Gu Chen didn't expect things to turn out like this, he saw that Ye Jiang was humiliated again, he stretched out his hand to lead her over, and when he looked at Ye Tang, his eyes were very complicated.

Now she is beautiful and charming, but it also makes him incomprehensible and strange.

"Ye Tang, why do you say so ugly

?" Ye Tang replied coldly in his voice: "What? Gu Dashao, do you think that if others provoke me, I should not fight back, scold me back, and then stand here and not fight back, and let others humiliate?"

"I think Ye Jiang is going to brainwash himself, so you should also go brainwash by the way!"

When Xiao Qing heard that her daughter-in-law had learned to put her swearing words into practice, she couldn't help laughing.

yes, let's go brainwash.

Gu Chen met the other party's cold and sharp eyes, and was stunned for a while.

As soon as Yu Yun saw that her best friend was sniped by Gu Chen, she immediately walked over violently: "Yes, why can't you fight back? The water in your brain, why don't you wash your brain by the way?"

Yu Yun is still wearing professional women's clothes today, with a bit of workplace aura.

"That's not what I meant......

" Gu Chen thought for a while, and then said, "

Jiang Jiang, she just mentioned it casually, and told Yuan Lao that you were sisters in the past." How can you say that you feel bad luck after hearing these words?"

Ye Tang rolled his eyes, and then said meaningfully: "Everyone knows how bad and bad my relationship with the Ye family is. We've already torn our faces and made a lot of trouble on the Internet, why don't you think I'm happy to hear about the Ye family? It's funny. "

So Gu Chen, it's actually a tumor on your neck, right?"

Gu Chen: "......" Yu Yun: "I'm really convinced, who doesn't know the Ye family's little now, don't you think it's glorious to mention this kind of thing alone?"

Wang Lu and Saili put down their wine glasses, and also faced Gu Chen's

yin and yang weirdness on the side,

defending Ye Tang.

Wang Lu squinted at Ye Jiang: "Where is the glory, the relationship has been severed, as long as it is a person, he is unwilling to mention this kind of thing." Ye Jiang also deliberately mentioned these things outside, it must be ill-intentioned.

Saili also smiled and said: "Gu Dashao, you and Ye Jiang are still quite compatible, obviously they are the ones who provoked them first, and they blame others for not speaking well, and now they are reversing right and wrong, and making trouble unreasonably in other people's territory." But Gu Dashao, the people on the scene are not stupid, there is a mirror in their hearts, you have to continue to stand up for your ex-girlfriend here, don't tear off the last fig leaf in the end. "

The people in the circle are all human spirits, and they can't be swayed by Gu Chen's mouth.

The people at the scene could see that Gu Chen and Ye Jiang were not reasonable, and they had to criticize Ye Tang, it was indeed time to brainwash.

Yuan Lao also knew the ins and outs of the conversations of several people.

He originally had a good impression of that little girl, but he didn't expect that she was a lot of eyes.

The president of the Cello Music Association can't let this kind of person be.

Mrs. He also spoke: "Gu Shao, Miss Ye is indeed doing something wrong, and you are a little too confused about right and wrong." Although Miss Ye is your ex-girlfriend, it is natural for you to defend her, but other people's fiancées are not the object of your anger. "

Mrs. He has found out, this Gu Dashao is too protective of Ye Jiang, right? And he is not reasonable at all, and he criticizes other people's future Mrs

. Bo, why is he? Could it be that when he was Ye Tang's fiancé before, he was so blind and brainless to defend Ye Jiang?

Then it is no wonder that Ye Tang directly broke off the relationship with him and married into the Bo family instead.

Mrs. He suddenly felt as if she had discovered a new gossip!

The other ladies and ladies present also suddenly felt that Ye Jiang was very hateful. Obviously, he did something wrong, he didn't take advantage of it, and he confused Gu Chen so much that he didn't distinguish between right and wrong, so he stood on her side, once he was substituted for Ye Tang, he was really angry.

Gu Chen's eyes glanced at him coldly, and Yu Yun's eyes widened.

What's the big deal?

Bo Chiyan looked at Gu Chen and said indifferently: "Gu Chen, don't think that you will pull the shelf, I will too." Do you think Tang Tang shouldn't say things so ugly, you should let your female companion take care of her mouth, my fiancée can't stand the slightest grievance, as long as what she says makes Tang Tang uncomfortable, no matter what she says, whether you think it is reasonable or not, in my place, it is not allowed. "

He left his words here, he is eccentric Ye Tang.

"Because what's reasonable is mine, not you.

"Since she has already said something that makes Tang Tang uncomfortable, she has to bear the consequences.

Gu Chen's face turned red in an instant, and he was completely speechless.

He really couldn't imagine why a little Bo dared to scold him as an heir.

But in someone else's territory, with so many people watching, he can't pull it off.

Mrs. He saw that Bo Chiyan actually defended Ye Tang so much, and she could also see how high Ye Tang's status was in this man's heart.

It seems that Ye Tang is indeed going to turn over.

Ye Tang's girlfriend group all felt that Mr. Bo, who stood up to defend his wife at this time, was really handsome.

Yu Yun saw that Bo Chiyan had said this, and continued to help: "That's it, Gu Chen, it's great to pull the bias, I really don't know what qualifications you have to accuse Tang Tang here, you will say yes with your mouth alone, right?"

Bo Chiyan called the security guard and said to Gu Chen: "It seems that Gu Shao and Miss Ye should not want to continue to stay at my engagement banquet, then, I can only ask the security guard to invite you back." After I go back, remember to tell Mr. and Mrs. Gu that if they make trouble on my territory in the future, no one is welcome to set foot in my place. The

security guard came over and said to the two of them with an apologetic face, "You two, please go this way, don't embarrass us." Hearing

the other party's eviction order, the green tendons on Gu Chen's forehead also jumped a few times.

He had never suffered such humiliation in his life.

"Jiang Jiang, let's go.

Gu Chen pulled Ye Jiang and took one last look at Ye Tang, his eyes were complicated.

However, Ye Tang didn't give him half a look or afterglow.

It was Ye Jiang who said sorry to Ye Tang at the end, not that he really wanted to apologize, but that he wanted to redeem the last bit of impression that might be good in front of Yuan Lao.

The next engagement banquet was held in a romantic and warm environment.

This day is the happiest and happiest day for Bo Chiyan and Ye Tang.

Friends gather for a meal, with beautiful violin music as the background, accompanied by everyone's casual dance, full of joy.

Ye Tang and Bo Chiyan held their wine glasses, and drank together for the people who came to celebrate them.

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