She didn't understand, Bo Xiao admired her very much before, and was her most loyal fan, different from the kind of eyes that are obsessed with lust and just want to get the other party into bed, Bo Xiao looks at her, and it is a feeling of admiration for the goddess.

This feeling is what she wants, giving people a sense of superiority.

But now, why did Bo Xiao look at her with such disgust

?"Bo Xiao, what's wrong with you? Did I scare you just now?" I'm sorry, I was careless just now. "

Ye Jiang didn't know that the relationship between Bo Chiyan and Bo Xiao was actually a brother.

"It's good that you know. Bo Xiao looked at her vigilantly, "What are you looking for me for? No, what do you want to do at my door? Could it be that you deliberately squatted at my door?, what do you want to do to me, this woman?"

Ye Jiang: "...... I don't mean anything else to you, I just want to ask you, why haven't I seen you come to my fan event recently?"

Bo Xiao is her biggest fan, and he is bold and arrogant.

Rich fans like this will also be maintained by celebrities in private.

Recently, she has been a little unhappy in the entertainment industry, although she has barely retained her position at the top, but only she knows that losing the title of Starlight First Sister has made her situation a lot more difficult, unlike before, everything can be easily obtained.

Bo Xiao listened to her words and looked her up and down, with an incredible expression on his face.

"Are you pretending to be confused, or are you pretending to be confused? Have you seen my sister-in-law? Ye Tangzhen, it's no one else. Do you think that I, Bo Xiao, will be biased towards an outsider rather than defending my family

?" "Ye Jiang, your head was also affected by Gu Chen?"

After speaking, Bo Xiao rolled his eyes.

He was really convinced, how could Ye Jiang, who had always been smart, ask him such a question.

He is not the ungrateful Gu Chen, let alone the wolf-hearted Ye family, he can't do this kind of thing towards his adopted daughter.

Ye Jiang's voice sighed a little: "Bo Xiao, are you also affected by those Internet public opinions? Me and Ye Tang are not what you imagined, there was a misunderstanding between her and her brothers." There were also parents and grandmothers, but no one expected that things would come to this point. Ye

Jiang has always been very artistic when he speaks, otherwise, Gu Chen and the Ye family would not have been deceived by her.

Although Bo Xiao has a simple brain, he is not indistinguishable from wrong.

"Don't tell me about your fallacies. Now my sister-in-law and I are on the same team. Bo Xiao said, "You also know, I am a salted fish waste of the Bo family, the Bo family is my brother presiding, and Ye Tang is my brother's favorite person, my sister-in-law." So I can't be so wolf-hearted, for a woman like you, to block my brother and sister-in-law. Where did you come from, hurry up and go back, and we won't see each other again in the future, it's weird.

Ye Jiang choked, he didn't expect Bo Xiao to treat her so coldly.

And when he said this, he seemed to be sarcastic.

Could it be that he knew everything?

Without waiting for Ye Jiang to say anything, Bo Xiao fled and left.

It was as if there was a ghost chasing her from behind.

Ye Jiang: "......"

She looked at the back of Bo Xiao leaving, and her originally beautiful and soft eyes changed all of a sudden, becoming incomprehensible.

Ye Tang just walked behind her and called out with a smile: "Ye Jiang, you haven't left yet?"

Ye Jiang turned his head abruptly and saw Ye Tang's face.

"Ye Tang.

Ye Jiang smiled: "Oh, or, I should call you Mrs. Bo." Congratulations, you finally found a good man to marry, and besides, the family is so rich. In the future, your life will not be as hard as before, right?"

Ye Tang looked at the beautiful face in front of him, a woman who could be called a stunner, and his expression became more intriguing: "I didn't expect it, my honorable Miss Ye Jiang, you would have such a day." From the top of the clouds, falling in the mud, this kind of taste, should be unforgettable. "

Abandoned by her own brother, and even the other party had to dig up the scandal of her cheating.

Bo Xiao, who was worshiped as a goddess, was disgusted and didn't even want to look at her more.

Ye Jiang looked at Ye Tang's approach, and the curvature of the smile on the corner of his mouth did not disappear, but even declined.

"Mrs. Bo, you still don't know me well. Ye Jiang said, "As a person, it is always difficult for me to lose easily." There

was also a confident look on her face.

Falling in the mud? non-existent.

Ye Tang nodded: "Oh, too." Miss Ye Jiang is a beautiful woman in the sky, and she is arrogant, and I still know something about this. "

There is no-for-tat in the conversation between the two.

However, they all seem to know the suggestive messages from each other.

Ye Jiang tilted his head, and suddenly said: "Mrs. Bo, do you really want to see me embarrassed, depressed, lose everything and fall to the bottom? I thought that you didn't seem to be keen on revenge, although I didn't think you could get any revenge."

"So, what do you want?"

Ye Tang listened to her innocent tone, and still smiled calmly: "Don't say it, seeing you embarrassed, depressed, losing everything and falling to the bottom, I don't need to do it myself, but you already seem to have such a sign."

Only the incompetent will need to spend their whole life wasting their time, energy, and money to get revenge, just to see you, or your pain. That way, it's not worth it at all. And I, Ye Tang, just need to shine and build my own brilliant life, standing on the clouds that you envy the most, and seeing you all in pain, down, and embarrassment, it is enough. Wouldn't it be cooler in this way?"

This sentence finally made the smile on Ye Jiang's face disappear.

She didn't expect that Ye Tang would actually think so.

After Ye Tang woke up, he didn't fight with her anymore, his brother, parents, grandmother, and even Gu Chen, and finally even left this family, fulfilling her wish to be the only daughter of the Ye family.

Ye Jiang thought that she couldn't compete with herself and chose to quit.

can't even take revenge on her and the Ye family.

But she never expected that Ye Tang just regarded their embarrassment and pain as the entertainment of life.

wants revenge to occupy her Ye Tang's body and mind, but they are unworthy after all.

Ye Tang saw that Ye Jiang's face had finally changed, and his face was still just plain as water, and then he approached her ear: "Ye Jiang, you wait, wait to see how I shine and live a perfect life."

"And you, and even you, deserve to be in the stinking gutter forever, looking up at me.

"When the time comes, someone will come to judge and punish your sins.

After speaking, Ye Tang turned around and left, leaving Ye Jiang in place, his expression changed again and again.

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