This reversal news really made the eyes of netizens widen.

No one expected that after all this, Ye Tang could still slap his face.

[Didn't some netizens ask the owner of the fish pond to stand up and speak? The owner of the fish pond has now stood up, but you are saying hahahahahaha......

] [You sit down first, let me

say] [No, no, no, our fish pond owner is still selling fish in the market poofhahaha]

[No wonder the program team didn't communicate with the fish pond owner in advance, what else is there to say about fishing your own fish] [

That Ye Jiang, you caught a fish in someone's Yetang fish pond, can you return it according to the price, otherwise it will seem that you are ignorant]

At this time, netizens don't know how much damage they have.

[Hahahahaha, I'm really convinced, dare they have been shouting for

Ye Tang to apologize, but the result is to let Ye Tang apologize to himself? [I really apologize to myself, this netizen is indeed a talent

] [I don't dare to make up novels and movies like this, the fish pond is contracted by Ye Tang, and the clown turned out to be the netizen himself] [

Speaking of that court, do you know Ye Tang, how dare he say on Weibo that he knows the owner of the fish pond, and also said that people have a good personality, do you see when my sister Tang has a good personality (not)

] [The owner of the fish pond, Ye Tang, carrying a thirty-meter knife: You look into my eyes and say it again?]

For a while, everyone was talking about it, holding melons and eating them.

At this time, Gao Xue helped Mrs. Ye into the living room.

"Third child, it's not good!"

"What's wrong?"

Ye Mingqi originally wanted to go to the nightclub to enjoy it, but he didn't expect his mother and grandmother to come over in a hurry, as if something big had happened.

However, he was still a little unimpressed.

"The third child!" Mrs

. Ye was old, and she was walking too quickly, and her breath was a little uneven all of a sudden.

"Third child, look at the Internet, the fish pond you broke out before is now reversed. It turned out that the fish pond was actually contracted by Ye Yatou herself, and now you are being pitted!"


Ye Mingqi heard his grandmother say this, and his face changed suddenly.

He could never have imagined that there would be such a thing.

Ye Tang is actually the owner of the fish pond who contracted the fish pond.

His brow furrowed all of a sudden.

"Grandma, are you sure?" Ye

Mingqi's heart naturally didn't believe it.

Where did she get the money, and where did she get the ability?"

Gao Xue said something on the side, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

The daughter she looks down on has always made her look the other way lately.

Even if she always comforts herself, the daughter of a wealthy family she personally raised will definitely not be inferior to Ye Tang.

Unexpectedly, she not only appeared on a variety show, but also made everyone praise her.

Now, the fish pond in the village has also been contracted.

Ye Mingqi thought that it was his mother and grandmother who got some exact news, but he didn't expect that it was actually a message sent by a marketing account on the Internet, and there was no evidence at all.

His heart also relaxed all of a sudden.

"It is estimated that someone on Ye Tang's side is doing public relations and deliberately buying the marketing account to say that on the Internet. I'll just say, how can she be the owner of a fish pond, she doesn't have this ability. However, the person who did public relations for her behind her was also clever, and actually let the marketing account spread this kind of specious news. As soon as this kind of news comes out, whether it is true or not, as long as it spreads on the whole network, everyone will subconsciously believe that it is true, and who will really care about whether it is true or false?"

"But it's a pity that they have to go against me. Well, I'm not going to stop there.

Chao Ci didn't expect that the Weibo he had just posted on the front foot had such an unexpected reversal on the back foot.

The comment area that originally supported him has now changed its direction, and they are all asking him if he knows Ye Tang.

At this time, the court is still hard-mouthed.

Chao Ci V: I sent a few words on a marketing account, and you think it's true? If Ye Tang is the owner of the fish pond in this village, I will eat live broadcast.

Ye Tang's fans all ran to his comment area and commented on the words "sitting and waiting to eat".

Now, fans don't believe that Chaoci really knows Ye Tang.

As for the others, after reacting, they also began to argue in the comment area of Hongu Entertainment.

"This fish pond was contracted by Ye Tang? Why don't I believe it, she can still be rich?"

"That's it, I don't believe it, who would believe such an inferior marketing method." "

Hahahaha, Ye Tang is the owner of the fish pond, so I also contracted the whole village." I really dare to release such absurd news.

"I have the ability to come up with evidence, otherwise I wouldn't believe it." "

For a while, there was a lot of noise on the Internet.

Many people don't believe that Ye Tang is the owner of the fish pond.

At the market, Ye Tang had already sold out of fish.

With her superb skill, the fish quickly sold out, and Daisy adored them beyond measure.

When he finished work, Ye Tang also knew about the Internet.

Public opinion is quite big, and the director also hopes that everyone will work together to find a way to calm down public opinion.

When Village Chief Li saw Weibo and Internet news, he was also surprised: "Which bastard is this? No way, this is definitely not from our Huaxi Village." "

The reason why Village Chief Li is so sure is because the people of Huaxi Village watched Ye Tang grow up, and this fish pond was privately contracted by Ye Tang, and the villagers were allowed to fish, which is something that everyone knows.

This netizen whose ID is named Chaoci obviously can't be from Huaxi Village, and he doesn't know anything about such basic affairs as Huaxi Village.

Ye Tang looked at the Weibo of this netizen whose ID was Chaoci, and his expression was always very calm.

"Of course, this person is not from our Huaxi Village, but I am sure that this person should be from the Ye family. "

To be precise, it should be Ye Mingqi's person.

"It doesn't matter, he wants to make trouble, I'll accompany him. And I can even give him a big gift. "

The reason why Ye Tang is on this variety show is also to squeeze the Ye family, the Ye family has made so many scandals recently, and they have long been overwhelmed.

On top of that, she now has a great need to use public opinion.

Now that she is on a variety show, more people know her, which is good for her.

Ye Tang immediately went to Weibo and posted a Weibo.

Ye Tang V: The person who contracted the fish pond in Huaxi Village was indeed me.

The village chief also got on the local travel account and reposted Ye Tang's Weibo with a big V.

Huaxi Town Tourism V: Hello everyone, I am the village chief of Huaxi Village, and I and the villagers can prove it. This fish pond was indeed privately contracted by Ye Tang. Not only that, Ye Tang also built roads and public toilets for us in Huaxi Village. I don't know why someone would smear Ye Tang on the Internet, but in the face of this kind of reversal of right and wrong, people with bad intentions, we will not tolerate it!

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