The blue fat man nodded like pounding garlic: "Sister Tang, you're right, she deserves it!" It

did think that Ye Tang was on this variety show specifically to suppress Ye Jiang.

Now, the Ye family is already angry because of variety shows and public opinion, especially Mrs. Ye herself.

The blue fat man said with some schadenfreude: "I want to tell you that Ye Jiang's performance on variety shows is really poor, and he has been complained by many netizens." It's quite hard to watch her in variety shows, but I didn't expect netizens to show no mercy at all, and felt that there was a huge gap between Ye Jiang and the vest boss she set up, and guessed that Ye Jiang's was really a bit big. It's funny. As

a guest of the program group, Ye Tang can't get in touch with the outside world, so it's impossible for the guests to know what repercussions their performance in the show will cause on the Internet.

For the audience, such a variety show is more beautiful and real.

Blue Fat: "Actually, her ability is not as bad as netizens complained, just like lunch, she at least caught a fish." It's a pity that you crushed her to the point where there's nothing left.

"As for your online comments, although it will not be able to reverse the situation of the whole network for a while, many passers-by and netizens are speaking for you, it can be said that the trend of online public opinion is still quite good, and the audience likes your performance in variety shows very much."

Ye Tang listened, and only lazily commented: "If your skills are not as good as others, you must be willing to bow down." This sentence was told to me by Ye Jiang in his previous life with his own actions. I'm just giving back to him the way of the other. "

In his previous life, Ye Jiang captured everyone's hearts like this.

Brothers, parents, netizens, and male partners.

In the past, she didn't bother to fight for anything, but in this life, there is no such good thing. She still doesn't bother to fight for anyone's heart, but if you want to trample her in the mud to set her off, then don't blame her for being ruthless.

Ye Tang dropped a chess piece on the chessboard and said to the blue fat man: "I said that I just want to live my own life in this life and no longer hide my edge." As for Ye Jiang, no matter what point she ends up in, it will be her retribution. "

Blue Cat understands, Ye Tang, she is going crazy to engage in her career, and it can be regarded as making up for the regrets of her previous life.

"Ye Tang.

Ye Ting's voice sounded from behind him.

Ye Tang twisted his eyebrows, glanced back, and sure enough, it was Ye Ting.

Daisy and the three of them washed the fruit, leaving Ye Tang alone in the courtyard to ponder the chess game.

The camera is temporarily turned off.

"Do you have something?"

Ye Ting looked at Ye Tang in front of him, he didn't know why, he had accumulated grievances all day, and he couldn't wait to pour them out.

"Why, now I can't come to you if I'm fine? You weren't like this before!"

Before that, Ye Tang wished that he would come to her, and he couldn't wait to be close to his brother.

Ye Ting didn't know if he was a masochist, when Ye Tang flattered him in the past, he scoffed at him, took his sister's contribution as a matter of course, and gave all his love and care to Ye Jiang.

Ye Tang was not good to him, he felt uncomfortable in his heart, and hoped that Ye Tang would not treat him like this.

Ye Tang said directly: "Nonsense, if you have something, don't come to me." In

Ye Tang's opinion, no matter how bad Ye Limo and Ye Mubai are, they are still sensible.

But Ye Ting seems to be a little over-brained.

While helping Ye Jiang target her, he is still running to entangle, hoping that she is the same as before.

Isn't that a proper brain-dead?"

Ye Tang.

At this time, Ye Ting felt extremely uncomfortable.

"I just wanted to talk to you.

"What can the two of us talk about?" Ye Tang thought it was funny, "Ye Ting, are you a little sick in the brain? The relationship between the two of us has become like this, what else do you have to talk about with me? Do you write those disgusting people on the Internet all day long and only know sensational lyrics, and make your brain funny?"

Ye Tang has long wanted to complain about Ye Ting, his mouth is stink, just because he wrote a few bullshit songs on the Internet, he actually gained millions of fans, and those fans kept praising him for his talent, and why he was the youngest and most talented songwriter.

But in Ye Tang's opinion, the songs he wrote were really called bullshit, she could directly buckle the floor with one toe, and she could also buckle a big castle.

Ye Ting probably didn't expect that Ye Tang would actually complain about his songwriting, and he was stunned for a while.

The lyrics and songs he wrote were so disgusting that even this sister couldn't help but complain about him to his face

? Come on, the lyrics he wrote, but he won the Golden Melody Award, okay?

"You ......"

forget it.

Regarding his sister's complaints, Ye Ting still thought about putting up with it.

Ye Tang looked at him with an expression of eating flies, and naturally guessed that it should be Ye Ting who felt that she was a layman who complained about him like this, which was indeed a bit excessive.

But sorry, she's not an amateur.

The songs she wrote for others have had a bumper harvest in word-of-mouth sales, and she has become a first-line singer, which is not comparable to his Ye Ting's level.

"I'll admit, it's true that we've never sat down and had a good talk before. But this time, I took the initiative to invite you, and we talked to each other calmly, okay?"

"Not good. Ye Tang thought that Daisy and they should be back almost soon after washing the fruit, so he thought about a quick battle with Ye Ting, "Who do you think you are?

"At least, you can hear it.

Ye Tang's words are really ironic to the extreme, she scolds people without dirty words.

Ye Ting's face is as good-looking as the color palette.

Anyway, Ye Tang himself is cool.

Seeing that he had no intention of leaving, Ye Tang continued to speak indifferently: "Ye Ting, you were hiding just now, you should have something else to come to look for, right

?" "Or, is it Ye Mingqi or Ye Liunian who called you and taught you how to deal with me?"

Sure enough, Ye Ting's face changed again.

This proves that she is right.

Ye Ting took a deep breath: "Ye Tang, you have squeezed Jiang Jiang enough in variety shows in the past few days, and you have also performed brilliantly in the eyes of everyone." But you and Jiang Jiang, there's no need to make a fuss like this, otherwise everyone will really end badly.

"I'm not asking you to set off Jiang Jiang, at least, don't let Jiang Jiang be so embarrassed on variety shows. Ye

Mingqi has already conveyed the public opinion information on the Internet to him, Ye Jiang's performance on variety shows is really not good, and even a little bad, it has attracted complaints from netizens, and there is a hot search at night, it doesn't matter if netizens scold him, but Ye Jiang was implicated.

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