The most injured person today is probably Lin Qingqing.

Ye Jiang and Gao Xue all thought that Lin Qingqing was the culprit, the third party who destroyed their family, and even shamelessly wanted to frame Ye Jiang.

"Lin Qingqing, I just found out today, it turns out that you are a poisonous snake! The appearance is pure, weak and innocent, I didn't expect that there are so many eyes, you have not harmed the relationship between me and Ye Tang enough, and you also want to harm the relationship between me and Ye Jiang!"

Gao Xue almost roared out of anger.

"For so many years, you have eaten me and worn mine, I have been so good to you, how do you repay me?"

Even if Ye Jiang, the baby daughter, is innocent, but in the face of this old girlfriend who has been good for more than 20 years, Gao Xue is also heartbroken. She was so good to Lin Qingqing, and even misunderstood her own daughter for Lin Qingqing.

But this white-eyed wolf, in the end, wanted to replace her as a wealthy man, which really made her feel cold.

The person closest to her chose to betray her.

"In the future, you don't want to come to my house again, I don't want to see you again. The things I gave you, whether it is clothes, jewelry or bags, you can give them back to me, otherwise, I will sue you for illegal possession!" Ye

Tang saw Gao Xue's emotional collapse, without the slightest sympathy, she didn't remind Gao Xue, it was she who was willing to be played around by Lin Qingqing, who was to blame?

In the final analysis, she was too stupid.

People who are dozens of years old don't have brains yet.

Lin Qingqing bit her lip and didn't speak, how could she not know at this moment, she was being used as a shield, if Ye Hao and Ye Jiang must be good people, then she should be this bad person.

From today on, the relationship between her and Gao Xue can be regarded as a break.

She can take the blame for Ye Hao and Ye Jiang, she is willing.

However, she will not give up!

One day, the position of the Ye family's housewife will be her alone.

Although Ye Hao cheated, Gao Xue admitted that she still couldn't do without him in her heart.

She is highly married, and her husband has always been so fond of her, she is reluctant.

Moreover, she felt that this matter was Lin Qingqing's fault, and it was unrealistic for her and Ye Hao to divorce after being married for so many years.

Gao Xue walked over and said to Ye Tang: "Ye Tang, in the future, don't mention this matter again, okay? Your father was just seduced by Lin Qingqing's cheap woman, and he was confused for a while, I believe he won't do this in the future."

Gao Xue faced Ye Tang with guilt in her heart.

She remembered that her daughter had reminded her that there was something wrong with Gao Xue, but she had never heard of it, and she felt that this daughter was playing tricks and scheming.

Now she knows that she was wrong.

How could she have thought that her daughter was scheming before?

Ye Tang was only nineteen years old, but she seemed to have been speculating about this daughter with malice.

This made her feel very guilty.

Speaking of which, this is inseparable from Lin Qingqing's instigation, and Lin Qingqing was not wronged at all.

But her guilt for Ye Tang, her biological daughter, still can't withstand her desire to maintain the close family between Ye Hao and Ye Jiang, and in the future, she will find a way to make up for Ye Tang.

Her guilt for Ye Tang and her love for her husband's adopted daughter were unclear in her mind, and in the end, it was the latter who won the victory and gained the upper hand.

She has already lost Ye Tang and can no longer lose Ye Hao and Ye Jiang.

"Tangtang, I'm sorry. She

only learned today that there were some things, and she was wrong to blame Ye Tang.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have distrusted you and trusted the words of an inconsequential woman. I'm really sorry.

Ye Tang looked at her face, how could he not understand what Gao Xue was thinking.

Before that, she would have been disappointed in this mother.

But now ......

"You don't have to say sorry to me, I don't have anything to do with you for a long time. "

It doesn't matter, Gao Xue doesn't love her in the first place, she can give her up for anyone, and she has no mother for a long time.

But when Gao Xue heard this, Ye Tang's senseless attitude inevitably hurt again.

The guilt in her heart for Ye Tang came over like a tide.

Why did she find out now that she owed so much to this daughter?

She didn't even know what to do now.

Ye Tang sneered, his voice was indifferent: "And your business is my, tell me what are you doing?" Let me remind you first, don't claim to be my father, I don't have a father." And I'm here today just to watch a joke. Ms. Gao, the picture of you fighting with Lin Qingqing today is very exciting, and I haven't seen enough of it as a viewer.

"But then again, I thought your Ye family was so loving, it seems that it's just that, it looks bright on the outside, but I didn't expect that the inside was already crawling with cockroaches, very dirty, and disgusting."

Gao Xue was stunned, she didn't expect Ye Tang to say this, and her heart was a little blocked.

Ye Hao's derailment, after all, is a fact.

Where can a family where a cheating father be happy?

People who can cheat are selfish ghosts who don't know how to love, and sooner or later there will be other things in the future. How can she quit stealing a fishy cat?

She used to be able to show off to others, she has a husband who loves her deeply, and she is the only woman.

But now, she can't show off.

Ye Tang: "Fortunately, I won't be in your Ye family for a long time, otherwise I'm really afraid of being disgusted by you, tsk."

Her words were completely an outsider's comment on the Ye family.

Ye Tang shrugged his shoulders: "If a family is united and loving, parents are loving, and brothers are united, it is a pity that I have lost such family affection." But in a family like yours, I'm so glad I left early. With this kind of family, why are you embarrassed to talk about betrayal and separation? It seems that some people are rare.

When Ye Hao heard Ye Tang say this, his heart was also blocked: "Ye Tang!" This

daughter's humiliation of them, is it a little unstoppable?

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