After they finished speaking, after a while, Bo Chiyan came in.

"Mayor Zhang, Old Yuan.

Ye Tang: "Chi Yan, the mayor and Yuan Lao may stay at our house tonight."

Bo Chiyan nodded: "I have arranged everything, and I am welcome at any time."

Yuan Lao smiled: "Chi Yan, I haven't played chess with you for a long time, are you interested in the next game?"

The corners of Bo Chi Yan's mouth hooked slightly: "Yuan Lao has this Yaxing, I will definitely accompany him to the end."

Ye Tang listened to the conversation between the two and knew that Bo Chiyan could also play chess.

However, she never seemed to have heard Bo Chiyan talk about it.

"Chi Yan, it turns out that you can also play Go?" Bo

Chi Yan looked down at Ye Tang's curious gaze, with deep meaning in his eyes: "I always will." I haven't had time to tell you yet, though. I watched the game of chess you played with Ye Jiang last time, and it was very outstanding.

Ye Tang looked at him and couldn't help but smile again: "It seems that I should know more about you." I didn't even know that you could play chess.

Yuan Lao said on the side: "You don't know, he started playing against people when he was ten years old, I was lucky to win at the beginning, but I couldn't win later, and I had to rely on him to let the old man and me live."

Ye Tang listened, looked at Bo Chiyan, and there was a smile in his eyes.

There are many things that she didn't have time to understand in her previous life.

But now, it's different.

They will have a lot of time in the future.

Bo Chiyan suddenly asked her: "Why do

you like Go?" Ye Tang thought for a while and said: "I like the feeling of abusing vegetables, does it count?"

That feeling of surrounding and slowly abusing people, and not leaving a way for the other party to live, is really cool."

Bo Chiyan nodded, indicating that he understood.

The last time she played against Ye Jiang, she did have this feeling of abusing vegetables.

The two looked at each other and smiled, with a clear heart and a tacit understanding.

When Ye Tang walked through the banquet hall, he saw Ye Limo and Ye Mubai.

Bo Chiyan's eyes looked over, and his brows furrowed slightly.

He looked at Ye Tang, as if asking for advice.

He knew that she didn't want to see anyone from the Ye family, however, he also respected any ideas he had.

The two Ye Limo brothers seem to have something to say to her.

Ye Tang didn't open his mouth to expel them, but was thinking.

"Tang Tang.

Ye Mubai was the first to open his mouth and said in a low voice: "We are not here to pester you, we have something to find you."

The corners of

Ye Tang's eyes hooked slightly, and asked Bo Chiyan to leave with the mayor and Yuan Lao first.

Bo Chiyan didn't say anything, let the bodyguards follow him in the dark, and then left with Mayor Zhang and Yuan Lao.

After no one was around, Ye Tang said coldly: "Say, what's the matter."

"Tang Tang, the first thing is that we have to tell you that I'm sorry.

Ye Limo's voice sounded extremely heavy, and there was a painful hoarseness: "Mu Bai and I have collected evidence of Ye Jiang and Gu Chen's cheating, although it is not much, but through our efforts, it has also achieved a lot of results."

"One day, we will uncover Ye Jiang's ugliness in front of everyone.

After speaking, Ye Limo smiled bitterly: "I know that you don't bother to prove your so-called innocence at all, and you don't care to have anything to do with the Ye family." However, Lao Wu and I still want to do our best to do something for you at the end. "

It should be, atonement for sins.

Ye Mubai clenched his fists and said, "There are other things that have misunderstood you, we will also find out one by one, and we will not let her have a good time." "

They came today just to tell her about it, to reassure her, and nothing else.

Moreover, these things do not need her to do it, they will.

Ye Tang was really surprised, she didn't expect that the two brothers would even find out about Ye Jiang and Gu Chen's previous cheating, and even found a little corresponding evidence.

Tsk, this kind of thing happened to the Ye family brothers, which really made her a little incredible.

The flood washed away the Dragon King Temple, and his own family beat his own family?

Ye Tang was a little ridiculous, seeing them turn against each other like this, he only felt unhappy with retribution.

Ye Limo is right, she really doesn't want to waste her time and energy on this family at all, it's not worth it at all.

However, that doesn't mean she wants them to be better.

Ye Tang looked like a smile: "This is incredible, Ye Da Shao, Ye Wu Shao, you actually have a day when Ye Hui and Ye Jiang turn against each other." Why, Ye Jiang is no longer your treasure?

"I haven't forgotten how you used to hold her. Why are you going to fall into the well now?"

Ye Tang's sarcasm made the two brothers even more unable to raise their heads.

In the past, they were all wrong.

"What you want to do, it has nothing to do with me, you don't have to tell me. Ye Tang said coldly again, "Ye Mubai, you just need to go back and tell that old woman and Ye Mingqi now, their retribution is coming soon." Wait for me.

After speaking, Ye Tang turned around and left.

This sentence is naturally meaningful.

She hadn't forgotten the last time she had done with the fishpond.

Ye Limo looked at the back of Ye Tang leaving, sighed, and finally left with Ye Mu Baiye.

After returning home, Ye Limo naturally transferred all of Ye Tang's words to Mrs. Ye and Ye Mingqi intact.

For a while, Mrs. Ye and Ye Mingqi's faces were difficult to see the extreme.

Mrs. Ye felt that her ominous premonition last time seemed to have come true. As for Ye Mingqi, his face was even more ugly, because Ye Tang's words were clearly giving him a sway.

Ye Tang is now going to give his brother a horse.

Mrs. Ye said hatefully: "It must be because of the fish pond, this girl has a grudge." The third child, it's not me talking about you, you didn't even figure out the matter and made trouble on the Internet, now it's okay, not only did we take advantage of it, but we also made a fuss.

"You see, this girl is still speaking harshly to us, what do you say?

Ye Mingqi Ye was very irritable: "Grandma, are you blaming me now?" Didn't you also support me at the beginning?"

"Don't blame you for blaming whom?" Ye Limo's eyes stabbed at him sharply, and said, "I heard that after the second child saw the hot search, he went to look for you in person, and told you not to do such a stupid thing." If you insist on doing your own thing, of course, you should bear the consequences of the evil caused now. "

As for Zeng Xiulan, she also deserves it.

Ye Mingqi sneered: "Then you may have to blame grandma."

Ye Limo: "I said I don't blame you, you clean up your own mess, I'm too lazy to take care of it." Mrs

. Ye was stunned by her two grandsons, and she almost didn't catch her breath.

"Boss, how can you ignore it?"

Ye Limo sneered: "Grandma, don't forget, it was you who personally removed my position in Starlight.

After speaking, Ye Limo walked away, leaving only Ye Mingqi and Old Lady Ye with ugly faces.


After Bo Xiao left the engagement banquet, he planned to go to sea on his own yacht for a ride.

But as soon as he went out of the door, he met Ye Jiang and almost startled him.

After recognizing the person clearly, Bo Xiao patted his chest.

", you are insane, you appear in front of me like a ghost, are you sick?"

Ye Jiang originally planned to appear in front of Bo Xiao with the best image, but when Bo Xiao saw her, instead of being courteous and flattering before, he showed a look of disgust, as if he had seen a ghost.

Ye Jiang's little face suddenly stiffened.

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