After the engagement banquet ended, Ye Tang asked his friends to send them home.

It was Yuan Lao who deliberately stayed and chatted with her for a while, and Mayor Zhang was also on the side.

Everyone else dispersed, and Bo Chiyan knew that they had something to say, leaving space and time to them.

Ye Tang was very relieved when he saw the back of Bo Chiyan leaving.

He always seemed to know what she really wanted and needed in her heart, and he did it for her silently.

Yuan Lao had already learned about Ye Tang's life in Cloud City in the past few years from Mayor Zhang, looked at the girl's face, and sighed: "Tang girl, I really didn't expect that your child would be so miserable." I remember five years ago, you came to the lab and said you had found your biological parents. At that time, you were only a teenager, and it was the time to crave family, parents, and family warmth. I thought you would get the kind of love you want from your birth parents. But I never thought they would do this to you.

"I knew that you might as well come and be my daughter-in-law. Whoever dares to touch my daughter, I want his life!"

Yuan Lao was ruthless, but he could really do it.

Although Ye Tang did not recognize Yuan Lao as his father, they seem to have always gotten along with each other as a father and daughter.

Speaking of which, the reason why Ye Tang and Yuan Lao knew each other was also because of Mayor Zhang's recommendation, when she was still in Kyoto University, because of her academic and research fields, she was very close to Yuan Lao.

Mayor Zhang also said: "Tangtang, this child, can be said to have grown up with me since I was a child. Since she was in elementary school, she has been skipping grades, and her classmates around her can't learn her, even teachers can't teach her, and she just jumped all the way to college.

"This girl has a great IQ and a strong memory, and I have always believed that she is a genius who is rare in a hundred years, and she is also a genius. So from the moment I saw Tang Tang, I decided to sponsor her to go to school and fund everything for her. Her life shouldn't be like this, she shouldn't follow her adoptive mother to pick up waste, she can't even go to school, and she lives a life that doesn't belong to her at all. "

The result is the same, Tang Tang never disappoints.

A smile appeared on Mayor Zhang's elegant face.

Ye Tang, this girl, is talented, she shouldn't be mediocre, it would be a waste.

On the contrary, it was Ye Jiang who took advantage of Ye Tang's life experience to ascend to the sky in one step.

Perhaps, God is fair, giving Tang Tang a smart brain, but it made her lose the affection of her original family. It is difficult to judge the gains and losses in this life.

"I believe that Tang Tang is fully capable of living a life that he wants to live. Mayor

Zhang's last few words can be regarded as comforting Ye Tang, a little girl longs for family warmth, father's love and mother's love, it is normal, not to mention Ye Tang's life experience, which is already in the stage of lack of family affection, it is easier to be exploited.

Fortunately, this girl finally woke up and broke away from the Ye family.

Yuan Lao looked at Ye Tang's eyes, and he became more pity: "Lao Zhang, you are right.

"Over the years, you and I have worked hard to cultivate Tang Tang into a high-quality genius, but we can't give her corresponding comfort in the emotional world. This girl has suffered now, and I, an old man, can't bear it when I hear it. She shines again and is invincible in the realm we see. But in the relationship, she is a simple and unsophisticated appearance after all, so she can be easily hurt in the Ye family.

Mayor Zhang sighed when he saw Yuan Lao, and couldn't help laughing: "Yuan Lao, I think you are too worried now." Although you and I can't teach Tang Tang in feelings and human feelings, there is one person who can. Yuan

Lao: "Who?"

Mayor Zhang smiled: "Bo Chi Yan." Ever

since he knew that Ye Tang was going to marry him, he had been secretly observing this prospective son-in-law.

Tang girl, can be regarded as half of his daughter, right?

Fortunately, he is the same as rumored, his character and ability are very good, and he is also the heir of the top wealthy family in the Beijing circle.

If there is such a good son-in-law, the old man is afraid that he will wake up laughing if he is not dreaming.

"Oh?" In

Yuan Lao's mind, the figure of Bo Chiyan appeared, and he seemed to understand something, and his face was full of smiles again.

"Well, this kid Bo Chiyan is also a big kid I've seen since I was a child, since he was a child, he has been calmer than ordinary people, has a good character, and has outstanding ability, which is suitable for Tang girl. Tang girl married Bo Chiyan, I am still very relieved.

Mayor Zhang smiled again: "Bo Chiyan is big for you, Ye Tang is big for me, are we also married to a good family of sons and daughters?" "

Then the two of us in-laws can't have a good drink? Tonight, let's not get drunk."

"Okay, don't go back to Kyoto tonight, I'll call my sister-in-law."

After speaking, Mayor Zhang and Yuan Lao looked at each other and smiled.

Speaking of which, Mayor Zhang also met Ye Tang by chance, and when he saw her amazing memory and Xi learning ability, he took her to test her IQ.

Later, he found Yang Xiaomei and decided to let Ye Tang embark on a path destined to be extraordinary.

Although Yang Xiaomei has never been to school, she also knows that if a child wants to be successful, he must go to school and learn Xi knowledge.

She handed Ye Tang over to him, knowing that he was the mayor and grateful for his funding.

Thinking of these things now, Mayor Zhang still has some emotion.

Ye Tang also said: "Let's sleep at Bo's house tonight, and let Bo Chiyan, the son-in-law, get to know you again."

Mayor Zhang smiled and said, "That must be."

After chatting about family life, Yuan Lao said one more thing: "Lao Zhang, I still have something to worry about." Tang Tang is too young now, she is already in the key, and she has a lot of other secrets hidden on her body, so I am afraid that I will provoke some dirty things, which will be bad for Tang Tang. "

The world thinks that Ye Tang has not studied, but in fact, Ye Tang has already graduated from Kyoto University.

She even studied abroad in the name of Kyoto University and obtained a foreign degree certificate.

Ye Tang greatly reduced the time to study Xi, and when others were still studying hard in the cold window, she already had all her degree certificates, which was too eye-catching.

When she really appeared in front of everyone, she was just an ordinary adopted daughter of the Ye family.

Mayor Zhang nodded, indicating that he understood what Yuan Lao meant: "Don't worry, I've thought about it a long time ago." Tang Tang's edge is too strong, and it's okay to come behind the scenes, but we have to do enough superficial work to not let people with bad intentions target Tang Tang.

"Everything, it's going to take its time.

Yuan Lao nodded, and reached an agreement with Mayor Zhang on what he wanted in his heart.

As for how to take it slowly, I'll talk about it later.

Ye Tang knew that they were trying to protect themselves by all means, and agreed with their arrangement.

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