Ye Tang seemed to have exhausted all his strength before he smashed these words on Gao Xue's head.

Today she is still a little emotional, she is for herself in her previous life, and she is questioning this so-called biological mother.

Why did she do that to her own daughter? Why?

In her previous life, she didn't get Gao Xue's answer until she died.

Her eyes were sharp and bright, like a howling beast, vowing to say all her words.

Gao Xue didn't dare to face it at all, didn't dare to face Ye Tang's questioning, so she could only keep shaking her head and burst into tears.

Is she, a mother, really such a failure?

She thought that even if she did something wrong, her daughter would give her a chance to forgive her. But now her daughter told her that she had done so many wrong things that she could not forgive.

It turns out that some things have long been covered with water and difficult to recover, and it is difficult to complete the broken mirror.

Gao Xue's heart finally hurt like a tear, and she covered her mouth and cried bitterly.

Why, why did things get to this point.

Even herself, she can't tell.

But Ye Tang didn't feel distressed.

Every soft-hearted time sent her to a deeper hell.

Ye Tang looked at this so-called biological mother condescendingly, the corners of his mouth pulled a cold arc, and said lightly: "Until now, you are even asking for the door of the Bo family for Ye Jiang's reputation, saying that you want to reconcile with me." Do you think this is possible?"

Ye Tang's words, like sharp knives, entered Gao Xue's heart again and again.

These words, didn't they make Ye Tang sad?

She was not sad for Gao Xue, but sad for herself in her previous life.

"Tang Tang!" Ye

Limo and Ye Mubai, who had been eavesdropping at the door, finally couldn't help it, and walked over with red eyes and choked voices.

They came today, in fact, to protect Ye Tang and take their mother away from Bo's house, not wanting their mother to block Ye Tang.

Gao Xue's various accusations against Ye Tang before, they still remembered in their hearts.

But what they heard just now, they seemed to finally understand and understand the hurt and sadness in Ye Tang's heart.

It turns out that she has been among such eccentric parents and relatives all along, and she has been internally consuming herself again and again.

"Don't touch me. "

Don't touch me.

This sentence fell on the ears of the mother and son, and it was so hurtful.

However, they could only watch and watch Ye Tang stand on the opposite side of them, not letting them get closer, even if it was a penny.

This realization once again made their hearts ache, but they couldn't do anything.

"Tang Tang.

Bo Chiyan walked out in time, helped Ye Tang, and then slowly took her into his arms.

"I'm fine. "

Mrs. Bo has also come out, and her face towards the Ye family is naturally not much better.

"Are you done, let's leave our Bo house. Mrs. Ye, you remember, our Bo family will never welcome you, even if you are Tang Tang's mother.

Gao Xue experienced emotional fluctuations just now, and she couldn't bear anything else, and when she heard Xiao Qing's words again, she fainted directly.


Ye Limo and Ye Mubai hurriedly supported Gao Xue.

They glanced at Ye Tang with guilt, and finally took Gao Xue out of the Bo family's house.

This hot search, it is impossible to remove it anyway.

No matter how much Gao Xue entangles, it's useless.

Now Gao Xue finally feels guilty about Ye Tang.

However, she will not blame these things on her kind adopted daughter.

Everything, she is a mother, she is too confident in herself, and she always feels that her biological daughter will understand her actions and forgive her mistakes, so that there will be a direct separation of the ending now.

"Tang Tang, are you okay?"

Xiao Qing looked at Ye Tang who was leaning on his son's arms and sighed.

She and Bo Chiyan were also behind the door just now, with the bad morality of the Ye family, they didn't dare to leave Ye Tang alone in the living room and get along with that Gao Xue face to face.

But she didn't expect that poor Tangtang had suffered so much before.

That Gao Xue is now putting on a guilty look, who can show it?

Debt, after all, is debt.

Facing her mother-in-law's concern, Ye Tang shook his head: "Mom, I'm fine."

Xiao Qing's eyes were full of

pity: "It's okay."

Bo Chiyan's palm covered her cheeks, and the temperature transmitted made Ye Tang feel warm.

"I'll go to the room and rest for a while, I'll accompany you.


When Ye Tang reprimanded Gao Xue just now, he also used too much force, which caused him to feel a sense of detachment emotionally, and he needed such comfort to gradually calm down.

Xiao Qing sneered on the side: "I want to see what prosperous future this Ye Jiang can bring to their Ye family!"

What kind of natural life, could it be that some Taoist priest in the rivers and lakes made a mistake!

I have to say that Xiao Qing is really the truth.

Bo Chiyan spoke: "Mom, I'll take Tang Tang back to the room first." "

Okay, take her to rest. "


Bo Chiyan accompanied Ye Tang to rest in the room for a long time, and Bo Xiao went upstairs to see her accompanied by his grandmother.

"Sister-in-law, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. "

Certain emotions, just vent them.

"It's fine if you're okay.

Bo Xiao raised his eyebrows: "Sister-in-law, that kind of garbage family, if you throw it away, it's over, there's no need to take them to heart."

"Of course I don't take them to heart, I just want to block them.

Bo Xiao smiled: "Sister-in-law is the same as I thought." This Ye family is really shameless, I think you can't do without their so-called family, and now they are calling that Mrs. Ye to come to our house, in a vain attempt to kidnap you with maternal affection, remove the hot search, and protect Ye Jiang's reputation.

"No, sister-in-law, even if you swallow this bad breath, I can't swallow it. No, I'm going to let them find something to do and add to their blockage. Hmph, make them more troublesome than they are now.

Ye Tang saw his evil smile, and couldn't help but laugh: "You learned the afterglow? and add to them? This is indeed like the tone of the aftertaste, it seems that you are very familiar with her." "

It seems that the simple Bo Erha has been learned badly by Yu Yun.

"Do you know this?" Bo Xiao scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "Oh, sister-in-law, I think you should know it in your heart." Well, if you have any ideas, you can tell me. "

Yu Yun and her sister-in-law are playing together, and they must have similar ideas, and they also want to block the Ye family.

Ye Tang said: "There is indeed one thing.

"Gao Xue has an old girlfriend with green tea, and as far as I know, she has hooked up with Ye Hao. "

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