees.

Ye Mingqi and Ye Liunian also began to watch this variety show.

Compared with the bad feelings of the Ye family, on the other hand, Ye Tang, she had a good time in the show, and she successfully made three good friends.

After eating, they were still playing chess in the courtyard.

The blue fat man also followed Ye Tang to Huaxi Village, he sat next to Ye Tang and poked her with his tail.

It asked curiously: "Tang Tang, did you come to the variety show just to take revenge on

Ye Jiang?" Ye Jiang was repeatedly suppressed by Ye Tang, and now her mental state and mood are not good, or Ye Ting and Gu Chen are comforting her.

Before going on the show, Ye Jiang could still fantasize about it, thinking that Ye Ting and Gu Chen were good to her and could hit Ye Tang.

Now seeing that Ye Tang's attitude towards the two of them is so bad, she doesn't dare to think about it anymore

, Ye Tang glanced at it: "She has such a big face

?" "You might as well say that she came to the door to die by herself, what does it matter to me? If she doesn't come to participate in variety shows herself, won't there be nothing?"

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