Ye Tang replied to him: "What's the use of being angry now, don't do that lack of virtue when you have the ability!"

"You ......"

Ye Hao's face was gloomy, and he finally held back his temper.

This daughter has a lot of hard temper, especially for their family.

What's more, getting angry at the police station is not a place, it will only attract people to see jokes.

This unfilial girl exposed his cheating in public, and it was okay to slap him in the face, what he couldn't tolerate the most was that Ye Tang had left the Ye family, and he actually wanted to take the opportunity to hurt Jiang Jiang, which was really a bit deadly.

When she was tired of bouncing outside alone, she obediently returned to Ye's house, and he and her mother taught her a good lesson.

What Ye Hao thought in his heart was quite beautiful.

Ye Hao was afraid of being slapped in the face by Ye Tang, so he hurriedly said to Gao Xue and Ye Jiang: "Okay, let's go home." Today's jokes, don't people see enough of them? Ye Tang is a nineteen-year-old girl who is willful, and you, a person who is dozens of years old, are also willful with her?"

Although Gao Xue still has resentment towards Ye Hao's cheating on her best friend, her love for him finally surpasses everything, and in this matter, the person she hates is Lin Qingqing, and she also hates herself for luring the wolf into the room.

Ye Hao's words still woke her up, she wants to maintain her husband's dignity and face, and she can't be like Ye Tang and fight against them.

Therefore, she couldn't take care of Ye Tang anymore, and planned to go back with her husband and daughter.

"Okay, let's go.

Gao Xue took Ye Jiang's hand intimately, and the guilt in her heart prompted her to take one last look at Ye Tang, and silently said sorry in her heart.

Her choice is ultimately Ye Hao and Ye Jiang.

Although I did this, I am really sorry for Ye Tang.

But Ye Tang didn't pay attention to Gao Xue at all, but lowered his eyes to look at Lin Qingqing on the side.

At this time, Lin Qingqing was embarrassed, and she was briefly abandoned by Ye Hao and Ye Jiang.

In his previous life, Lin Qingqing had never been so miserable, and he had always lived a prosperous and beautiful life.

Moreover, she has always been Ye Jiang's good helper.

Now, ......

Someone stepped under his feet.

Ye Tang sneered: "What a poor worm. Ye

Tang's words were said to Lin Qingqing.

When Lin Qingqing heard this, he bit his lip and hated it to the extreme.

Ye Tang was already sure in her heart that Gao Xue would definitely be unlucky in the future, she could see it clearly today, Ye Hao didn't think there was anything wrong with her cheating. With Lin Qingqing, a potential junior, she may not be able to take the position one day, and then unite the father and daughter to kick Gao Xue away.

She is so desperate to defend Ye Hao and Ye Jiang now, it is too late to cry in the end.

Gao Xue thought that she had poured out her heart and lungs for her adopted daughter, and her adopted daughter would also have the same heart with her. But she forgot that Ye Jiang and her had no blood relationship at all, and they were not a mother and daughter, how could they really have the same heart with her?

With Ye Tang's understanding of Ye Jiang, Ye Jiang must also put interests first, once Gao Xue has no use value, she will be abandoned by Ye Jiang without hesitation.

In the final analysis, Gao Xue is just raising tigers for trouble!

Ye Tang was too lazy to care about Gao Xue, and naturally he didn't bother to care about the affairs between them, a woman who is dozens of years old, she has to learn to be responsible for herself, and she has to finish the road she chooses by kneeling.

Thinking that they had a fight on the street just now, and many people were watching and taking pictures, Gao Xue's face instantly became ugly again, and she didn't know how to end it for a while.

In the future, there will probably be jokes about her catching rape in the circle.

She is showing off her husband and wife love outside, and in the future, I am afraid that she will be ridiculed to death by the group of broad wives.

Ye Tang took out another stack of photos and shook them in his hand: "If you want to leave now, I'm afraid it's a little difficult."

Ye Hao frowned: "What do you mean?" Ye Hao

suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

The next moment, a middle-aged man in a shirt walked in.

This man is Lin Qingqing's legitimate husband, Lin Desheng.

He patrolled for a week and finally saw Lin Qingqing in rags.

If it weren't for a coat draped, I'm afraid it would have been gone.

His head seemed to be shrouded in green clouds.


Lin Qingqing saw her husband appear in front of her, and her face turned pale instantly.

Ye Tang: "Mr. Lin, there's nothing to do with me here, I'll leave."

Lin Desheng looked at the girl in front of him, knowing that she was the person who contacted him before, and sent him a bed photo of Lin Qingqing and Ye Hao.

They can be regarded as a cooperative relationship, this girl wants to teach the Ye family a lesson, and he needs to get due financial compensation in this cuckolded and indecent relationship.

"Okay, thank you. "

Each other, each other.

Ye Hao saw that the two of them had an exchange, and he understood everything in an instant.

"Ye Tang, is he the person you found?"

For a while, Ye Hao was in a hurry.

He didn't understand at all, why did

Ye Tang do this? Ye Tang looked back at Ye Hao calmly with his eyes: "Catch the traitor, if you don't find all the people, how can you sing this scene?"

Ye Hao was angry: "You are betrayal!" She

is his own daughter, how can she help others harm him?

Ye Tang directly rolled his eyes: "Neurotic, I am not in the same group as you!"

"Besides, you helped Ye Jiang stand on the opposite side of me before, I don't know how many times it happened, how did you have the face to ask me to be on your side?

Ye Tang didn't bother to say anything more to them, just glanced at the circle of people in front of him, and finally threw down a sentence.

"Don't mess with me in the future! Otherwise, I don't know what I'll do.

Ye Hao clenched his fists and bit his cheeks very tightly.

After speaking, Ye Tang turned around and left in a dashing manner, leaving only Lin Desheng with a gloomy face, staring at the person in front of him, without fear.

He lifted the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said to Ye Hao: "Mr. Ye Hao, I am Lin Qingqing's husband who has received the certificate." Regarding the matter of you and my wife having sex, I have already learned clearly from Miss Ye Tang. I don't know Mr. Ye Hao, how are you going to solve this matter? As a victim of being cuckolded, I should have the right to ask Mr. Ye to give me a solution, right?"


Lin Qingqing pounced, and just wanted to say something, but was almost pushed to the ground by Lin Desheng.

He had a cold face: "You get out of here!"

Lin Qingqing was pushed, where was he still in the mood of being coquettish and pretending to be weak before, and he only hated himself for provoking Ye Tang today.

Ye Hao has never been threatened, and today is the first time.

All of this is due to Ye Tang, the biological daughter.

When he thought that his biological daughter was so merciless to him, his biological father, he was angry.

Could it be that she doesn't care

about blood and family affection at all? But Ye Hao never thought that he used to treat Ye Tang like this, he didn't care about blood and family affection at all, he didn't care about Ye Tang in this family, whether he didn't have relatives to care about him.

Ye Hao: "Then what do you want?"

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