The village chief's Weibo is obviously full of personal emotions, and even a little indignant.

The words he posted on Weibo are like a big mouth, eager to hit those who spread rumors in the face every minute.

His words were already very clear, the fish pond belonged to Ye Tang himself, and even the road in the village was repaired at Ye Tang's expense. Moreover, it was someone who deliberately made trouble behind his back, and he himself was very shameful about other attempts.

As for who the person behind it is, netizens can probably guess it.

The reason why Ye Tang is transparent as an eighteen-line and can still be blackened by the whole network is because of the Ye family and Ye Jiang.

"I can see that the village chief is absolutely restrained in speaking on the platform. If it weren't for the fact that this number was a blue V, or a tourism promotion number in the town, the village chief's words would definitely have a very high mother's content.

"Ye Tang actually built roads for the village, don't you feel moved? Such a righteous person is still being smeared by rumors, these people are beasts, right?"

"Check and kill the prophet @Bengong Entertainment, portal @ Chaoci @ Orange Express, now the head of Huaxi Village has stood up and spoken in person, and now the pressure is on you two, please continue to speak."

"666 Sister Tang is so handsome! "

The first time I watched Sister Tang's face-slapping scene, the family was a little nervous!" "

Ye Tang is not very old, he contracted such a large fish pond in Huaxi Village, I look at me again, at the same age, I seem to have come to the world to make up the numbers."

"Upstairs, I'm the same.

"Same, my mother must not see this news. "

No one thought that Ye Tang not only contracted the fish pond in the village, but also built roads and public places for the village.

It's really jaw-dropping to dig up these things.

It turned out that Ye Tang had made so many big moves without their knowledge.

If you want to get rich, build roads first, obviously everyone knows, but Ye Tang was the first to think of funding to build roads for the village.

Compared to the fact that they are still arguing about who the fish pond is, they should be ashamed.

In addition to the village chief explaining the situation to Ye Tang on Weibo, after Guan Qian and the others learned about it, they also stood up on Weibo without hesitation, forwarded Ye Tang and the village chief's Weibo, and spoke for Ye Tang.

Guan Qian V: When I didn't know Ye Tang, I also knew her from gossip. But after this time together, I finally understood that you should never know someone from someone else's mouth. I saw Tang Tang, she was smart, brave, strong, and fearless. Dare to ask when a person has been hacked by the whole network, who can be as strong as Tang Tang? She could have hyped up the matter of building roads for the village, but she didn't, but instead has been doing so many things that are beneficial to society in obscurity, but now she is being caught by people chasing after the wind and shadows to smear Tang Tang, don't you feel cold? Tang Tang

, I will definitely support you!

After netizens refreshed their Weibo, they were also shocked to see Guan Qian's Weibo.

Oh my God, the three golden queens all stood up to speak for Ye Tang, and Ye Tang is too face-saving.

Ye Tang's fans also responded to Guan Qian in the comment area.

"Woo woo, thank you Guan Ying for speaking for Tang Tang, and for speaking the hearts of all our fans.

"After Guan Ying, she is not afraid of power and speaks fairly, and we Tang fans also support you."

"Our fans are also cold, a certain eldest lady relies on capital to bully people.

Guan Qian came out to speak, and her fans naturally praised Tang fans in the comment area, and they will be a family in the circle in the future.

Daisy V: Support me Tang Tang, who dares to bully Tang Tang in the future, who I bully, hum (¬〈̫̿¬☆).

When fans saw Daisy's Weibo, they couldn't cry or laugh.

"Daisy baby, you still bully others, if others don't bully you, forget it, what to do, isn't it possible that you still spit out milk to scare others?"

"Daisy's daughter

, you protect Ye Tang, we protect you!" "Daisy flies bravely, Daisy will always be with you!"

Liu Haoxuan V: No matter what, Sister Tang has recognized me as a brother, and her business will be my business in the future, I Liu Haoxuan said, report my name when I go out!

As soon as Liu Haoxuan's Weibo came out, fans also lost money in the back.

"Don't go, Brother Haoxuan, it's okay not to report your name, if you report your name, the other party will probably beat you harder. Do you know how many stars in the entertainment industry have been offended because of your mouth233~

" "Don't be ashamed, are you Tangtang's brother?

"I checked Baidu Encyclopedia, in fact, Tang Tang's real age is younger than Brother Hao Xuan, but let's Brother Hao Xuan is a little shameless, and he actually calls Tang Tang sister, which is very shameless." The

Weibo of these three guests was posted one after another, and everyone's eyes couldn't see it.

Netizens can see that Ye Tang's scene is not ordinary, and the three big stars are all standing up for her on Weibo and speaking for her.

For a while, Weibo parachuted three hot searches, all talking about this.

Even the official Weibo of the Culture and Tourism Bureau also expressed support for Ye Tang, who built roads for the village.

Ye Mingqi was so angry when he saw the estimate, he never thought that his bad idea not only did not divert the public's attention, but made Ye Tang's name go out of the circle again.

Ye Tang saw Daisy and they all spoke up for themselves on Weibo, and he thanked them privately.

Daisy said, "Well, no thanks, we're all friends, if you really don't want to go, or let's grill fish tonight." I haven't eaten grilled fish yet, so what do you eat in your fish pond, why is it so sweet, and there is no fishy smell. It's not like what we buy in the bazaar, it's not tender at all from your fish pond. It

can be seen that Daisy is really eyeing the fish in Yetang's pond.

Ye Tang agreed: "Okay." Tonight we grilled fish to eat. The fish in our Huaxi Village are all grown up eating grass, of course, which is different from the fish sold in your city.

Village Chief Li also said on the side: "No, the fish that eat grass is sweet." The fish sold in your city are for feed. "

Daisy: Strange knowledge, it seems to have increased.

On Weibo, Chao Ci is still posting some smoky Weibo.

Seeing that he couldn't spread rumors about the fish pond, he began to continue to spread rumors about Ye Tang's private life.

After Ye Tang saw it, he immediately posted a Weibo, deliberately aiterating this speech.

Ye Tang V: In my memory, there should be no acquaintance of your peers. Neither I nor Village Chief Li know you, so don't pretend to be an acquaintance on Weibo. If you are really from Huaxi Village, you should know who contracted the fish pond, and it is open to the villagers. You said you know me, do you have a picture of me?

Now, the face of this court's speech has been completely exposed.

Cut, I thought it was really some acquaintance, and I wanted to break the news about other people's black material.

Who knows, it's just a dead liar!

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