In the next exclamation, a Budi Veyron with a license plate number of eight eight appeared in front of the public.

This license plate number, this limited edition model, is enough to see how expensive the other party's identity is.

Gu Chen got out of the car in a smoky gray suit and put his hand into the car.

The slender and delicate jade hand was placed in Gu Chen's palm, Ye Jiang got out of the car, delicate makeup, milky white skin, hair made into delicate wool rolls, bumpy figure, pure and hot, very eye-catching in the crowd.

As soon as they saw the top female stars coming, the cameras in the hands of the reporters clicked and clicked, which was very dense.

The top female star and the object of the scandal were combined on the spot again, which naturally caused countless scandals and gossip.

In the last variety show, Gu Chen and Ye Jiang have been recognized by the audience as the sweetest couple.

Ye Jiang has become Xi to having her in the place, which is the focus.

Especially her dress today, it is even more beautiful, seeing the gazes of all kinds of people, appreciation, jealousy, desire, admiration, Ye Jiang finally found the sense of superiority before.

She knew that it was right for her to dress up like this today, who would refuse to be beautiful and murderous?

As for Ye Tang, don't blame her.

Gu Chen looked at her as if he was fascinated by her, and he didn't move, revealing his infatuation with her, and he couldn't wait to eat her in one bite.

"Thank you, Brother Chen. "


Zheng Yi also got out of the car, looking at the love and sweetness of the person in front of him, and also blinked narrowly.

The three of them went in, and a waiter came with wine and champagne.

Zheng Yi asked for a glass of wine, and when he saw the luxurious decoration in the hotel, he couldn't help but sigh: "This Bo family does look very rich, it is low-key and luxurious and rich in connotation, and it follows up the palace, it is magnificent, and it really deserves to be a capitalist."

When Gu Chen heard this, he felt a little uncomfortable.

As soon as he came in, his eyes were subconsciously looking for Ye Tang.

Equally uncomfortable, there is also leaf ginger.

Although he and Gu Chen both felt that the Bo family was a nouveau riche, the Bo family was rich and really rich, which showed the abundance of capital. And the one who has all this is Bo Chiyan, the young and promising Mr. Bo.

"Oh, isn't this the little granddaughter of the Ye family, Ye Jiang?" As

soon as Mrs. Liu came in with her granddaughter, she saw Ye Jiang.

Seeing the elders, Ye Jiang greeted with a smile: "Grandma Liu, you are here too." Old

Madam Liu looked at Ye Jiang's elaborate dress and dress, how could she not know what this little granddaughter of the Ye family was thinking in her heart, she was dressed like walking on the red carpet at someone else's wedding, it was too arrogant!

Which lady in the main room could be accustomed to seeing

this kind of goods? Like this kind of person, regardless of the occasion, who seduces men to suppress women with their hue, Old Madam Liu is disdainful.

Ye Tang, this girl, I don't know if she has been unlucky for eight lifetimes to be sisters with this kind of person.

Old Madam Liu raised her eyebrows: "Miss Tang's lifelong event, since you invited me, then I will definitely come." It's you, how did I hear that your Ye family didn't receive an invitation at all, so are you considered uninvited?"

Ye Jiang's face froze, she really couldn't open any pot.

Or did she do it on purpose?

Gu Chen helped to solve the siege on the side: "Jiang Jiang came with me as my female companion."

Old Madam Liu sighed, and said: "How do I remember that Gu Shao and Tang Yatou used to be the object of marriage, and some people said that the relationship between you was a little unclear before, and now you bring her to appear on such an occasion, isn't it a little inappropriate? Did you bring Ye Jiang over and tell your mother? The next time your mother wants to ask me, I don't know how to answer her. "

My granddaughter told her today that Ye Tang once publicly beat Ye Jiang and Gu Chen on the Internet and had an ambiguous relationship.

However, no one believed it.

Now looking at the way they hooked up, there is a high probability that it is true.

Gu Chen frowned: "No, Jiang Jiang and I were innocent before this." Old lady, please don't tell my mother that I brought Jiang Jiang over today. He

and Ye Jiang's gossip is not unheard of.

The reason why he and Ye Jiang did not make it public was also because of this factor, for fear that Ye Jiang's reputation would be ruined.

"Really?" Of

course, Old Madam Liu didn't believe it, and she couldn't help but shake her head when she thought of the bitterness that Mrs. Gu had complained to her before.

It seems that this Gu family kid really plunged into it.

This conversation made Ye Jiang hold his breath.

Finally, seeing that Old Madam Liu left, Zheng Yi was still upset about Ye Jiang, and said angrily: "What kind of person, what's the matter with her? At such an old age, what kind of score do you put in front of us?" Brother Gu Chen, you see how they bullied Jiang Jiang!" Seeing that Zheng Yi was so angry, Ye Jiang only said lightly: "Okay, maybe, Old Madam Liu didn't

mean it." She is also an elder, and of course we have to respect her. Ye

Jiang is so sensible, Gu Chen's face is also much better.

Zheng Yi started the next topic and pouted: "This Ye Tang is really a big score, we have been here for a while, but we didn't even see half of her figure." In

fact, she couldn't wait to see Bo Chiyan.

Since the last time she said goodbye at the charity meeting, she had taken a fancy to this man.

Her eyes have always been very picky, and it is difficult for ordinary men to enter her eyes, but she has taken a fancy to Bo Chiyan at a glance.

Such an excellent man should belong to her.

Ye Jiang smiled: "Maybe put on makeup and change clothes inside, let's wait a little longer."

Gu Chen didn't say anything, but his eyes looked over there, obviously waiting for Ye Tang to come out.

Ye Jiang saw that Gu Chen's attention had been distracted, he seemed to still care about Ye Tang's behavior, and the smile on the corner of his mouth had disappeared a lot, replaced by dissatisfaction.

I didn't expect them to be together, but Gu Chen seemed to have half of his heart on Ye Tang.

But what she Ye Jiang wants is exclusivity, not a certain part of love.

A minute ago, Ye Jiang had already seen Ye Limo, Ye Mubai, and Ye Huai'an.

They all came, except for Ye Huai'an who glanced in her direction, the others didn't look at her at all, and after giving the gift, they took a glass of red wine and sat down in the back position, and they didn't care about her.

It's obviously a family, but it seems so rusty and indifferent.

When Zheng

Yi heard this, she couldn't help but laugh out loud and said, "No matter how much effort she spends on dressing up today, she can't compare to our Jiang Jiang, okay? Hey, Ye Tang is also pitiful, in terms of beauty, he can't compare to our Jiang Jiang, and now he can't be favored by Mr. Bo, even if he can get engaged to Mr. Bo now, the future life will not be much better!"

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