Now, the netizens who were still waiting for the reversal just now will not continue to wait and see.

"Dead liar, he also said that he was Ye Tang's acquaintance. "

That is, if you have the ability to take out a photo of Ye Tang, we will believe you."

"I'm afraid it's not that the Ye family has a grudge against Ye Tang because of the previous termination of the contract, so they retaliate against others."

"It is very likely that Ye Tang did not say on Weibo before that it has been handed over to the law. Moreover, do you still say that the Ye family squeezed her or something? It is estimated that they made a very unpleasant quarrel because Ye Tang left the company, and they didn't get a dime in the tens of millions of breach of contract fees, so they must want to do Ye Tang behind their backs. Hey, this company is too dark, Ye Tang is too pitiful, they have all left this kind of peeling company, and they are still stuck to the other party like a dog skin plaster.

"Didn't Mrs. Ye say last time that she didn't want Ye Tang's liquidated damages?"

"Cut, you believe this, I don't believe it." Mrs. Ye pretended to say that she didn't want to pay liquidated damages for her adopted daughter, and on the back foot, she let people do public opinion that was not good for Ye Tang on the Internet, and that Ye Liushao also stepped in and took the lead in isolating Ye Tang before the show started. Their grandparents and grandchildren jumped up and down like this on the Internet, as if they didn't want liquidated damages? It was more like they had a quarrel with Ye Tang, and they couldn't get liquidated damages, so they looked angry and embarrassed. It's ridiculous!

""What I said upstairs is reasonable, it seems that artists should be cautious when choosing a company, if they are not careful, they will encounter this kind of sinkhole, and be careful to directly bear tens of millions of breach of contract fees!" "

I believe that the law is fair, didn't Ye Tang say that the contract is going through the legal process? I will squat in advance first, and hope that Ye Tang will come out to beat Starlight Entertainment when the time comes

!" "I look forward to it too!"

Put a butt, if Ye Tang comes out to beat Starlight Entertainment at that time, thank you for me by the way~"

The court resignation that was still trying to muddy the water just now can't jump up now, and even quietly deleted the previous Weibo.

At this time, it confirmed the fact that he was pretending to be Ye Tang's acquaintance, and he was so weak that he deleted Weibo.

Netizens who were deceived by them before also came to apologize to Ye Tang and deleted the previous questioning Weibo.

"Ye Tang I'm sorry, we were deceived by them just now, so we would question you so much. "

I'm sorry, we won't be following the trend again next time. For

these passers-by, Ye Tang naturally has nothing to blame.

The information on the Internet is too cluttered and cluttered, and it is normal for many people to be misled by the misinformation in it.

In this world, there are still brains.

As for this court, Ye Tang didn't bother to deal with him, and handed it over directly to Bo Chiyan.

People like this are sued one by one.

Those who spread rumors and have more than 300 likes are legally responsible.

Let him apologize and lose money, and he will know that he is suffering.

Ye Family Villa

"The third child, something big happened." Mrs

. Ye has been asking people to stare at public opinion on the Internet, but she didn't expect the trend of public opinion to be even worse than she expected.

"Look at the hot search, Ye Tang's public opinion has been completely reversed. Moreover, they are now speculating that it is our Ye family who is doing it, and the current network situation is very unfavorable to our Ye family and Jiang Jiang. "

Isn't it?

Ye Tang is an eighteen-line small transparent, and whoever he can conflict with in the entertainment industry will have entanglements with the Ye family.

Netizens can guess with their toes that the mastermind behind it is the Ye family.

Ye Mingqi saw the trend of public opinion on the Internet, and his face turned black all of a sudden.

He also thought that the news that the owner of the fish pond was Ye Tang was released by the people behind Ye Tang to confuse public opinion.

Who knows, it's all true.

Ye Mingqi gritted his teeth with hatred: "Which fool told me that he knew who the owner of the fish pond in Huaxi Village was, and told me that the owner of the fish pond was weak and easy to bully?"

Who knew what people said, but he didn't expect that the owner of the fish pond was actually his own sister, which was really unexpected by him.

He wants to know that the owner of the fish pond is Ye Tang, will he put this kind of news behind his back?"

Mrs. Ye furrowed her brows, "I'm worried about a problem right now." Will Ye Tang fight back against us? Before you went home, we and Ye Tang's public opinion had already made trouble on the Internet several times, although it was all harmless, but now you deliberately targeted her so much on the Internet, and tried in vain to smear her with the fish pond owner's affairs.

"With the character of the Tang girl who is now retributive, I'm afraid she won't give up easily.

In Mrs. Ye's heart, a trace of worry appeared.

"Actually, I don't want Bright Media to praise her, and I'm afraid that this girl will end up completely out of the control of our Ye family. I don't know when it started, Tang girl has completely changed. She has too many secrets tied to our Ye family, and if her influence in public opinion in the entertainment industry increases day by day, it will be a threat to us.

"If she says something to the outside world, such as Jiang Jiang's life experience, the consequences will be very serious.

Gao Xue was on the side, and she was also excited: "Yes, she can't tell Jiang Jiang's life experience to the outside world." "

Not only is it the life experience, including the previous deviant behavior of Ye Jiang and Gu Chen, it will also be a heavy blow to Ye Jiang's reputation.

Ye Jiang's perfect character must not collapse!

Mrs. Ye is a shrewd and spicy person in the end, and she now doubts whether she has fallen into Ye Tang's trap.

This girl now chooses to go on a variety show, and at such a fast speed, with her brilliant variety show performance, she has won the applause of many passers-by.

If this continues, Ye Tang's fame in the entertainment industry may surpass Ye Jiang one day.

Once Ye Tang controls the traffic and public opinion, it will definitely be a threat to the Ye family.

The current Ye Tang is no longer the well-behaved and sensible granddaughter she was at the beginning.

In case she wants to use public opinion against them, it is not impossible.

Mrs. Ye now regrets a little that she shouldn't have let Ye Jiang participate in this variety show.

didn't get any benefits, and paved the way for Ye Tang in vain.

Now, it may have brought disaster upon them.

But Ye Mingqi didn't care at all, and he didn't take his grandmother's words to heart.

"I'm not targeting her this time, and I'm not trying to discredit her. It's just that her previous performance in variety shows always suppressed Jiang Jiang, and there were things in Go that made me very unhappy, so I would use the fish pond incident to try to teach Ye Tang a lesson. She should not continue to be involved in the entertainment industry, nor should she continue to dominate Huixing. She is in the Ye family, and I can ensure that she will not have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of her life.

"She should understand these truths.

"As for Jiang Jiang's life experience, I believe she won't talk nonsense.

He said this with confidence, he felt that he had done nothing wrong, and even felt that he could ensure that Ye Tang would not have to worry about food and clothing, which was already the greatest kindness to her.

Now that Ye Limo is decadent, it seems that he, the third brother, is not wrong to take on the entire family.

Ye Mingqi's only mistake was to misestimate his current status in Ye Tang's heart.

and, the status of the Ye family in her heart.

These people and things are all worthless in Ye Tang's heart.

Mrs. Ye didn't say anything more when she heard Ye Mingqi say this, she just hoped that her sixth sense was wrong, and hoped that Ye Yatou would not be so crazy, and at least pay a little attention to her third brother, that is, Mingqi.

I have to say that Mrs. Ye's hunch was right.

In Ye Tang's heart, a big storm is indeed brewing.

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