Lin Desheng: "Then it depends on Mr. Ye, how much sincerity you can give."

Ye Jianggang wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ye Hao: "Okay, let's go to the café to talk now." "

This matter, Jiang Jiang can't be pulled into the water anymore, he can solve it.

He slept with Lin Qingqing, in the end, he was at fault, if it caused trouble in public opinion, it would be very ugly.

If the Ye family is doing other business, they can not care about public opinion. But on the contrary, they are in the entertainment industry, and there are enough scandals in their Ye family.

Lin Desheng nodded: "It's still Mr. Ye who knows current affairs and is more sensible than Miss Ye."

When Ye Jiang heard this, his face turned red.

What does this man mean?

Ye Hao glanced back at Gao Xue:

"You take Jiang Jiang back first, and I'll go home later." "

People like Lin Desheng are greedy for money, he just needs to give money to the other party and seal the other party's mouth.

But such a villain is also the most difficult.

He still had to figure out how to get rid of this dog skin plaster completely.

Thinking about it like this, Ye Hao had a headache.

During this time, in addition to dividing his energy to manage business matters, he also allocated his energy to deal with such a villain, how could he not make him feel suffocated when he scratched his heart and lungs, and his head was about to explode.


Gao Xue retracted her worried eyes, and then took Ye Jiang back first.

In the car, Gao Xue said to Ye Jiang: "Jiang Jiang, you don't have any contact with that Lin Qingqing in the future, and in the future, she will no longer be your godmother, you know?"

Ye Jiang replied obediently: "I know, Mom, I didn't expect Aunt Lin to be this kind of person, and I won't pay attention to her in the future."

"That's good.

Hearing her daughter say this, Gao Xue was relieved, and she didn't blame her for this incident anymore.

But when Ye Jiang thought of Gao Xue's questioning of her just now, he still felt a little aggrieved.

Mom never yelled at her before, let alone doubted her, but today, because of Ye Tang's words, her mother was so fierce to her, and she didn't have the gentleness she used to be.

Although her mother is still as good to her as before, she still mutters in her heart. Mom never believed Ye Tang's words before, but now, she began to believe it, and she no longer chose to believe in herself unconditionally like before.

And the most terrifying thing is that my mother now feels guilty about Ye Tang.

These changes in Gao Xue still made Ye Jiang vigilant.

Lin Qingqing has broken with Gao Xue now, which is not a good thing for her, Lin Qingqing can still give Gao Xue eye medicine in the past, so that Gao Xue will continue to hate Ye Tang's daughter.

Ye Jiang felt that she was slowly losing the support and maintenance of the people around her, first her brother, and then her mother.

Ye Jiang would think of the last look in Ye Tang's eyes, which seemed so meaningful.

Ye Tang, do you want me to taste the same pain as you did at the beginning? So, you are really cruel.

Heh -

for a long time, she has really been angry with Ye Tang and has been crushed.

The corners of Ye Jiang's mouth curved a trace of arc, and emotions flashed in his eyes that others couldn't understand.

After leaving the police station, Ye Tang did not go home, but went to his club and drank tea inside.

Yu Yun hasn't had much to do lately, and she also came to the club opened by her best friend's house to drink tea and chat, rest and relax.

"Now, those things are enough for their Ye family to be busy for a while. "

The front yard and the backyard are on fire together, which is enough for Ye Hao to have a headache for a while.

Yu Yun couldn't help but complain again: "Gao Xue is a woman who is dozens of years old, it stands to reason that people see more than young people, how can we not understand a truth like us young people, once unfaithful, a hundred times not used." A cheating affair like this must be a slap in the face. How could she think that it was all Lin Qingqing's fault? She is still protecting Ye Hao, isn't she afraid that he will steal and eat next time? I don't believe that a cheating man can return to the family, and this kind of man is dirty, I don't know if other people want it, I don't want it anyway.

Ye Tang couldn't help but laugh when he heard Yu Yun's sharp complaint, blinked and said, "You don't want this kind of dirty man, then I don't want it either, but Gao Xue definitely wants it."

"Gao Xue is also a love brain, and she will forgive Ye Hao, but I think it fits her brain circuit. Besides, she is an ordinary college student marrying the Ye family, which can be regarded as a high marriage, you can see that she is so respectful to Mrs. Ye that she has been living in this family all along.

"But even if she forgives Ye Hao, her face towards Ye Hao won't be much better in a short period of time. It will definitely take three days to make trouble, and Ye Hao will definitely be tossed by Gao Xue.

"As for Ye Hao, I guess he will still get involved with Lin Qingqing in the future, but he is just waiting for the opportunity." When the time is right, he will definitely kick Gao Xue, it's just a matter of time. "

If a man wants to cheat, ten cows can't pull it back.

Yu Yun: "I see, the two of them have entered the stage of torturing each other. Hahaha, the wicked still need the wicked to grind.

Ye Tang nodded: "That's it." The

two girlfriends talked about the gossip of the Ye family, and they both felt happy.

Ye Tang was right, Ye Hao finally stabilized Lin Desheng, and secretly appeased Lin Qingqing.

Lin Qingqing suffered an old sin this time, but seeing Ye Hao coming to her and promising to marry her one day, Lin Qingqing finally felt comforted in his heart, and obediently said to wait for him.

Ye Hao looked at his lover's face, immersed in his lover's sweet words, and couldn't help but turn the clouds and rain with his lover again.

returned home to wait for Ye Hao's high snow, but he didn't know anything about it, and he was still looking forward to her husband's return.

She still has something to say about what happened today.

On the contrary, when the old lady saw Gao Xue's mother and daughter back, she saw Ye Jiang's dejected face, and her shrewd and calculating old eyes also slipped through a trace of other emotions.

"Jiang Jiang, are you admitting defeat to Ye Tang? Because of public opinion on the Internet, you were

defeated by Ye Tang?"

Although the hot search on Weibo was not removed as Mrs. Ye wished, and was still hung on it, Mrs. Ye was still not defeated by such a failure, but stood up very energetically, intending to continue fighting.

Ye Jiang shook his head when he heard his grandmother say this, and said firmly: "Of course not."

"Very good, this is the person of my Ye family, I believe that your life will be extraordinary sooner or later in the future." You are not an ordinary person, a lady of the sky, there is no need to compete with a Ye Tang. The old lady nodded with satisfaction and said, "As for the public opinion on the Internet, don't worry about it for the time being, don't look at it, there will be new hot searches in the entertainment industry and public opinion on the top, and your black search will naturally go down, it's just that it may be difficult in the past few days, but you have to believe that it will get better soon."

"Next, I will give you a TV series with a big IP and let you play the heroine, and this TV series will also be our starlight's self-made drama."

Ye Jiang was mentally encouraged: "Okay, grandma." "

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