Ye Mingqi suddenly laughed lowly:

"Ye Limo, now, am I a bad person?" "What is a good person, what is a bad person?" The corners of Ye Limo's mouth were slightly curved, all of them were sarcastic, "In Tangtang, we are all bad people." Or rather, heinous bad guys.

"Ye Mingqi, there is actually no difference between a few of us and you.

"I'm just here to remind you that it's best to get your mindset right. One bite and one third brother, when you are kidnapping your family, please take a look at what you have done before.

Ye Mingqi looked at him in surprise, but saw that he had already turned around and left, leaving only a few words.

You can continue to maintain your "disgust" for Ye Tang, like before, and you don't even want to see her. But one thing you need to know is that your "disgust" and other emotions will not play any role in Ye Tang at all, and they will not affect her anything. So don't say anything more "you can be so cruel to you, the third brother", it sounds a bit stupid. "

In the past, your "disgust" worked because Tang Tang cared about you, and she would feel sad and sad because of your disgust. Now you can't affect any of her emotions. I say this in the hope that you can adapt to this change as soon as possible, because everyone has come before. It's hard to accept at first, but then you get Xi used to it. Ye

Mingqi: When did "......"

start, even Ye Limo began to know how to be weird.

Every word was said in his heart.

"Okay, okay, you just continue to help Ye Tang speak, let her laugh at us, it turns out that the pride of the Ye family will also have such a day, and they will bow to her Ye Tang one by one!"

Ye Limo had already disappeared, and he didn't hear it at all.

Ye Mingqi was so angry that he picked up the thing in his hand and slammed it on the ground.

The matter has come out, and it is natural to solve it.

"Grandma, what should I do now?"

Ye Mingqi was not very familiar with the specific situation of his own company in the end, so he could only ask Mrs. Ye for help.

He knows that Starlight Entertainment is the root of the Ye family, and it is also the hope of the Ye family.

"Grandma, Ye Tang's disobedience and unfilial piety are still not available?" It's

a pity that Zeng Xiulan was already so distracted that she didn't have the heart to listen to Ye Mingqi at all.

Zeng Xiulan wore glasses and watched that the company's comment area had been flooded, even if the comments were closed, private messages and forwards were a steady stream of abuse, and the hot search and black search remained high.

Even Ye Jiang's comment area was slaughtered by netizens.

Ye Jiang was no longer in the living room, he was already hiding in Gu Chen's arms.

"Waste, a bunch of waste!" Mrs

. Ye thinks very highly of herself, and her personality is sharp and strong, and she can't rub a single sand in her eyes.

With such a strong and sharp woman, it is difficult to bow her head to anyone, even if it is Old Man Ye.

But today, she was slapped in the face by her own granddaughter.

She lost for the first time to a nineteen-year-old girl, the granddaughter she looked down on the most.

For a moment, the fire in her heart burned.

Mrs. Ye said sharply: "Are all the people in the company all waste? Look at what people are scolded on the Internet? Are all those directors eating dry food?"

"There are also a few artists in the company who post Weibo to support Ye Tang, tell them all to roll over and delete Weibo now, otherwise they will all be hidden? Aren't you dissatisfied with the company's arrangement? Then don't mix it all with me! You still want to terminate the contract, right? Have a sweet dream

!". Mrs. Ye shouted happily, but the message passed by the president's secretary was frustrating.

"Chairman, except for Ye Jiang, all the artists in our company are all speaking for Ye Tang on Weibo. "

So Chairman Ye, do you want to hide all the artists?

Mrs. Ye: "......"

hide all the artists, then the company really doesn't want to eat.

Mrs. Ye didn't expect the current situation to be like this.

All the artists in the company are forcing her.

The law doesn't blame the public, and she can't blame so many artists at once, let alone all the artists.

"Old lady

!" "Grandma!" Mrs

. Ye's head was dizzy and she almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the secretary and Ye Mingqi held the old lady and didn't really fall.

Ye Mingqi yelled at Ye Ting next to him: "Don't come and help grandma!" Ye Ting

sighed and hurriedly came over.

Five minutes later, Mrs. Ye, who was lying on the sofa, came back to her senses.

"Ming Qi. "

Grandma, I'm here.

Mrs. Ye said: "You don't move first, don't do anything else in advance, and don't put Ye Tang's disobedient and unfilial materials." Even if you post it now, it won't help, no netizens will listen to us at all. If it is posted, it will only make netizens spray harder. Didn't your mother go to Ye Tang? It's okay to let her remove the hot search, and don't act rashly until your mother comes back. I'm sure your mother will come back with good news.

Ye Mingqi immediately nodded: "Okay." In

this way, they all put their hopes on Gao Xue, who went to find Ye Tang.

Mrs. Ye can be said to be looking forward to it at home, waiting for when Gao Xue will come back.

At this time, Ye Jiang was accompanied by Gu Chen.

Now that something has happened to the Ye family, she clings to Gu Chen, and she also wants to further enhance the relationship between the two.

Her comment area has already fallen, there are passers-by who eat melons, fans of other artists, fans of Ye Tang, the ingredients are very mixed, and she doesn't even dare to take a look at the comment area.

After Gu Chen arrived at her side, she told a lot of inner grievances, which made Gu Chen more and more inseparable from her, and she became more and more incomprehensible to Ye Tang's current practices.

The matter of the fish pond is that the Ye family did not do it right.

However, there is no need for her to involve Jiang Jiang.

"Jiang Jiang, it's going to be fine. After a while, netizens will forget about these things. Gu

Chen was so distressed when he saw that he had suffered so much from Ye Jiang recently.

When did this weak and beautiful kind woman encounter these things.

What Ye Tang did was really merciless.

Ye Jiang responded in a low voice: "Hmm."

Ye Jiang looked at the man who was still standing beside him, and a trace of triumph slipped across his tearful face.

During this time, Ye Jiang didn't dare to go out.

Even the celebrity circle in Yuncheng was discussing Ye Jiang, and when she talked about her affairs on the Internet, they all danced with their eyebrows and covered their mouths with smiles.

It's really that Ye Jiang is usually too high-profile, not only stepping on others to praise himself in the entertainment industry, but also in the celebrity circle, when facing those wealthy and noble sons, it is the same, secretly stepping on other women in front of men, shaping himself into perfect and invincible, how much he hooks men's love.

On the contrary, there are still men who eat her set, so let's say it's not annoying, right?

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