There were a lot of people at the banquet today, and the celebrities in Cloud City were basically present, and what surprised them was that there were many famous people in the Beijing circle at the scene.

It is indeed a bit surprising that such a person appeared at Bo's engagement banquet.

Even if an old wealthy family is engaged, he has never seen so many big names, which can be regarded as an eye-opener.

Some celebrities and nobles have begun to whisper, chatting about the gossip between Bo and Ye Tang, guessing what this means.

At this time, Zheng Yi's voice talking about Ye Tang was a little loud, which attracted the attention of the people next to him.

Oh my God, Mr. Bo actually doesn't like Ye Tang at all?

This big melon is too surprising.

"Miss Zheng.

Mrs. Ho wore a ferret on her shoulder, and walked over gracefully, along with several other celebrities.

Zheng Yi knew Mrs. He, and she also responded enthusiastically: "Mrs. He."

Mrs. He inquired curiously: "Miss Zheng, you just said that Mr. Bo doesn't like Ye Tang at all, and the reason why he married Ye Tang is because Ye Tang used some means behind his back, right?"

Zheng Yi didn't expect Mrs. He to come over to gossip, thinking that her voice just now also attracted Mrs. He and others.

Ye Jiang saw that so many people came to watch at once, but he didn't stop it, but he indulged Zheng Yi and other nobles and celebrities gossiping a little, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly again.

On the contrary, it was Gu Chen who pulled Zheng Yi's sleeve and motioned her not to say anything.

How many people will be provoked to watch Ye Tang's jokes if she wantonly spreads these things at

Ye Tang's engagement banquet like this? But Zheng Yi ignored Gu Chen at all, and continued to speak loudly in front of this group of people, spreading the rumor that Bo Chiyan didn't like Ye Tang at all, and that Ye Tang was going to the engagement banquet because of Ye Tang's


"Nobody, except me, doesn't know anything about it. She used scheming and means to get acquainted with Mr. Bo through some channels, and now she is using marriage to tie people up, but unfortunately, Mr. Bo doesn't like her at all and doesn't love her. Hmph, in my opinion, even if Ye Tang really marries, his life will not be too good, let's wait to see the joke.

Mrs. He covered her mouth and smiled: "I really didn't expect that there would be such a thing." I said, why did the Bo family suddenly announce this marriage, Mr. Bo has never had a woman by his side, and he has always been clean and self-conscious, why did a Ye Tang suddenly appear. This

Mrs. He is also discussing this matter out of gossip.

"I also said, did this young lady who had severed ties with the Ye family really turn over......?"

"Yes, that's it."

Zheng Yi saw a group of people catering to her like this, and her psychology suddenly swelled.

"Who said it wasn't, it's not Ye Tang who is

there alone, forcing a smile......" Zheng Yi was still talking boastfully over there, and suddenly heard a female voice say coldly: "Who are you talking about? My son and daughter-in-law are not affectionate? My daughter-in-law is smiling there alone? Heh, you have deceived the master's territory! I think you are so bold!"

Before Zheng Yi could react, a slap suddenly fell on her face, and the force was not small.

Zheng Yi screamed, and the surrounding chatter stopped instantly, and there was an eerie silence.

Everyone looked at the person who came, and the other party's words were also instilled in everyone's ears.



could it be that this person is Mr. Bo's biological mother?

This reversal shocked everyone.

Zheng Yi opened her eyes and saw a woman dressed as a very noble lady, stepping on high heels, looking at her condescendingly, her eyes were full of scrutiny and disdain.

The slap she received was made by the bodyguard next to the woman.

No wonder, she bared her teeth in pain, and the corners of her mouth and face were a little frighteningly swollen.

Zheng Yi was angry, but the corners of her swollen mouth were still bleeding, and she couldn't even speak clearly: "You...... Who are you?"

"Someone, where are the security guards, where are they all dead?Someone here is maliciously hurting people, quickly beat her out!"

"The security guard did come over, Zheng Yi's eyes lit up, and she wanted to continue to accuse this woman, but she was controlled by the security guard, Zheng Yi was suppressed by a backhand, her face was a little confused, and she didn't know what the situation was.

Ye Jiang and Gu Chen didn't know what was going on, and when they saw Zheng Yi being beaten, they were shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Zheng Yi.

"Let go of her, she's a guest here.

It's a pity that the security guard didn't mean to let go at all, and let Zheng Yi scream there.

Ye Jiang looked at the noble lady and suppressed the faint uneasiness in his heart.

Judging from the dress of this person, the identity should be quite precious.

It's just that she has never seen such a noble lady in Cloud City before.

She asked, "Who are you, why do you indulge the bodyguards to beat my friend?"

Xiao Qing stared at him, looked Ye Jiang up and down, and suddenly sneered: "How did you care about your friend? Let her bewitch and spread rumors here? Or are you two just all the way, jealous of other people's lives and happier than you, so you deliberately spread rumors and make trouble in front of the public, and say all kinds of slanderous things about others?"

"As for who I am, I am Bo Chiyan's own mother and Ye Tang's mother-in-law. I will go to the door of the Ye family and the Zheng family and ask them how they raised their daughters? How could you raise such a long-tongued woman who loves to chew the root of her tongue and throw her face at the door of my Bo family

!" "I beat your friend, I haven't beaten you yet!"

Xiao Qing is a woman with a successful career in the end, and the sense of oppression and aura emanating from her should not be underestimated.

The sound shook their ears deafeningly.

Ye Jiang bit his lip and couldn't say a word.

However, Xiao Qing did not let her go.

"You're Ye Jiang, right?" Xiao Qing sneered, "I know that you are here to attend someone else's engagement banquet?" I don't know, I thought you were out to please the benefactor." Look at what you're wearing, today is someone else's wedding, is it appropriate for you to dress up so fancy? There is really no sense of dignified and generous, this is how your Ye family raised their daughters?"

"Or is it that your Ye family will teach you the techniques of those foxy men, and you can even do without the three views? What is the treasure of Cloud City, the people who selected this should also be brainwashed!" Xiao

Qing's accusation against Ye Jiang was unceremoniously.

When everyone heard Xiao Qing's words, their attention was on Ye Jiang's skirt and dress.

When she appeared just now, everyone only thought it was beautiful, but now after being reminded by Mrs. Bo, they found out that Ye Jiang was actually dressed up so dazzlingly at someone else's wedding, and her makeup was also carefully dressed, obviously she was here to compete for beauty, this is not appropriate, right?

Like the lady of the main room in their cloud city, she is most unaccustomed to this kind of bewitching and foxy woman regardless of the occasion.

Suddenly, a look of disgust appeared on his face.

How can a wealthy lady be like a prostitute?

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