Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 102 Ban! Praise of Light

Ling Menglu floated up and flew in front of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. Her beautiful face showed a faint smile, "Are you willing to break up with me?"

Long Dangdang also smiled, his smile was very gentle, and there was a hint of deep meaning in his eyes, "Okay."

Long Kongkong looked at Ling Menglu and then at Long Dangdang, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then let's go together."

Ling Menglu chuckled lightly, "Aren't you serious anymore?"

Long Kongkong snorted disdainfully and said: "Do you think I am my teacher? When have I ever failed? There is so much energy, please share it quickly." As he said this, he controlled the Ascending Spirit Shield and raised it to The spiritual formation was arranged again.

Ling Menglu nodded and took the lead towards the mouth of the canyon. A brilliant white flame ignited from her body, and the undead creatures around her turned into ashes in the gradually expanding white flame.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong followed her and walked towards the canyon.

At this moment, the three of them seemed so insignificant in front of the thousands of undead army, but their figures at this moment were deeply imprinted in the hearts of every student of the Spiritual Furnace Academy, and their backs were so... tall.

At this time, as if stimulated by Ling Menglu, Zisan Liuying's magic was finally completed.

Her pretty face was as pale as paper, and she raised her hands fiercely, pushing her palms toward the sky.

Immediately, the four-color rays of light that were extremely intense rose into the sky. The four-color rays of light intertwined and coiled around each other in the sky. The strong elemental fluctuations made the air in the entire sky seem to become thicker.

"Kill--" Zisan Liuying's voice sounded a little broken, but at this moment, she had tried her best.

Four colors of light surged like a whirlwind, heading straight towards the canyon. Just before the ice wave was about to reach the mouth of the valley and swallow up Ling Menglu, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, the powerful magic element had already descended into the canyon.

Four different colors of light rushed into the canyon like a tide. Wherever it passed, the middle and low-level undead creatures turned into ashes. The four-color light is so gorgeous, but like the scythe of death, it transports many undead creatures back into reincarnation.

Four attribute mixed magic, elemental tide!

This is the most powerful magic that Zisan Liuying can currently perform. Among the sixth-level magic, it is the top existence.

The moment she poured all her strength into the canyon with magic, her body fell down softly.

Cai Caijuan hurriedly hugged her from behind.

In the canyon, layers of ice walls appeared one after another in front of the twelve undead warriors, constantly disintegrating under the impact of the elemental tide, but constantly re-condensing. The middle and low-level undead creatures outside the ice wall have been wiped out by this terrifying magic.

The previous six undead knights were also killed with the concerted efforts of everyone.

Ling Menglu turned around and looked at the knights and warriors, "Retreat, you can retreat too. I don't know how much I can do next, but I should be able to buy enough time for you. Everyone immediately withdraw."

When she said these words, the white flames on her body began to become more and more clear, and the pair of golden wings on her back began to turn into... Two pairs.

Long Dangdang's chest also surged with blue-white brilliance, shining on Ling Menglu, making her whole body seem to be undergoing a wonderful transformation.

At this time, behind her was the cleared canyon, and in the distance were six lichs and twelve undead knights. In front are the friends who have been exhausted to the point where they don't have much fighting power left.

If this is a picture scroll, then the goddess at this time must be the real core of the picture scroll.

Zi Sang Liuying looked at the increasingly powerful white flames on Ling Menglu's body, and suddenly her face changed drastically. She barely supported her body and shouted, "No, Monroe, no!"

Ling Meng looked in her direction with a smile, and the gentle smile on her face seemed to be a little stronger. Her red lips moved, but she didn't make a sound, but her mouth was facing Zisang Liuying as if she was saying What are you wearing?

Zisan Liuying reluctantly released a wind-type eagle eye technique on herself, and discerned the shape of her mouth at this time.

"You haven't won yet." This is what Ling Menglu said to her.

The assassin had already begun to retreat quickly with the legal profession, and Cai Caijuan also took Zi Sang Liu onto Bai Phoenix's back.

"No, no, I want to stay, I..." Zisang Liuying groaned and fainted in Cai Caijuan's arms. Cai Caijuan looked at her palms, "It was Tang Leiguang who asked me to knock you out. You can't blame me. .”

After muttering, the white phoenix took off, but Cai Caijuan's eyes always fell on the three people at the mouth of the canyon.

Tang Leiguang did not leave, not even the soldiers and knights who fought alongside him.

They did not obey Ling Menglu's order, and a girl stood at the front. As knights and warriors, how could they escape from the battle? They all chose to stay and gain more time out of the war for the legal profession.

"I'm going." Ling Menglu said with a smile to Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong.

Long Kongkong blinked, "Cousin, is there any surprise?"

Ling Menglu rolled her eyes at him and said, "Yes, the surprise is that your cousin is a hero." After saying this, she flapped the four wings behind her and flew straight into the depths of the canyon, her body filled with blazing flames. It also devoured her body in an instant, making it impossible for the students of Spirit Furnace Academy to see her clearly.

Deep in the Thorn Canyon, the impact of the elemental tide has gradually subsided, and the ice wall has melted on its own. Twelve undead knights, covered with ice armor, strode out, and the six lichs were even more burning. Dark red halo.

The combined aura of the eighteen undead warriors was as powerful as a roaring mountain and a tsunami, and they were rushing towards the entrance of the valley at high speed.

After them, the undead army also took action again, rushing straight to the other side of the canyon.

Ling Menglu, whose whole body was covered in white flames, even though she still had a faint smile on her face at the last moment before leaving, was so tragic in the eyes of the students of Linglu Academy. She went, and there was no doubt that what she wanted to cast must be a powerful magic that was not inferior to the elemental tide of the previous elemental saint, but the price for her was herself.

"Brother, does it hurt?" Long Kongkong asked Long Dangdang beside him.

Long Dangdang said calmly: "It will definitely not be too comfortable. I just hope it can be faster, and it is best to be over in an instant."

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "This is a test for you. You have endured the side effects of praying to the angels. Are you afraid of this?"

Long Dang said: "Woman, when you go crazy, that's really scary."

Almost at the same moment, a strong feeling of palpitations emerged in both of their hearts.

The sweet sound seemed to be falling from the sky, clearly transmitted into everyone's mind. This also includes the legal professionals of the Spirit Furnace Squadron who are already on the way to evacuate.

"O great God of Light! I am willing to use my life as a sacrifice and my soul as fuel in exchange for your endless magnificence to shine on the world. Forbidden! Light - Salute - Praise -!"

Its daybreak. At this moment, the entire sky burst out with dazzling brilliance. The brilliant light fell from high in the sky and turned into huge golden light pillars. But all these golden light pillars falling from the sky shine in one direction.

In the distance, Cai Caijuan, who was on Bai Fenghuang's back, saw this scene, her eyes glazed over.

Forbidden spell, she actually used it.

Even though this is not a complete forbidden spell in the true sense, it is definitely the most decisive skill of the priest series.

Legend has it that when a ninth-level priest casts this forbidden spell, he can turn the night into day and bring light to the world. And the price paid must be the price of life and soul.

Ling Menglu used this forbidden spell with a fifth-level cultivation level because she had more than ninety points of innate inner spiritual power, and she relied on the Son of Light's physique to force it out. Although the power cannot be compared with the real forbidden curse, it is still the power of the forbidden curse! If a low-level ability to cast a high-level forbidden spell can really be used, its power can exceed its own third-level power. But the price is death!

The moment the forbidden curse began, she never left any way out for herself. Everything she had dedicated to the miracle of the coming of the God of Light.

"Forbidden curse, are you so serious about it?" These were Long Kongkong's last words. Because at the next moment, not only everything in the canyon was covered by this terrifying forbidden spell that had more than eight levels, even he and Long Dangdang at the mouth of the canyon were the same. In other words, at the moment when the forbidden curse broke out, his and Long Dangdang's bodies became sacrifices to the God of Light because the spiritual furnace was connected to Ling Menglu.

The entire Thorn Canyon has completely turned into a brilliant white ocean. The white flames engulfed the entire valley and spread further.

What everyone could see was that the bodies of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong standing at the mouth of the canyon also burned and became part of the white flame. But the white flame miraculously did not spread to the human warriors.

In the sky, more and more golden light pillars appeared, the original haze disappeared, and the brilliant golden light seemed to reflect everything around it into gold.

Cai Caijuan opened her mouth. This was the first time in her life that she had witnessed the emergence of a forbidden curse. Ling Menglu was at level five, five plus three, and the forbidden spell she cast should be at level eight. But is this brilliant light in front of us, and the canyon that is expanding in the white flames, really something that the eighth-level forbidden spell can do?

Tang Leiguang's eyes were also full of shock at this time. The gentle smile on Ling Menglu's pretty face before flying out was deeply imprinted in the depths of his mind.

Everything happened too fast, too fast. At this moment, he only felt heartbroken. In my heart, it seemed as if I had lost something most important.

The others stood there blankly, and even the legal professionals who were already retreating stopped. They all turned towards the direction of Thorny Canyon. Everyone's eyes were shining with light, and everyone's heart was filled with indescribable excitement.

I don’t know who was the first to have red eyes, but everyone’s fists were clenched tightly.

Sacrifice, these two words are easy to say, and this is also one of the ten rules of the knight. However, how many people can truly sacrifice themselves for others?

Some people who can still think rationally understand that the forbidden curse in front of them is not just the power of Ling Menglu. Because she alone is not enough to create such a powerful forbidden spell. The reason why the forbidden curse can exert such power is inseparable from the two brothers who also burned and became part of the holy flame at the mouth of the canyon.

Three people, they sacrificed three people in exchange for everyone's safety. In the face of such a terrifying forbidden curse, even if those undead creatures were so powerful before, it would be impossible for anyone to survive.

At the cost of their lives, they completed this seemingly impossible task for everyone.

Tang Leiguang took a deep breath, stuck the heavy sword in his hand on the ground, held the hilt of the sword in his right hand, and knelt down on one knee towards the thorn canyon that had been expanded more than ten times.

The knights and warriors around him all knelt down on one knee in exactly the same way, with their right fists across their chests.

The legal professions looked at this scene from a distance and made the same move in unison.

Cai Caijuan supported Zisang Liuying in her arms and gave her such a posture.

"Zisang! We still lost! You know what? I regret not choosing her now. I just don't know if I would have to sacrifice with her if we were teammates! I'm a little scared. Dead. That's why I said that about her just now. Do you think I'm too shameless? I'm obviously afraid of death, but I say others are afraid of death. I really hate myself now." She murmured to herself He was muttering to himself, but tears kept falling uncontrollably, falling on Zisan Liuying in his arms.

At this moment, the Thorn Canyon has turned into the Thorn Basin. The golden light pillar in the sky gradually disappeared, but the original haze had long since disappeared. The bright rays of the sun replaced the haze, bringing light to the earth. But in that canyon, there was no longer any existence, and everything seemed empty as if it had been teleported away.

The Spiritual Furnace Squadron's five-hour mission to guard Jingmen Village ended with the complete destruction of all undead creatures. It was completed.

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