Gao Xue was originally spoiled by her son and husband, and she was also a little willful in her personality.

The daughter was disobedient, she only thought that she was angry and didn't understand her mood as a mother.

Now, she has finally decided that she intends to reconcile with this daughter. Their mother and daughter used to have conflicts, but even if they did, they would only quarrel for a few days at most, not for so long.

But they hadn't spoken properly in months, and now it was time to reconcile.

When they reconcile, won't the hot search be taken down as a matter of course?

Gao Xue came to find Ye Tang today, in addition to the matter of withdrawing the hot search, she wanted to use this matter to find her daughter to get back together.

Gao Xue spoke again, wrinkled her eyebrows and said, "Ye Tang, you go back with your mother today, we are not to blame for the past." Although you and Bo Chiyan are engaged, the Ye family is still your maiden family. We are all your relatives by blood.

In Gao Xue's opinion, this sentence already means bowing to her daughter.

Although, there is still a bit of hard flavor in the tone.

However, how could the mother and daughter have an overnight feud?

Although Gao Xue still doesn't think that she has done anything wrong from beginning to end, she just thinks that Ye Tang has been making trouble for so long, and he should have gambled enough with his family, and now, it is time to reconcile.

She also thinks that since she, the mother, has said so, Ye Tang will definitely not continue to mess with her.

When Ye Tang heard this, he finally didn't be as cold as he was just now, or ignored her.

Ye Tang was really too lazy to communicate with Gao Xue before, because all along, Gao Xue was completely unclear about the situation, thinking that she was just jealous of her mother's partiality.

But now Gao Xue, after her repeated suppression, seems to have finally understood.

This kind of anger did not make her daughter bow her head, but made the relationship between them have the possibility of being overwhelmed.

It's a pity that Gao Xue doesn't understand that between them, it has long been difficult to recover.

Ye Tang looked at Gao Xue fixedly, met her eyes, and only said, "It seems that now you should be able to listen to what I say." You won't mess around with me like you did before. "

What do you mean?"

Gao Xue was still a little dazed when she heard Ye Tang's words, Ye Tang didn't explain, but her voice was calm, and she said to her word by word: "In the future, don't come to me again." "

Don't come to me again.

Ye Tang's words instantly made Gao Xue fall into the ice cellar, and his body also exuded a chill.

Her body seemed to be trembling.

She didn't understand why Ye Tang wanted to say this to her.

What does it mean not

to come to her again? Why wouldn't she come to her? She was a piece of meat that fell from her body, a child she had worked so hard to give birth to ten months of pregnancy, and a child that she had managed to get back.

Gao Xue anxiously wanted to pull her hand, but Ye Tang quietly took it away.

This action finally made Gao Xue realize that the daughter in front of her was so alienated and indifferent.

Gao Xue didn't understand why this was happening, the person in front of her was her biological daughter, and she was also the own daughter who could still reconcile in the end no matter what conflicts they had.

She said in a panic: "Tang Tang, don't be willful......"

"I'm not willful." Ye Tang calmly interrupted her words, "This sentence, I should have told you the day I woke up in the hospital." But I also know that you and Ye Hao won't believe it. You will only think that I am looking for an excuse to toss again, or that I am trying to attract your attention and steal your attention from Ye Jiang. No matter how I explain it, you won't listen. So, I simply didn't say it. I don't want to continue to entangle with you like that.

"However, I told Ye Limo and Ye Huai'an these words, although the words were different, but the meaning was the same. But I guess they didn't tell you that, did they?"

Gao Xue listened and was silent.

Indeed, both she and Ye Hao will think like this, the same as what Ye Tang said.

Ye Limo and Ye Huai'an really didn't tell her what they said.

Because, no one can bear this heavy truth.

Ye Tang finally lost the last patience with their relatives and chose to leave.

Ye Tang continued: "From the day I woke up in the hospital, I have already decided to cut off relations with your Ye family. "

Break off the relationship.

A self-deprecating arc appeared at the corner of Ye Tang's mouth: "So far, do you still think that if I choose to break off with you publicly, I am making trouble and being angry?"

Hearing this, Gao Xue finally couldn't stop, her voice was hoarse: "Why...... "Why


Why is this? The daughter she finally found back, but now she told her that she would not come to her again in the future, she chose to break off with Ye Jiaen, and did not joke anymore.

"You ask me why, and I want to ask you why.

Ye Tang slowly stood up, looking at the mother who was sobbing in a low voice, and a bright small flame seemed to be lit in his eyes.

This small flame, as if confirming her past life, was so bright that it seemed to be about to burn.

The girl who desperately wanted to hug her parents and relatives was bruised all over her body, she was howling, and she also wanted to ask Gao Xue why, why did she abandon her, what did she do wrong?

Whether it was her brother or father, they didn't get along with her, and they didn't love her at the beginning, she could still be considered understandable.

But what about her? She is her mother, she was born ten months pregnant, flesh and blood are fused, and they should be the most unique existence and relationship from the beginning!

In her previous life, this was the biggest obstacle in her heart.

Why can even his own biological mother abandon his biological daughter for an adopted daughter who is not related by blood.

She couldn't understand until she died.

Ye Tang's eyes lit up amazingly, and he approached Gao Xue step by step, muttering in his voice.

"Why are you so eccentric. Do you know how much my heart hates you when you wronged me for pushing Ye Jiang into the water? I swore that I would never forgive you in my life, and if it were anyone, I could forgive her, but you couldn't, because you were my mother. But on the contrary, the person who wronged me is you, my biological mother. How ironic, you say.

"Since that time, I have sworn that in this life, in the next life, you will never want to get my forgiveness!" At this

moment, Gao Xue finally had an indescribable feeling of suffocation.

It turned out that what she did had already convicted her.

"Now you ask me why, then I will answer you. It's your eccentricity.

"It was you who staged the mother-daughter relationship between you and Ye Jiang day and night in front of my biological daughter, and it was you who favored her again and again. Even when there was a conflict, he convicted me without any reason, and looked at me with such disgust.

"It's you who are arrogant and interested, and you think that Ye Jiang can lead you on a flowery road, and talk about her excellence, but you belittle me everywhere, you have never looked at me squarely, and you will always only reprimand and blame me, thinking that my daughter is a shame for you.

"You are to blame for everything!"

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