When Gao Xue said this, she still had an expectant expression on her face, and Mrs. Ye was the same.

Let's not mention cello and Go, but she specially invited a master to accompany Ye Jiang and teach one-on-one, just to pave the way for her future life. What makes her very relieved is that her daughter has always been very competitive.

It seems that as long as Ye Jiang says it, she will definitely believe that her daughter must let Ye Tang, she is so kind.

When Ye Mubai and Ye Limo heard their mother say this, they also looked at Ye Jiang for the first time, and their expressions looked a little meaningful.

They wanted to know how Ye Jiang would answer this question.

In the game of Go on variety shows, did she really let Ye Tang go?

Obviously, this is impossible.

Although they don't know much about Ye Tang, the identity of the boss behind Ye Tang's entertainment company, the president of the Cello Music Association, can basically let them judge that Ye Tang must be many times stronger than Ye Jiang, the so-called embroidered pillow.

Ye Limo couldn't figure out how they could have been

blinded by Ye Jiang's embroidered pillow before? Because of a word, weak tears?

Now that I think about it, it's so ridiculous!

Now, my parents and grandmother are still blinded by Ye Jiang and can't see the real pearl.

Ye Jiang's face was silent, and she replied to Gao Xue: "Mom, the matter has passed, why

mention it?" She wanted to say that she deliberately gave it to Ye Tang, but she was afraid that Ye Mubai and Ye Limo would expose her and embarrass her in public.

Gao Xue muttered: "I just think that you can't lose, there must be something hidden." You name it, Mom calls the shots for you.

Mrs. Ye interrupted Gao Xue dissatisfiedly, and said sharply: "What are you talking about? Isn't it obvious? How could the daughter cultivated by our Ye family lose to a child raised by an old lady who picks up waste." Jiang Jiang is generous, he doesn't care about this little thing. Where is it like Ye Tang who doesn't have this ability, and always loves to compete, a competitive girl, and a little thing has to squeeze out us Jiang Jiang. The matter of Go, count her as a fluke.

Gao Xue nodded, and agreed with Mrs. Ye in her heart: "Mom is right.

At this time, Ye Jiang was suddenly a little nervous in his heart, and he didn't even dare to raise his head, looking at Ye Mubai and Ye Limo, afraid of seeing the sneer on their faces, which seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and ushered in Ye Mubai's sarcasm and exposé.

Mrs. Ye and Gao Xue's words fell to the ground, Ye Mubai didn't seem to have the intention of arguing, and Ye Jianggang wanted to breathe a sigh of relief.

Who knew that before the smile on the corner of her mouth could be stretched, she heard Ye Limo's voice: "I don't think it's necessarily what you say."

Ye Jiang didn't expect that it was not Ye Mubai who exposed her this time, but the eldest brother she respected the most before.

In her heart, a touch of panic instantly floated, and she subconsciously bit her lip.

"Mom, grandma, do you know that I went to Tang Tang's wedding today and found something? Tang Tang is actually the president of the Cello Music Association, and Mayor Zhang and Yuan Lao have come to attend her wedding.

As soon as Ye Limo's words landed, except for him and Ye Mubai, everyone else showed shocked expressions on their faces.

Who doesn't know that the daughter of the Ye family is best at the cello.

However, Ye Tang took the lead and became the president, isn't this a naked joke?

Gao Xue asked her eldest son as if she had been hit: "Is this true?"

"Of course it's true." Ye Limo said, "Mom, if you don't believe it, you can ask the mayor." Or if you ask anyone who has been to an engagement reception, they will tell you that it's true.

"How is it possible?" Gao

Xue sat on the sofa in despair, unable to believe it at all.

She never believed that Ye Tang was taken by a waste picker to pick up garbage, and what an excellent child could be cultivated.

But now, her son told her in person that her biological daughter, who she had always looked down on and even disliked, was actually the kind of president, rank, and position, she was not only better at playing music than Ye Jiang, but also directly recognized by the country, which was the highest honor.

The leaf ginger they carefully cultivated can't be compared at all.

Mrs. Ye, who has always been arrogant, seems to have completely lost her proper appearance at this moment.

Ye Limo's eyes darkened a lot when he saw his mother lose her temper like this.

He continued: "So, it doesn't seem impossible for Tang Tang to defeat Ye Jiang in Go, isn't it? Grandma said that it was a fluke, which is too far-fetched, but it seems to be looking for self-comfort." Being

scolded by the eldest grandson again, Mrs. Ye's face became even worse.

Ye Huai'an also said: "This matter is indeed true, we are all at the scene and heard it with our own ears." Ye

Huai'an didn't expect that this sister would have such a true face of Lushan.

It was only on the first day that he knew that his understanding of his sister was so shallow, and he had the most direct change in Ye Tang.

The Ye family was in the living room, silent for a while.

Ye Jiang saw that his stage was demolished and there was nothing left, and he felt a sense of shame in his heart.

Big brother, why do you want to do this?

"Okay!" Mrs

. Ye scolded angrily, calling the Ye family who were doubting their lives back to their senses.

"But it's just the president of the cello, what did I think it was? She has it, and we have Ye Jiang too. What she doesn't have, we still have Ye Jiang, what's the big deal?"

Mrs. Ye saw Gao Xue's dejected appearance, and disgust appeared in her eyes.

What's wrong

with Ye Tang being able to play the piano and play Go?

Her baby granddaughter Jiang Jiang has so many vests, which indicates that she is born with a precious personality, and she will definitely be born noble in the future, and she doesn't need to compare anything with Ye Tang.

Wait and see!

Gao Xue saw her mother-in-law standing on Ye Jiang's side, and when she thought of Ye Tang, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Ye Tang is her biological daughter, Ye Jiang is her adopted daughter, and she is also a little reluctant to give up on Ye Tang in terms of blood relationship. But hearing the old lady say this, she naturally still wants to believe that Ye Jiang is definitely better than Ye Tang.

Ye Limo saw that her mother and grandmother were still immersed in her own cognition, deceiving herself, and she didn't bother to say anything to her.

Ye Hao didn't say anything from beginning to end, the only thought in his mind was to wait for Ye Tang to come back obediently.


Ye Jiang looked at Zeng Xiulan, his eyes were full of gratitude, and he threw himself into her arms.

"You're so nice.

Mrs. Ye patted her on the back: "Good granddaughter."

Ye Mubai and Ye Limo couldn't see them like this at all, so they turned around and went upstairs to go back to the room.

Ye Ting sent a message to Ye Tang in the corner, "Ye Tang, since you are the president, why didn't you say it earlier? If you said it earlier, the family might not hate you so much? Especially your parents and grandmother." Although

he doesn't have Ye Tang's WeChat, they have a group on variety shows.

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