Ye Tang meant to do something for the Ye family.

It's best to add some blockage to the Ye family.

The person who is most involved in this matter is still Ye Hao.

Ye Tang spoke again: "I have nothing to say about Ye Hao, the so-called biological father.

She still remembers that when she just woke up from the hospital, this so-called father, because of Ye Jiang, also spoke ill of her, and threatened to strangle her in swaddling clothes, without any humanity at all.

For this kind of person, she can only say that let's see if he can continue to lock up his beloved daughter for the rest of his life.

She, wait and see.

Xiao Qing didn't expect that this Ye Hao would actually say such excessive things to his own daughter, is this still a human being?

Not to mention being a parent, even if he is a stranger, he can't say such bad things.

"Tang Tang, him, Ye Hao, this is what he should do. This kind of person is not a human being at all, is he?"

Xiao Qing trembled with anger,

and he couldn't wait to give Ye Hao a few big slaps in front of him immediately.

"Tang Tang, if you need help, just call me. I am a cultivated person, but if I meet such a shameless person, I will slap them every minute to teach them to be a man!"

Seeing his mother-in-law's maintenance of himself, Ye Tang's heart was still very warm.

In this dark world, there is finally someone to fight against her.

These people are Bo Chiyan, his family, and now her family.

"Meow meow~"

The blue fat man also saw that Ye Tang's demons were eliminated.

There is a TV series that says well, a verbal apology has no effect at all, and only when you personally understand the pain of the victim, and the pain is as painful as the victim, can it be regarded as a real apology.

Today, Gao Xue heard Ye Tang's heart, and she should finally understand the pain that Ye Tang suffered in the past.

Gao Xue should have expected that she had done so many eccentric things at the beginning, and even wronged Ye Tang for her adopted daughter, so it was impossible for her biological daughter to forgive her.

Gao Xue really underestimated Ye Tang's hardness, thinking that Ye Tang would choose to forgive because of his desire for maternal love.

Ye Tang didn't know that Gao Xue's green tea old girlfriend Lin Qingqing, while beside the Ye family, also said a lot of bad things about herself behind her back, she has always been sowing discord, inciting Gao Xue to be eccentric to Ye Jiang, treating her own daughter harshly, and she is also the biggest-stirring stick.

Lin Qingqing was affectionate to Ye Jiang, and he had a lot of stammering, so he got a lot of light, and when he went out, he called himself Ye Jiang's godmother, and even in the name of Ye Jiang, he repeatedly approached Ye Hao and secretly sent autumn waves to the other party.

There are some things that you know, Ye Tang once reminded Gao Xue euphemistically, feeling that Lin Qingqing was not a good person, and hoped that her mother would not be deceived by her. But Gao Xue was always unhappy, thinking that Ye Tang was provoking the relationship between the two of them, and thought that Ye Tang was unpleasant in front of those elders, and Lin Qingqing preferred Ye Jiang, a fairy in the world, and there was nothing wrong with that.

Gao Xue's last sentence really made Ye Tang sad.

Later, Ye Tang didn't bother to talk about Lin Qingqing anymore.

What's even more strange is that Gao Xue turned her head and told Lin Qingqing what she had said.

Lin Qingqing didn't have a smile on her because of Ye Jiang, but now because of her old girlfriend's words, she is even more disgusted with her, last time in a luxury store, Lin Qingqing also pursued her tea words, stimulating Gao Xue and making Gao Xue misunderstand her.

Later, she knew that Lin Qingqing and Ye Hao were together, and she didn't bother to remind Gao Xue.

Although Gao Xue is to blame for everything, this old green tea is also indispensable.

Bo Xiao heard Ye Tang tell the ins and outs of the matter, and he was immediately excited.

"Sister-in-law, what do you mean, this time you want to engage Ye Hao, Gao Xue, and that old green tea girlfriend?"

If these three people collide together, it will be very exciting, what a big pot of dog blood!


that Bo Xiao's eyes lit up after hearing this, Ye Tang still wanted to laugh.

What's going on with this Bo Erha, it's obvious that she was injured in the Ye family, why does he have such a strong sense of substitution?

After all, he is also a wealthy man, if he gets involved in this kind of thing with her, won't it damage his noble image?

Ye Tang replied: "There is another one involved, who is Lin Qingqing's husband.

She was even thinking about how to involve Ye Jiang.

These people, this play, are inseparable from Ye Jiang.

Bo Chiyan seemed to see through Ye Tang's thoughts, touched her hair, and said in a gentle and magnetic voice: "In the future, Bo Xiao will also be your family, and your business will be his business." Call him casually. "

No matter what Ye Tang does, he is supportive.

Bo Xiaoji nodded fiercely like a peck of rice.

"Yes, call me as you please, I'm idle.

Ye Tang couldn't help laughing: "No, it feels like I'm going to take you badly."

Bo Chiyan spoke again: "Whether it's

good or bad, anyway, I'll always only be on your side." If the whole world is going to choose to stand against you, then I will choose to stand against the whole world. and the whole world as enemies.

Ye Tang felt the temperature transmitted from the man's body, and couldn't help but feel sweet in his heart.

This man is also so hardcore when he talks about love.

No matter how many people Ye Jiang was favoring her, as long as she had a Bo Chiyan on her side, it would be enough to be worth thousands of troops.

"Hmm. "

If you want to engage Ye Hao, you must first investigate the old green tea.

Ye Tang guessed correctly, Gao Xue is now with Old Green Tea.

The Ye family was looking forward to it, waiting for Gao Xue to bring back the good news and remove the scandal that the Ye family had hung on the hot search.

But Ye Mubai and Ye Limo brought back Gao Xue, who was unconscious, only to know that they were driven out by the Bo family.

Mrs. Ye looked at her pale daughter-in-law, she kept saying sorry in her mouth, and her face was not good, and the good mood of sitting at home drinking tea and other good news was also ruined, and it became terrible.

She snorted coldly: "What a waste, Ye Tang just said those few words, and you were kicked out by others like this?"

Hasn't Ye Tang always longed for maternal love? Why now, on the contrary, she drove Gao Xue out, which is really surprising!

It seems that she really underestimated Ye Tang.

When Ye Mingqi learned the news, he also tightened his eyebrows and didn't speak again.

"Grandma. Ye Limo suppressed his mood before saying, "You are so capable, why don't you go to the Bo family by yourself?" Oh, could it be that grandma, you have long expected that you may be driven away by the servants of the Bo family without even seeing Tang Tang's face like last time?"

Ye Limo talked about Mrs. Ye's pain point, and almost didn't come up in one breath: "It's just presumptuous! Boss, don't think that you are not the president of Starlight now, I can't do anything about you." As long as there is me in this family for a day, it will not be your turn to be in charge!" "

Now, go and kneel in the ancestral hall for me, when you figure it out, when you get up again."

Ye Limo's forehead was bruised, and in the end he didn't say anything, turned around and went to the ancestral hall.

"Okay, I'll go.

Gao Xue woke up at this time, saw the back of her eldest son, and couldn't help crying again.

"Limo ......"

She knew that Ye Limo was punishing herself when she went to kneel in the ancestral hall. Moreover, as an elder brother, he also wanted to experience Ye Tang's mood in the Ye family, as well as all the hardships he had suffered in the Ye family, and he had to taste them one by one.

At the beginning, he kept saying that there was only one sister of Ye Jiang, and only Ye Jiang had one sister.

As for Ye Tang's own sister, he will never recognize it.

But now, he knelt down in the ancestral hall full of candles, silently praying for everything in Ye Tang's heart, hoping that she would live a happy life in this life.

But even if he knelt on his knees, he couldn't ask for a Ye Tang again.

Ye Jiang probably never dreamed that Ye Tang would take her place and become Ye Limo's unattainable white moonlight.

When Gao Xue thought of her biological daughter, she couldn't help but hide her face again and cry bitterly.

How could this be?

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