Even if the treatment may not be as good as Ye Jiang, but at least it is better than when he was in the Ye family before?

Ye Ting, it was through that group that he sent a message to Ye Tang.

Ye Tang was a little speechless when he saw this message sent from the group.

They don't even cherish blood and family affection, what did she do with her vest? Was she used by them one by one? Suck the marrow and cut the bones and eat them clean?

When she returned to the Ye family, she also remembered Yuan Lao's words, she had treasures, don't show them easily, although she has an overdeveloped IQ and memory, she doesn't understand the human world and the world, and she lacks in interpersonal relationships and interactions, so she can't be targeted by people with bad intentions and end up in a bad end.

In addition, she was asked by the Ye family to be a green leaf to set off Ye Jiang, so she simply restrained all her edges.

Facts have proved that Yuan Lao and they are right.

Human nature is really unfathomable.

Even the so-called blood kinship is unreliable.

Fortunately, she still has a vest to leave a way back for herself.

Ye Tang: "Why should I tell you? Let you know how to use me?"

Ye Ting choked when he saw this, feeling a little awkward.

Ye Ting: "What are you talking about?

Ye Tang: "Admit it, you are this kind of wolf-hearted, ungrateful, selfish and cold-blooded beasts, you don't even care about blood and kinship, what else can you expect to take care of?"

Ye Tang: "If you really know that I am the president of the association, maybe I will be brainwashed by you, let me give up this position to Ye Jiang! So, don't pretend here, I have seen through your family." I used to be kind to you, so I fed the dogs. Ye

Ting: "......"

For the first time, he felt that he was so wronged by being scolded.

He didn't seem to say anything, why was he scolded by her again.

He was also cheap enough, knowing that he would be scolded by her, he stepped forward to scold him like this.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Mingqi saw Ye Ting talking to Ye

Tang with sharp eyes, and snatched his mobile phone.

"Are you begging Ye Tang for mercy?" Ye

Ting's mouth stiffened: "Don't say your words so ugly, okay?"

He admitted that he was just looking for an excuse to talk to Ye Tang.

Ye Mingqi: "Then what are you doing with her? Let her see our jokes? Even if you are not begging Ye Tang for mercy, it is almost the same as bowing

to her!" "Third brother, you return my mobile phone!" Ye Ting reached out and wanted to grab it, but saw Ye Mingqi's shocked expression, "How can you bow your head to Ye Tang, aren't you admitting to her in disguise that it was us who were wrong in the past?"


Ting:" We don't seem to be so right. "

Listen to what you are talking about?"

Ye Mingqi thought of the conversation between himself and Ye

Tang, and his heart was still on fire.

He was angry with Ye Tang here, but he didn't expect that his younger brother didn't know how to look at him, so he ran to stick to others and directly set fire to the explosive barrel on his body.

Ye Ting was also unconvinced: "Why am I angry with you, I just said a few words to Ye Tang, what's wrong with me?"

Did the third brother eat gunpowder? He didn't do anything, the eldest brother and the fifth brother turned to Ye Tang directly, and I didn't see him yell at them like this.

"I don't bother to pay attention to you.

Ye Mingqi left angrily.

Ye Ting couldn't help but whisper: "Neuropathy."

Ye Mingqi walked to his room and happened to see Ye Jiang.

Ye Jiang's eyes are red.

"Third brother.

Ye Mingqi looked at this sister, no matter how angry he was, he had subsided a lot.

"Jiang Jiang, why are you crying

?" Ye Jiang shook his head, "Third brother, will everyone like Tang Tang anymore?" she can play Go and play the cello, everyone knows that everyone will not like me in the future, but will only like Ye Tang, so what should I do?"

She was born and seems to be prepared to let the Ye family go to the top of the family.

She should too, have a prosperous life.

Ye Mingqi: "How could it be?"

Ye Jiang: "Yes, the sixth brother said before that there is only one sister like me in this life." But I watched him on a variety show, and it seems that everything has changed. She

was also very sensitive and noticed the change in Ye Ting. Ye Tang is really powerful, even the sixth child was affected by her.

Unexpectedly, Ye Ting swore so many oaths before, but the result was not just a change.

Now, what is she?"

he doesn't have any brains, so you can ignore him. "


Ye Jiang didn't want to make Ye Mingqi unhappy, so he was coaxed a few words and went back.

After a while, Mrs. Ye and Ye Hao also went upstairs and went straight to Ye Mingqi's room.

"Grandma, is there anything else?"

Mrs. Ye sighed and said, "Ming Qi, you also know that your eldest brother no longer has a position in Starlight. What about your grandfather, the whole heart is biased towards Ye Tang, now it is up to me and your father to sit in the starlight, you are back, except for the eldest and second, you are the oldest of the brothers. We hope that you can also help manage with us, and we will be a little more grounded.

Ye Mingqi studied business management abroad, and it was more than enough to manage a company, so he nodded: "Okay, this is no problem at all." "

He has always known that starlight is the root of the Ye family.

As for Huixing, he was afraid that it would be impossible for him to get it back from Ye Tang.

Now Ye Tang's personality is getting tougher and tougher.

Everything has to be done slowly.

Mrs. Ye: "The company has taken a fancy to a novel with a popular IP, but the author of the novel has been refusing to sell the copyright. I heard that several companies are now paying attention to that novel and want to win the copyright to make a drama, and that novel is called "Monarchy", and the author is Fusheng.

Ye Mingqi: "Don't worry, I will follow up." Authors like this are just thinking that there is less money. I'll take it for you.

Ye Mingqi: "But there is one thing, Dad, Grandma, we do have to care." You can't let Ye Tang talk nonsense on the Internet, you have to take precautions. "

Ye Tang really dares to say anything now.

However, Ye Mingqi still said that it was too late.

When Ye Tang got the court verdict, he posted it directly on the Internet, and even posted the phone recording with Ye Mingqi on the Internet.

Ye Tang V: Everyone, the contract lawsuit I fought with Starlight Entertainment, the court judgment has come down, I don't have to pay any breach of contract fees with Starlight, and the contract signed with Starlight is invalid. I attach some documents for you to see, the shady scenes of Starlight Entertainment are really deeper than the water in the entertainment industry. I advise other artists who want to go to the starlight to avoid lightning cautiously.

By the way, I also have a recording phone here, which was called by the Ye family, and they mercifully asked me to go back to the company, saying that it was a gift to me and wanted me to continue to be the wrongdoer.

Everyone is welcome to come and watch and see how there are such brazen people in this world.

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