Ye Mingqi suddenly smiled and said coldly: "Ye Tang, is this your revenge on me?"

in retaliation for his ignorance of her over the years, or his dislike for her.

When she said this, did she regret treating him as an older brother?

He seemed to finally understand a little bit why the fifth child, a temperament, would become the way it is now.

The current Ye Tang is simply poisonous.

Ye Mingqi himself hadn't thought that one day, he would ask Ye Tang this sentence. It was as if he was damn bowing to her, how

damn he was! Ye Tang must be very proud in his heart now, right? Because she seems to have succeeded, he unconsciously experienced the same mood as Lao Wu, and tried to confirm something.

How could he be in such a mood? It's ridiculous.

Even if the fifth child would be captured by Ye Tang's little tricks, but he shouldn't, these brothers, they don't know anything at all! Why should they persuade the matter between him and Ye Tang?

The green tendons on the back of Ye Mingqi's hands have rioted a lot.

Wang Lu saw that Ye Tang was at the dinner, and answered the other party's phone, and asked curiously: "Who?"

At the company dinner, although there were only a few people, the atmosphere was still active.

Although Ye Tang is the boss, she is easy-going by nature, and everyone is willing to be close to her.

The barbecue makes a sizzling sound and gives off a delicious and fragrant taste.

Ye Tang replied with a mouth shape: "Ye Mingqi."

As soon as Wang Lu heard that it was the Ye family, she showed disgust.

Ye Tang's tone was leisurely, and he replied slowly: "Ye Mingqi, you and Ye Jiang are really brother and sister who have a good relationship, how can you even say the same thing to me." Ah, shouldn't I praise the fairy brother and sister relationship between you?"

Ye Mingqi listened, his eyes were surprised, and he sneered again: "Ye Tang, it seems that you have really changed. Why?Don't compete with Ye Jiang for favor anymore?Didn't you care about this before?

" Ye Tang replied nonchalantly: "I was not sensible before, but now I have figured it out, what is there to care about a group of garbage." I actually picked up trash in the trash can, and it was amazing just to think about it.

Ye Mingqi: "......"

is such a piece of garbage, it turns out that they are garbage in her eyes now, right

? Could it be because of their partiality towards Jiang Jiang?

However, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

Ye Mingqi's eyes were dark, what was going on in his mind, he didn't speak, and he didn't hang up the phone.

Ye Tang didn't hang up the phone in a hurry, and even sat next to Wang Lu and continued to barbecue.

Ye Mingqi spoke again, his tone was neither salty nor light: "Ye Tang, let's reconcile." The last time about the fish pond, I didn't mean to deliberately smear you on the Internet, it's just that you were too popular in variety shows, which made Jiang Jiang too faceless. I have no choice but to release your scandal, just hoping to cover up Jiang Jiang's negative impact on the Internet. And in the end, don't you have nothing to do

?" "Now that everyone is supporting you on the Internet, aren't you in the limelight?" "

You also know that Jiang Jiang is a top-notch female star that our starlight has cultivated with great difficulty, and it is the hope of Starlight, and it is the hope of the Ye family. Now that the eldest brother is for you, Jiang Jiang's treatment and position in Starlight have dropped a lot. Is it all like this, don't you still feel relieved?"

"Little sister, broken bones are still connected to tendons, we are a family after all. No matter what happened before, I should forget it, and I will not blame the past. I can make up for the fishpond for you.

Ye Mingqi's meaning was obvious, he wanted to make peace.

Everything else, forget it.

Ye Tang asked with the attitude of listening to jokes: "Tell me, how do you want to make up for it?"

Ye Tang knew very well that this brother was the craziest critic among everyone, and he was not quite the same as others.

Ye Mingqi saw that Ye Tang was relieved, and thought that she had agreed, so he hurriedly said: "Now Starlight Entertainment is no longer in the control of the eldest brother, but me and grandma." You are now leaving Bright Media and returning to Starlight. This

sentence was said by Ye Mingqi with full confidence.

Ye Tang chuckled: "Ye Sanshao, are you sure that returning to Starlight is to make up for me, not to punish me?" "

I see, are you really willing to treat others as wronged people?" Ye Mingqi, thanks to your grandmother's blessing, I can actually explode on the whole network with the identity of an eighteen-line small transparent. Now, I'm finally freed from it, and you actually said that I should go back to your black-hearted workshop?

At the same time, look at how there are still such brazen people in this world. I'm looking forward to it.

"By the way, the contract lawsuit between me and you Starlight is going to go to court, right?

Ye Mingqi's face was distorted, he didn't expect Ye Tang to become like this now, completely different from the sister in his memory.

What does she mean by this, as she said on Weibo, really want to unveil the so-called shady contract to the public

? "You dare!" Why

is this sister so insidious now, making a phone call and recording it, how much does this not believe their Ye family

? Besides, isn't that shady contract also agreed and signed by herself?

Ye Tang:" Don't threaten me, incompetent dogs will bark, Ye Mingqi, thank you for the joke you sent me today, it's really funny.

Ye Mingqi gritted his teeth: "Little sister, for you, is it so weightless to speak now?" Starlight treated you badly before, and when you come back, I can tell my grandmother to make up for you." Even if you are in Bright Media, that company is just a small newly opened workshop, relying on its own stinky money, and throwing money crazy. I don't believe that the behind-the-scenes boss of Bright Media can be so rich, and she can continue to smash like this. In the end, it's definitely going to collapse. The

last sentence was said by Ye Mingqi very firmly.

Starting a company and burning money is like running water, and it is not certain that you can't get back to your roots, Ye Mingqi can't see the operation of Bright Media at all, and it must be a rich second generation who has come to the circle to be a big wrongdoer.

"Bright Media has no connections, and second, they haven't accumulated enough resources, and they now have a female star named Wang Lu under their hands, so they don't necessarily spend time and energy to support a good-for-nothing you. Your performance in variety shows is really good, but so what? You still haven't reversed the situation of your whole network being black, aren't you? The entertainment industry is not so easy to mix, you can mix up casually, do you know how many people are eager to shine in the stars every year? I am your brother, I will not harm you, the outside world is not as simple as you think.

Ye Mingqi was on the other end of the phone, persuading Ye Tang bitterly.

Ye Tang: "Well, you're right, but it's almost exactly the same as your grandmother's brainwashing bag." Do you know what the conditions for Bright Media to give me are? The contract is three or seven points, and the company is three or seven points, and promises to spend a lot of money to give me an S+ TV series in the second half of the year, and spend a lot of money? So may I ask you Ye Mingqi, what can you give me? Is it to mercifully let me go back to Starlight Entertainment? You are cold, Ye Mingqi? No money, are you still slapping your swollen face in front of others to make a fat man, painting cakes to satisfy your hunger? Of

course, Ye Tang was deliberately angry with him, the company was hers, and she didn't need to sign any agreement at all.

If Ye Mingqi knew this truth, I'm afraid she would be even more angry, right?

As for whether she burns money or not, anyway, she earns money better than ordinary people, and in the end, the skills on her body are still there, and there is more than one.

Reg invited her to the show, and he had to pay her a lot of money.

Ye Mingqi: "......

damn, it seems that he does seem a little cold.

Why is this damn bright media going against their Ye family everywhere? It's amazing to be rich!

Because of the repeated slaps in the face, Ye Mingqi was so angry that he hung up the phone all of a sudden.

"Hung up?" Ye Tang flattened his mouth and looked innocent, "Oh, it's really careless, I actually didn't say anything."

"Miss, aren't you angry when you say this? Didn't you know from the beginning that what the Ye family cares about most now is Starlight Entertainment?" Wang Lu laughed almost out of breath on the side, "If I were Ye Mingqi, I would probably be so angry that you would have smoked on the top of my head." My eldest lady, I said you have a really good mouth. By the way, did you really record his phone call?"

Ye Tang: "You have to record, they are such shameless people, I will guard against them, they deserve it."

Wang Lu: "Well said, quickly, try my barbecued meat." Ye

Tang tasted it, it was indeed delicious.

Ye Tang: "By the way, Lulu, in the second half of this year, I plan to spend money to make an S+ costume drama, I need you to be the second female, is it okay? This drama is the first project in our company." If you do it well, you will make a lot of money. As

for the script, it was a novel she wrote before, and now it is a popular IP.

Wang Lu smelled something: "Tang Tang, are you going to make a comeback?" Ye Tang nodded: "

I will play the first female in it, as for the second female in it, I need you to play it, which is more in line with the character design." As for the other actors, let's choose them when the time comes.

Wang Lu: "Does it fit the character design?Is there already a script?"

Ye Tang smiled slightly: "That's right, it's a popular novel, it's "Monarchy" I wrote before, and you read it before."

"I'll go !!" Wang Lu was going crazy, "Ye Tang, you put this Wang Bang aside!" This

novel is not only a popular IP, but also has many fanatical readers on the Internet, and she also likes it.

Now the author herself is in charge, she knows the characters and settings in it best, and the casting will definitely be able to choose what the audience is satisfied with.

Wang Lu suddenly wondered: "No, why did you suddenly think of filming Junquan, isn't there a book that is more suitable for making a TV series?

Ye Tang: "Oh, this matter is a long story, because Starlight Entertainment came to me on Weibo and asked me for the copyright of this book, but I didn't give it." Probably after you robbed her of the position of the heroine of an S+ TV series, Starlight Entertainment thought about simply making an S+ TV series by itself and letting Ye Jiang be the heroine, and then took a fancy to my script. Then you think, can I sell her the novel I wrote? It might as well be cost-effective for me to shoot it myself. So, I refused. However, the Ye family is really thick-skinned and invulnerable, and they have been harassing me in the background, hoping that I will think about it again.

"I feel like they're a bit of a compromise. Wang

Lu: "!!"

She really didn't expect that there would be such a play.

"It's normal for them to fall in love with the monarchy, Ye Jiang hopes to transform from the idol drama route, the hostess in the monarchy is a popular hot trend now, and it will definitely become a classic if it is filmed.

Wang Lu suddenly smiled mysteriously: "Then if you make this drama, the Ye family won't be angry?" They would never have imagined that the author of this novel is actually you, and this world is really small."

Ye Tang waved his hand: "That's none of my business." I'm just making a drama that someone else wants to make, what's wrong with me? It's the author's freedom to sell the copyright or not, who let them find it by themselves?"

"My work can only be taken advantage of by me, and no one else can do it." "

High, too clever.

Wang Lu suddenly felt that her boss and best friend were afraid that she was an angry figure for the Ye family.

Who made them so unlucky, but they were on Ye Tang?

This Ye family is so blind, but the vision of reading the script is quite good.

The thought that the company was about to embark on its first big project lifted the spirits of others.

As a new company parachuting into the entertainment industry, their sense of mission seems to be heavier.

"Cheers! I wish our company a successful project in advance!"


Ye Mingqi hung up the phone, his face was extremely ugly.

Subsequently, he called everyone together and told him about the phone call with Ye Tang.

Mrs. Ye's brows were tightened the most.

Gao Xue and Ye Hao's faces are not good-looking.

As for the others, they all have different complexions, especially Ye Ting, who seems to be a little absent-minded all over the place, and it is suspected that it is the sequelae after watching the variety show.

Ye Mingqi looked around and spoke first: "What do you think about what happened recently?"

Ye Mubai and Ye Mubai naturally didn't bother to say anything, as if they were watching a play on the side.

Ye Ting wanted to speak and stopped, and finally didn't say anything.

Ye Mubai glanced at him, but felt that he looked a little strange, as twin brothers, he had never seen Ye Ting and was silent.

Ye Jiang's face showed apology, she stood up and took the lead in saying, "I'm sorry, parents, grandma, brother, I disappointed everyone."

She didn't dare to tell her parents and grandmother that Ye Tang was actually the president of the Cello Music Association, and she was afraid that the fifth child would mention it.

Ye Mingqi: "Jiang Jiang, how can I blame you?"

Mrs. Ye also quickly expressed her position and said dissatisfied, "I don't care what others say, my ginger is always the best."

Gao Xue also nodded and said, "Your grandmother is right, you were raised by your mother herself, and I don't allow you to feel inferior." What can the last time I was in the variety show prove? Ye Tang grew up in the village since he was a child, so he doesn't know those skills.

"But Go, did you lose to her on purpose?".

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