After speaking, Ye Jiang also looked at Ye Tang expectantly, with the meaning of inquiry.

Ye Tang's recent performance in variety shows once crushed her.

Therefore, she wanted to use the wonderful performance of Go to get herself back a game.

At the same time, she also wants the guests on the scene to see her ability, she is definitely not comparable to people like Ye Tang.

It's a pity that to Ye Jiang's surprise, Daisy didn't seem to show her an expectant look as she wished, and she was always faint, including the reaction after Guan Ying, which was very flat, which made Ye Jiang inevitably feel a little lost.

With her ability to pet heartthrobs, people who want to attack, whether male or female, should be able to catch them.

But this time, there was an exception, which still made her a little puzzled.

In fact, Daisy and Guan Qian have no good feelings for this eldest lady of the Ye family at all. After an in-depth understanding, they felt that Tang Tang was a very good person, not only helping everyone cook, but also decathlon, which was not as famous as the outside world said.

So the question is, how did those unbearable rumors related to Ye Tang come about? I'm afraid it is not related to the Ye family, and it may even be inseparable from Ye Jiang.

Even if Ye Jiang is really good, they will not treat her differently.

People like this who have a lot of eyes, who knows if they will stab them in the back?

What's more, Ye Tang's Go game is indeed very good.

Daisy is even more looking forward to seeing Ye Tang's god-like chess game.

Director Zhu saw that there seemed to be a conflict between Ye Tang and Ye Jiang, and there were also highlights, so he hurriedly arched the fire on the side: "Ye Tang, since Ye Jiang can also play chess, why don't you have a fight? "

How could Ye Tang not know what the program team was thinking, it was nothing more than wanting to increase the highlights of the program.

Since Director Zhu said so, she also agreed.

"I have one more request, though.

Seeing that Ye Tang agreed to play Go, Ye Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, and saw that she had other requirements, so he hurriedly asked, "What is the request?"

Ye Tang said calmly: "If you lose, I want you to top your Weibo for a week and admit that you are inferior to me, how about it?"

Ye Jiang's face was a little delicate when he heard this.

She felt that Ye Tang had finally exposed her true colors and wanted to see her jokes on the whole network.

But Ye Tang didn't want to think about it, she Ye Jiang had worked hard to manage all this, and after so many years of painstaking efforts, the group pet Bai Yueguang who had been operating in front of everyone, was that Ye Tang able to destroy it overnight?

Ye Jiang thought for a while: "Sister...... Ye Tang, I can promise you, but what if you lose?"

Ye Jiang's sister finally stopped in his mouth.

She could have called Sister Ye Tang before, but now, Ye Tang and the Ye family no longer have any relationship.

Even if the eldest brother and the fifth brother have a bad attitude towards her now, she is still the final winner after losing her two elder brothers.

Ye Tang said: "Then you can dispose of it."

Ye Jiang's words changed and said with a smile: "Since that's the case, what if I want you to quit the entertainment industry?"

As soon as Ye Jiang's words landed, Daisy gasped.

Sure enough, this woman looks harmless to humans and animals, but in fact she is very poisonous, and she wants Ye Tang to quit the variety show when she opens her mouth.

For a while, the sisters' sharpness was raised to the extreme in front of the camera.

Ye Tang looked at the woman in front of her, an expression that seemed to be smiling but not smiling appeared on her face, this was the first time she felt Ye Jiang's aggression towards her in public.

However, Ye Tang did not feel the slightest uneasiness. Those eyes seemed to be able to see through Ye Jiang.

Zheng Yi, who had been half-dead, finally came to her senses.

Last time she was at the Charity Association, Ye Tang could be said to have stepped on her face to the ground.

This time, it was just right to avenge her.

Who let Ye Tang die, but provoked Ye Jiang so much in front of the camera.

As for Ye Ting, he guessed that Ye Jiang wanted to win back a game on the variety show.

Just now he wanted to discuss it with Ye Tang, but she just refused to listen to him, now it's okay

, it's going to be too much trouble to end, right? Thinking of Ye Tang's cold face just now, Ye Ting was both angry and aggrieved in his heart. Why every time he comes to the door, Ye Tang throws her a cold face and a stinky face, which makes him seem to be very cheap, and he always likes to come to the door to find abuse, which is too aggrieved.

Even he himself couldn't tell why he had such mixed feelings.

Before participating in this broken variety show, he was clearly not like this

!] [, excited, it is said that the Ye family eats melons until now, and it is the first time for us netizens and the audience to see the two of them in public, right?

] [I have never looked forward to such a chess game so much, the next will definitely be very exciting, let's start quickly

!] [Netizens in front, me too!] It was as if I was there, and even a little excited. Everyone

wants to know if Ye Tang can win Ye Jiang.

Seeing that Ye Tang didn't speak, Ye Jiang laughed again, and said in a joking tone: "What? Is my request a little too much for you?"

"No." Ye Tang said, "I can promise you."

She was just thinking that she was such a big threat to Ye Jiang in this variety show.

Then next, she will definitely continue to be Ye Jiang's biggest threat on variety shows.

"Good. "

Without further ado, the two of them sat down, and the chess game was set up.

[Great, I'm a chess fan of Ye Jiang, and I can see Ye Jiang's clever chess game again

] [Looking forward to someone being slapped in the face, and then quitting the variety show in a gloomy way]

Ye Jiang fell first, with a calm look on his face.

But Ye Tang on the other side did not lose in the aura at all.

For a while, the people present and the netizens on the screen were a little unable to judge the outcome of winning or losing for a while.

Ye Mingqi and Ye Liunian were also watching the show, and every time they saw Ye Tang's footage, they couldn't help frowning.

They obviously called Ye Ting, but obviously, it didn't work.

Ye Liunian asked Ye Mingqi to call Ye Tang in person, but he himself was unwilling to talk to Ye Tang because he hated Ye Tang.

Then he, the third brother, definitely doesn't want to deal with this annoying sister.

He has to think about it, how to let this sister know through other methods that no matter how good and good she is in the variety show, the two of them still won't like this sister?

Ye Ting pursed his lips when he saw the text messages sent to him by the third and fourth children, and his face was still not good-looking.

The three and fourth of these two brothers are cold-blooded, and they only know how to point and point there, why don't they go on it in person?

I don't know why, Ye Ting suddenly wants to talk to Ye Mubai or his eldest brother now.

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