In fact, the Ye family's current face is more ugly than the other, and it is difficult to see that the face is distorted.

Their Ye family and company have never encountered such online public opinion and online crit, especially Ye Jiang, the perfect characters they once gave Ye Jiangli have also cracked for the first time.

The company accounts set up by the Ye family on all platforms have been sprayed by netizens and forced to close, but they still can't escape being chased and abused by netizens, and the platform was once scolded to paralysis.

This ending is jaw-dropping for everyone.

Ye Tang, she's really awesome.

A spark can start a prairie fire.

More and more people are standing up to crusade against the Ye family and Starlight Entertainment.

Ye Tang fought alone, openly tore at the Ye family and Starlight Entertainment on the Internet, and united all the victims.

The artists under Starlight Entertainment, although they are not as hard as Ye Tang, but under Ye Jiang, the resources they get are just like that, it is better to go outside to pull the resources themselves, and they can't complain in private, but they are pressed by a certain top stream and top fans, and they never dare to put it on the table.

What are you kidding, the top fans are crazy, especially Ye Jiang's fans, it's really scary.

In case any of their words provokes top fans, they must not be killed by cyberbullying.

It's different now, it's okay to say that the wall is down and everyone pushes it, and now they are also following Ye Tang and other mainstream forces, posting a crusade against Starlight Entertainment and the Ye family on Weibo, condemning the Ye family's various behaviors.

The rest of Starlight's artists posted blogs on the Internet to support Ye Tang, telling that the distribution of resources is not fair at all, which naturally caused dissatisfaction among these artists and fans.

The masters have already stood up and said that there is a problem with the company's resource allocation, and the fans are like poking at the sore spot, wearing various vests to criticize the Ye family on major platforms, and even asking the Ye family to let their artists leave, so as not to delay their master's career anymore.

"I'm really convinced, with your waste company, is Ye Jiang the only one who is an artist? Other artists, you don't treat them as human beings at all!"

"It turns out that the truth is actually here! Our fans have really been deceived by your broken company for many years. No wonder my sister is obviously good looking and has better acting skills than Ye Jiang, but she has always been tepid, only for the sake of receiving a bad movie, we thought it was bad luck, and the problem of daring to love was with you! If it weren't for Ye Tang hammering you on the Internet, our fans would still be kept in the dark

!" "I'm so angry, what kind of garbage company, I'm not a fan of Ye Tang, I have to shout here to support

my Sister Tang!" "From today on, I will fan my Sister Tang!"

Don't say anything, Sister Tang is awesome (broken sound)-" Sister

Tang continues to rush, and Tang fans will always be with you.

"I think you are all crazy, right? Is listening to the wind or rain? Ye Tang is okay, do you fans of several other artists want to do this, and come to step on it when you see others unlucky? Be careful when your master is unlucky.

"Ye Jiang fans, don't come to be cheap now, now that your sister and the company have provoked public anger, let's quickly close the microphone and go back to your kennel to stay well." "

I'm laughing to death, fans of vampires still have the face to say others, why did your sister become the top, now you have to talk about it well." Our sister hasn't been sucking other people's blood like Ye Jiang all the time, of course she won't be retribution like your Ye Jiang now!"


Fan was scolded by all walks of life and finally deleted the comments, and those artists who peeked at the screen were suddenly refreshed.

Haha, you Ye Jiang

, it turns out that there is such a day! What a good show! The actor fans of "Lotus Seal" and the audience of the TV series also came out, bombarding Starlight Entertainment, for their own selfishness, they actually ruined the future of such a good drama, so many people's efforts and sweat, what should they pay for?


is it, even Ye Limo and Ye Mubai, Ye Huaian and Ye Ting, all posted on the Internet to support Ye Tang.

Ye Limo V: Tang Tang, I support you. No matter what you do, I will support you without hesitation.

Ye Mubai and Ye Ting also reposted Ye Limo's Weibo to support their sister.

This operation can be said to be incapable of being seen by passers-by.

The flood washed away the Dragon King Temple, and his own family beat his own family?

"If I'm not mistaken, Ye Limo used to be the president of Starlight Entertainment, right? Later, I don't know why, he suddenly stepped down, what's going on with him now, his number has been

stolen?" "What kind of number theft, then the next few people have also been stolen?" I think it should be the dirty things done by the Ye family, and even their own people can't stand it.

"What's the situation, even the Ye family themselves have come forward to support Ye Tang? Hahaha, this is really an epic joke.

"I feel so sorry for Ye Tang, what kind of life did she live before." Fortunately, God has eyes, and everyone has eyes. The Ye family will be over when they die for their master.

Mrs. Ye saw that several of her grandsons had posted on Weibo to support Ye Tang, and she was so angry.

Ye Mubai and they don't care, what's going on with this

Ye Ting?" "Sixth, are you crazy? What are you trying to do on Weibo? Do you want to stand on the opposite side of our Ye family? Or do you want to tell everyone that there are a few traitors in our Ye family!"

Ye Mingqi is also about to die, I don't know what Ye Ting is causing here.

He was fighting with Ye Tang here, but Ye Ting, a traitor, turned around and licked

Ye Tang? Ye Tang still had to laugh at them to death, saying that their brothers were spineless

? Ye Ting saw his grandmother and brother yelling at him angrily, and he was also aggrieved to death: "Why did you scold me? The other three brothers obviously also sent it, why did they scold me? I am not convinced!"

Besides, I don't just want everyone to reconcile, they are all a family connected by flesh and blood, there is no need to be so embarrassed, if I do something wrong, you will scold me one by one. "

I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Ye

Mingqi was emotional, and felt that Ye Ting should be on his side.

The boss and a few of them are no longer in his control.

"If you are too lazy to talk about it, you are too lazy to talk about it!"

Ye Ting was also angry in his heart, his sister ignored him, and he was very angry.

When he went home, he was scolded by his other brothers.

What do you want him to do?

Starlight's public relations department also had to work overtime crazily, and the public relations fee was also spent like running water, Mrs. Ye felt sorry for the money, not to mention, and was complained and complained by the public relations department, even if they were given overtime pay, they still didn't want to work overtime on weekends.

Ye Mingqi saw that he was scolded in the square, and his face was so angry that his face was bruised.

He had a gloomy face and hissed like a poisonous snake: "Our little sister is really powerful now, she can be so ruthless to me, the third brother!"

Ye Limo's voice came lightly.

"What, Ye Mingqi, do you think she shouldn't have been so cruel to you? Or did you never believe it, little sister, she would also hit you so hard one day?" Ye Mingqi's

facial muscles moved, although he didn't answer.

But it is undeniable that Ye Mingqi has both of these mentalities.

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