The old lady said so, and Ye Hao didn't speak, which was a tacit acquiescence.

Ye Mubai said lightly: "Tang Tang is afraid that he will not agree to you."

Mrs. Ye raised her voice and completely left the matter of severing the relationship behind: "No matter what you say, I am her grandmother! As long as I go to her, she will definitely agree."

"Okay, then you can go.

Ye Mubai made a gesture of please, too lazy to say anything more.

Mrs. Ye then walked out of the living room with dignity and asked the driver to prepare a car for her.

The follow-up was that Mrs. Ye couldn't even enter the door of Bo's house, and Ye Tang's phone couldn't get in.

Mrs. Ye, who was known as the iron wall when she was young, hit her head and bled in front of a little girl for the first time.

As for Ye Mingqi's mood, it is no longer as beautiful as before.

He sat on the side with a gloomy face, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ye Hao is also the same as Ye Mingqi, he can only put on a stinky face.

As for Ye Mubai, he is completely too lazy to get involved in the affairs of the Ye family now, unless he blocks the Ye family.

So, he went out early to see the suits of the three of them.

Tomorrow my sister will get married, and these brothers have really never fulfilled any responsibilities.

The guilt in their hearts can't be filled up for a lifetime.

But at least, they can still witness Tang Tang's happiest moment and watch her find the right person.

Those gifts are the blessings of those of them who are brothers to her, and they are also a kind of compensation, and they are a little duty as brothers.

When the word duty appeared in his mind, the corners of Ye Mubai's eyes were a little moist.

They have never fulfilled any of their brotherly duties.

Ye Mubai walked out of the Ye family's villa, and suddenly saw that on the garden lawn, the two elder brothers were playing with their younger sisters.

The younger sister accidentally tripped over the leash of the Pomeranian, fell, sat on the ground and cried, the older brother picked up the younger sister and coaxed carefully, and the younger brother went to lead the dog.

The younger sister was finally coaxed, rubbed her eyes, and said something in her brother's arms in a milky voice, and the little boy's frowning brows finally became calm.

Suddenly, my sister saw a handsome big brother with a strange expression and a very uncomfortable look.

"Big brother, why are you crying?"

"Big brother is fine. Ye Mubai's voice was hoarse, "Big brother just lost a very important thing." In

the end, I was so choked up that I couldn't say a word.

The three children all looked at each other and thought that this big brother was very strange.

The little girl wondered, "Big brother can't be found again?"


If you knew this was the case, why bother in the first place.


In the past few days that the Bo family has been away from the Bo family, the Bo family

has been decorating the house.

By the time she returned, the villa was already festive.

Grandma Bo and the maids have already taken care of everything up and down, and have prepared all the dowries.

Because Ye Tang has severed relations with the Ye family, the bride price, dowry, and red envelope given by the Bo family are all for Ye Tang.

The Bo family marries a wife, naturally it is generous, not to mention that Grandma Bo also released her words early, and the things given to her granddaughter-in-law, no matter what they are, must be purchased according to the best specifications, as if they held her in the palm of their hands, and the servants of the Bo family also knew that the Bo family attached great importance to this Miss Ye Tang, and they also had a respectful heart for this young grandmother who had not yet entered the door.

Ye Tang was glad that he had severed his relationship with the Ye family earlier, otherwise the sky-high bride price, red envelopes, and those dowry gifts would not have to be taken away by the Ye family, with Mrs. Ye's greed, it is not impossible, and there is a high probability that she will not be left with a dime.

If all this money and good things are fed to the Ye family, then Ye Tang will not be able to die.

Grandma Bo sat on the sofa, looking at the girl in front of her with a smile, looking ashamed to get married, which reminded her of how young she was when she got married decades ago.

Today, they are all old.

These young people can be regarded as taking over their class.

"How is it, Tang Tang, are you still satisfied with these?" Old Madam Bo took Ye Tang's hand and said to her, "I have counted all the things in this list, and there are a lot of them." If you still have anything you want, just tell grandma. My Bo family marries a daughter-in-law, and I must not wronged a girl, not to mention, you are still a treasure in the palm of grandma's hand, and I can't let you suffer a little loss!"

Ye Tang hurriedly said: "Grandma, I am very satisfied. Thank you for always treating me like a granddaughter. There is also Bo Chiyan, although he is not good at words, he is also very good to me, and everything falls into action. She

had already read this list, and the things in it were all dowry gifts for her, which was really precious.

Three media and six hires, every detail has been implemented into the rules, and it is really not a loss to the Beijing circle.

Old Madam Bo smiled: "As long as you are happy, grandma is willing to do anything."

"By the way, Tang Tang, I used to tell you about Chi Yan's mother, that is, my daughter-in-law. Her plane this afternoon is estimated to be there in a while, and I asked the driver to pick her up. Soon, you'll be able to meet your future mother-in-law. Don't worry, she's very nice, I've been listening to you before, and I like you very much. By the way, she also likes the cello, so you can both talk to each other when the time comes. "

Bo Chiyan's mother, Ye Tang has also heard a lot from Grandma Bo before.

Bo Chiyan's mother is a very successful woman in her career, her family background is also first-class in Kyoto, and she is also a gentle and generous woman in character.

When Ye Tang heard that his future mother-in-law actually liked the cello, he felt that he had found a like-minded person: "That's too coincidental."

"But isn't it?" said Mrs. Bo again, "Tangtang, you also know that our Bo family was originally such a prominent family, if it weren't for Chi Yan's father being blinded by lard and doing those despicable things, which made the situation in the family so complicated, his grandfather and I would not have been carried over and brought to the big when Chi Yan was still a baby in swaddling clothes." Although Chi Yan's career in Yuncheng is booming, sooner or later he will have to return to the Beijing circle and preside over the great cause of the Bo family. Grandma told you this, but also let you have a bottom in your heart.

Ye Tang smiled: "Grandma, don't worry." The

two sat and drank tea for a while, and in less than half an hour, Mrs. Bo came in a hurry.

Bo Chiyan walked behind, and his pace seemed a little leisurely.

To Ye Tang's surprise, her future mother-in-law looked very young and beautiful like a fairy.

"You're Tang Tang, right?"

Xiao Qing's eyes lit up when she saw Ye Tang. It turns out that this is her good daughter-in-law, who is so beautiful and tender.

Ye Tang shouted directly: "Mom." "

Huh. My daughter-in-law is so well-behaved.

Xiao Qing's eyes were bent into crescent moons, and she directly gave Ye Tang a hug.

"I've wanted to come and see my daughter-in-law for a long time, but I'm too busy with work, and I've been busy with a project recently, so I've been delayed until today. Ouch, I finally saw the daughter-in-law I thought about day and night, I almost thought that Chi Yan had that temperament, and he was going to beat a bachelor completely in this life. Even if he finds a man, I will let go and agree!" Ye

Tang heard Xiao Qing's complaint, and almost couldn't help laughing.

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