So far, this can only be arranged.

Ye Jiang rubbed Gu Chen's invitation card and went to Ye Tang's wedding together, so it can be regarded as a respect, and others will not say it so ugly.

Perhaps, they will think that they are elders, and they really hate Ye Tang, so they deliberately refused to attend this daughter's engagement banquet.

It was Ye Jiang's kindness that he was willing to give face to this sister.

Thinking about it like this, Mrs. Ye's mood didn't seem to be as depressed as she was just now.

Even if Ye Tang personally came to beg them to attend, she would have to put on a good score for a while.

"This Tang girl, don't be too presumptuous!" Mrs. Ye said with a look of hatred, "She is a daughter who has been disconnected from the family, and there is no such big event as the engagement banquet for us, the elders of the family, I want to see how the people in the upper circle of Yuncheng will laugh at her! A lonely and helpless girl, without the support of our mother's family, how can she gain a foothold in the Bo family." Does she think that she can sit back and relax by marrying a Bo family? I will be blunt, even if the Bo family is not as good as an old and wealthy family like the Gu family, a rich family like theirs will definitely not be easy to go anywhere! She really thinks that one person can carry it? Don't think that if she doesn't send an invitation to our Ye family, it will be us who will be uncomfortable. In fact, it was she who suffered a big loss.

In the end, Mrs. Ye also had a look of certainty on her face.

"Wait, even her future mother-in-law will look down on her when the time comes. When the time comes, Tang Yatou will know how much she regrets this decision.

Gao Xue nodded beside her: "Mom, what you said is true." It's

a pity that Mrs. Ye had just finished saying a big word with her front foot, and she was slapped in the face with her back foot.

The news of Ye Tang's engagement has been on the hot search, no one laughed at Ye Tang's engagement banquet that there was no mother's family, but they were all laughing at Ye Tang for coming from the Ye family, but I didn't expect the Ye family to even receive an invitation to the engagement banquet, isn't this a joke?

People who watch the excitement will only laugh at the Ye family, obviously they can be good in-laws with the Bo family and climb a high branch, but now it's okay, they have made such a fierce quarrel with Ye Tang, and they smeared the black family on the Internet, so that now Ye Tang is not even willing to give the Ye family an invitation.

There are even people in the same circle who specially called to see the jokes.

Mrs. Ye has a strong personality, and she has offended many people in life and work.

No, Mrs. Liu, who lives next door, has already curiously launched a follow-up over there: "Chairman Ye, you really haven't received the invitation to the engagement banquet of the Bo family?"

Mrs. Ye had a dark face: "I didn't receive anything, it's just that I don't want to go." Besides, we Jiang Jiang will go to the engagement banquet tomorrow. Thanks to our Jiang Jiang's kindness and good people, he actually offered to attend the engagement banquet, otherwise I was afraid that Ye Tang's girl would be embarrassed if she didn't see her mother's family attending. When

Mrs. Liu heard Mrs. Ye say these words, she didn't believe it at all, knowing that Mrs. Ye was covering up her ugliness.

She interrupted with a smile over there: "Chairman Ye, you didn't fool me." The big guys already know that Ye Tang and your Ye family are having a lot of trouble, isn't it? So, she doesn't even want to see your Ye family at her engagement banquet, and this matter has already been spread all over the circle. However, the girl was very good, and she sent me an invitation, which I saw at twelve o'clock in the morning. Oh, it's hard for Tang girl to still think about me, an old woman, there have been no social activities recently, just right, I'm going to take my granddaughter to see a lively scene, increase knowledge, and taste food. I heard that this Bo's wedding banquet was extremely extravagant and luxurious, and the dishes were also rare and delicious, it seems that she attaches great importance to Tang girl, and she really found a good man.

"By the way, my granddaughter went online just now, but don't take the words of netizens too seriously. When

Mrs. Ye heard this, she was shocked, and she didn't want to listen to the old woman's noise anymore, so she hung up the phone directly.

She asked her old girlfriends again, and sure enough, everyone laughed at her for not receiving an invitation to Bo's engagement party.

Mrs. Ye was about to be angry with Ye Tang, and her shrewd old eyes were dyed with anger: "She, she actually sent an engagement invitation to the old woman surnamed Liu, that's my sworn enemy." At the beginning, she also robbed me of a man, and she almost succeeded by her! Ye Tang, didn't she deliberately want to slap me in the face

?"I'm angry with her! I'm angry with her!

Ye Hao's tone was already irritable, and the anger that had been accumulating in his heart for a long time finally broke out at this time: "Okay, Mom, what's the point of saying this? Or think about what to do now?" It's not that

I'm talking about you, if you weren't so strong, and you always pulled Jiang Jiang to compare with Tang girl, her relationship with the Ye family wouldn't be so bad!" "I don't understand, why are you so competitive, do you have to compete with Jiang Jiang and her? I know you haven't liked Ye Tang all along, you don't like her, okay, just don't care about her? Okay now, the Ye family is a complete joke in the eyes of others, and I don't dare to go out now." "

I'm afraid that when others look at him, they will show that strange and scrupulous eyes.

Mrs. Ye didn't expect her son to accuse her at this time, and her old face pulled: "What are you talking about now?" Didn't we all say it at the beginning, let Tang girl set off Jiang Jiang and pave the way for Jiang Jiang, who knew that Ye Tang was so capable now, and Jiang Jiang fell into disadvantage several times. "

Speaking of which, that is, everyone has a wrong prediction about Ye Tang.

Later, Ye Tang's various performances all indicate that Ye Tang is no longer what it used to be, and he is no longer the quiet and gloomy girl who was sent by others.

Everyone in the Ye family quarreled so much because of Ye Tang's incident that they were red-faced and blamed each other.

Ye Jiang saw that there was a miasma in the house, and his heart was also very blocked, so he chose to be quiet and not speak on the side, so as not to be contaminated with the smell of gunpowder on their bodies and be used as an object to vent his emotions.

Her recent performance has lost to Ye Tang, but fortunately, grandma is still on her side.

"Okay!" In the end, Mrs. Ye made the final decision, "Since everyone is laughing at our Ye family now, then now, I will personally go to Ye Tang to ask for an invitation to the engagement banquet, even if I show this old face, I won't let these people laugh at us!"

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