At this time, Lin Jiali and Zheng Yi happened to participate in a celebrity tea party together.

The women sitting in the tea party are all daughters of wealthy wives of all classes, some of whom have class and status, and some of them are playing tickets in the mixed entertainment industry.

Qiao Yu faced a slender waist beauty wearing a cheongsam, and said with a smile: "He Xiaoniu, this time she took the revenge of your man's hatred, and it can be regarded as revenge by the way." Do you know how big Ye Jiang's loss is this time? As soon as the black search came out, he directly dropped a luxury endorsement. Although she just dropped an endorsement, it was a high-luxury endorsement that she finally begged for! Ye Jiang has been in the industry as a child star for so many years, and she has never been on the side of luxury!".

"I've heard that this luxury endorsement is still something she rarely gets. Well, now, as soon as the scandal came out, Luxury was so frightened that he found Ye Jiang's team that day and said that he would not consider cooperating. I was still preparing for a platform event, and when I heard about it, I almost didn't die of laughter. A few days ago, when I was scrolling through Weibo, I saw her fans secretly celebrating winning a high-end luxury, which is called a Dese, who knew that the person who slapped them in the face now was actually their own master. Isn't it funny, you say?"

"There's a movie later, so I'm not looking for her." It

is said that Ye Jiang is the white moonlight in the hearts of men, and high-quality men all miss her, but this time her bloodsucking scandal broke out, and her perfect reputation was affected for the first time, and the women in her comment area were no longer envious compliments, but one-sided scolding! What Ye Tang did this time was really happy. "

Qiao Yu is a person who rarely knows the truth about Ye Tang's life experience, Ye Jiang, an impostor, replaced someone's own daughter, and replaced anyone, and asked Ye Jiang to pay the due price.

kept ridiculing Ye Tang for picking up garbage, if it weren't for Ye Tang giving her his identity, Ye Jiang wouldn't know which poor person's family to endure hardships, she was really used to her!

Qiao Yu then added: "The beautiful aura that our Ye Da Beauty has worked so hard to manage is about to become so disillusioned, I really feel sorry for her."

Ye Da Beauty came out of Qiao Yu's mouth with a taste of sarcasm.

You must know that Ye Jiang's name in the entertainment industry is the number one beauty in the entertainment industry, the first beauty.

Those men, they also said that they were jealous of Ye Jiang, sour Ye Jiang, please, she didn't play green tea in front of them, so they didn't bother to pay attention to her, okay? Qiao Yu's

yin and yang weird tone made all the celebrities and daughters present laugh.

He Yuan pursed her lips, and stroked her newly made wool curly hair by the way: "What is a man, she Ye Jiang wants, I will give it to her." There is no shortage of men in this world, and there are men.

"It's this Ye Tang that really impresses me. I used to see that the young masters of the Ye family were not good to Ye Tang, and they were very fond of Ye Jiang, who stood out in all aspects, and the people around me had a bad opinion of Ye Tang, saying that she was useless, so I really believed it.

"I didn't expect it, seeing is believing, hearing is false. If Ye Tang was really just a gangster with bad deeds, she definitely didn't have the courage to put the Ye family in dire straits. Now it looks like I'm a little gloating.

Qiao Yu nodded and agreed.

"The variety show she participated in, I had a friend who was a staff member in it, she told me that Ye Tang was super powerful, and played against Ye Jiang for more than an hour, and finally forced Ye Jiang to shake his hands. It is said that after the chess game was divided into winners and losers, Ye Jiang's legs were weak in the end, and Ye Tang was still strategizing. That's amazing.

When He Yuan heard this, her eyes were full of expectation: "She is really the same as I thought! But it is more powerful than I imagined! If only we could be friends with her." Although I didn't go to Ye Tang's engagement banquet, I heard the young lady of the Jiang family say that Ye Tang was like a black swan with a noble temperament that day, and he was so good-looking!

"I didn't expect Ye Jiang's appearance and temperament to be comparable to Ye Tang, and even his own ability to compare. It is said that the Ye family is very partial to Ye Jiang in private, so what are they partial to Ye Jiang? As long as it is a person, it will obviously like the elder sister among the sisters, right? Could it be that the younger sister is too good at playing tea art to snatch everyone's attention?"

Qiao Yu smiled: "Then who knows? As for making friends, wait for the next chance! Anyway, Ye Tang married into the Bo family, and she is also a person in the upper circle." Someday, we will have the opportunity to meet.

He Yuan nodded.

When Ye Jiang's hot search exploded on Weibo, Zheng Yi happened to be swiping her mobile phone.

She didn't expect that Ye Jiang would be so tragic this time that she was actually sent to the first place in the black search.

Once under the protection of the Ye family's seven heavenly pride and Gu Chen, Ye Jiang's reputation in the entertainment industry, which is called a perfect, Kochi intellectual goddess, has attracted countless fans to bend their waists.

Ye Jiang has always tried his best to maintain his external image.

But now, Ye Jiang has a word-of-mouth crisis for the first time.

Ye Jiang, it should be very uncomfortable, right?

Lin Jiali proposed: "Do you want to make a phone call to comfort her?"

"Forget it." Zheng Yi said, "She didn't call us, indicating that she should have someone by her side." This person is most likely Gu Chen. If we call now, I'm afraid we'll bother her.

Lin Jiali nodded.


Zheng Yi said incredulously: "I really don't know, how dare Ye Tang do this? An adopted daughter is just a daughter, and she dares to ask for this luxury and that, no matter what the Ye family says, she has raised her, no matter what she says, she can't take revenge, right? I think it's netizens who have crooked views, and they actually support Ye Tang." "

This is Dou Mien, Shengmi Qiu.

Zheng Yi felt incredible in her heart, but Lin Jiali didn't speak.

She had stumbled upon a possible truth before, Ye Jiang...... It doesn't seem to be the Ye family's biological flesh and blood, she accidentally overheard it when she listened to her parents' conversation, but she wasn't sure if it was Ye Jiang, if Ye Jiang was not the Ye family's biological daughter at all, then the Ye family's biological daughter, could it really be Ye Tang?

Lin Jiali was a little confused in her heart, but she didn't continue to think deeply.

Should...... It can't be, right? She must have misheard.

If the Ye family is just an impostor, wouldn't it be even more of a joke? An impostor,

actually pretending to be a daughter.

Yes, maybe she heard it wrong!

Ye Jiang naturally knew that she had dropped the endorsement, although her heart was dripping blood, but Gu Chen was by her side, which could be regarded as a comfort to her.

"Brother Gu Chen......"

Ye Jiang stuck to Gu Chen's arms, Gu Chen looked at the woman in front of him, a trace of discoloration flashed in his eyes, and his Adam's apple rolled.

In the end, he hugged the woman in his arms, took him out of the Ye family, and went straight to the hotel.

As for what to do in the hotel, it goes without saying.

At the tea party, as the heroine's two best friends, they were naturally upset when they heard that someone actually said bad things about Ye Jiang.

And according to the inertia of the plot of the novel, they must protect their best friend and stand up for her.

When Lin Jiali heard Qiao Yu and He Yuan muttering about Ye Jiang, she stood up suddenly, pointed at Qiao Yu's nose and scolded: "It turned out to be Ye Tang's lackey, who has the ability to sour our our Jiang Jiang here, and has the ability to make those high-quality, rich and handsome people miss you?

After speaking, Lin Jiali also tried to do something to Qiao Yu.

When Qiao Yu heard this, he smiled directly.

Then he grabbed Lin Jiali's finger, clicked, and directly broke her finger.

"Lin Jiali, how did you talk to your aunt and grandmother?".

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