A group of old and middle-aged people stood side by side. At this time, each of them seemed very silent.

Behind them, dozens of young people were standing. Their eyes were all full of tears, and they made unified movements, kneeling on one knee and placing their right fist across their chests towards the big screen formed by magic in front of them.

The silence lasted for more than ten minutes. It was not until the light in the screen disappeared completely that Yu Yunqiong looked at the old dean Zhou Shuixi next to him, "Dean..."

Zhou Shuixi waved his hand, with a somewhat complicated brilliance in his eyes, "Very good, our Linglu Academy can produce such students. This is the glory of the academy and our true glory. They have not embarrassed the academy. They have truly learned what it means to be a student." The spirit of sacrifice. Knight Commander, are you satisfied with this answer?" As he spoke, he turned to look at the middle-aged man beside him who was already strong but with white hair.

The middle-aged man had a look that was far beyond his years, and he said in a deep voice, "Okay!"

Zhou Shuixi knew this person very well, and it was the greatest compliment that this person could say such a thing.

"The results of this assessment have come out and it can be over." Zhou Shuixi said to Yu Yunqiong beside him.

"Okay." Yu Yunqiong nodded and said. Then he turned and walked away.

Yan Yao, who was standing on the edge of the team, her eyes were a little red from crying. She saw him leaving and quickly followed him.

It wasn't until she was far away from everyone that the tears in Yan Yao's eyes subsided a little, and she said softly: "Could they have guessed something?"

Yu Yunqiong immediately made a silent gesture, "Whether it is or not, it is not. Do you understand? This matter is very important to them."

Yan Yao seemed to have thought of something, her heart tightened slightly, and she nodded quickly.

Yu Yunqiong said curiously: "Why do you guess so?"

Yan Yao said: "Is it normal that a guy who is afraid of death can suddenly face death so calmly?"

Yu Yunqiong suddenly smiled and touched her head, "Hey, my little girl has become smarter."

Yan Yao slapped his hand away in disgust, "Are you saying I was stupid before?"

Yu Yunqiong smiled and said: "I didn't say that. It's just that some people's nickname was the female knight. I remember it correctly."


Zisang Liuying gradually woke up from her coma. When she stood up with the help of Cai Caijuan and looked at the enlarged valley in the distance, tears burst into her eyes.

"Praise of Light. She used Praise of Light. It burned the bodies of three of them. Is she going to defeat us in this way? It's really enough." Cai Caijuan said while wiping her tears.

Zisang Liuying didn't speak, she just cried silently. At this moment, she knew that she might never be able to defeat her in this life.

The Spirit Furnace Squadron has reunited, gathering around Zisang Liuying.

From the beginning of this mission, the captain showed strong control over the battlefield and led everyone to persevere with his strong strength. But at the end, when everything seemed impossible to continue, the vice-captain stood up. It was such a shocking scene for them.

Zisan Liuying took a deep breath and barely controlled her emotions, just when she was about to give the order to return to the military camp. Suddenly, she found that faint spots of light began to appear on her body, not just her, but also everyone around her. Golden light spots appeared on everyone's body, and then, their bodies gradually disappeared under the golden light spots.

Until everything in front of them fell into blank, no one knew what happened.

It seemed that only a moment passed, and the next moment, the scenery in front of them became clear again.

This is a large hall. There are dazzling magic runes on the ground, and each magic rune shines with brilliant brilliance and rich elemental fluctuations.

"This is..., what happened?" Everyone's eyes looked a little confused.

Suddenly, a scream sounded, "What do you think that is?"

The scream was made by Cai Caijuan. Zi Sang Liuying looked at her in astonishment, and then followed her gaze.

Not far from them, three people were lying on the ground. They were all obviously in a coma, their faces were very ugly, and one of their bodies was even twitching occasionally. But they were just lying there, lying there alive.

Everyone's eyes instantly became dull. At this moment, the door on one side of the huge hall slowly opened.

The dean of students, Yu Yunqiong, walked in with the head teachers of each grade and class. Also walking in at the same time were the forty-odd students who had been declared dead before.

"This, this is still a simulation?" Cai Caijuan opened her mouth wide.

The facts are proving to them what happened in the previous assessment. Obviously, it was not a real actual battle, it was still the same situation as when they fought against the demons, it was still a simulated battlefield.

Therefore, no one will really die on such a battlefield. Even if that person used a forbidden spell.

It was precisely because of this that the three people were lying there alive, rather than really in a state of despair.

Yu Yunqiong slowly walked up to the crowd and looked at their complicated expressions, even with a bit of anger in their eyes.

"Yes, this is still a simulation assessment, not a real actual battle. Are you angry that you were deceived by the academy?" Yu Yunqiong said lightly.

Everyone fell into silence, but those behind Yu Yunqiong who had been eliminated early were even more ashamed at this time.

"However, this assessment, for you, is based on actual combat. It is the academy that is reluctant to bear your real sacrifices, which has created such a situation. But what I can tell you is that this is the last time. And Watching your performance in this assessment are the deans and leaders of our college, as well as military leaders, and representatives of the six major temples. The attention you have received in this assessment has spread throughout the federation. They are all at the highest level. So, please tell me, are you satisfied with your results in this assessment? Have you obtained enough merits? Also, if this is a real actual battle, these dead robes behind me , is really dead, how do you feel now?"

Yu Yunqiong said these words with calm eyes, which caused some changes in everyone's mood.

At this moment, Zisang Liuying suddenly took a few steps forward and bowed deeply towards Yu Yunqiong. At this time, the tears in the corners of her eyes were not yet dry, "Thank you, teacher, and thank you to the college."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, but soon realized why she said that.

yes! If the academy wasn't worried about their safety, if this was a real actual battle. Then, some of them really died, and some of their classmates died in battle. The three people who chose to use the forbidden curse to cut off their queens were really sacrificed!

But now, no matter how you say it, they are still alive and well, everyone is still alive. Is there anything more wonderful than this?

Everyone who reacted followed Zisan Liuying and said in unison: "Thank you, teacher, thank you to the academy."

A smile appeared at the corner of Yu Yunqiong's mouth, "Okay, let's all get up. Although you have exposed many shortcomings in this actual battle, there are also many bright spots. Overall, it has exceeded the expectations of the military and the temple. . They did better than they imagined." As he spoke, he looked at Zisan Liuying, and then at the three people who were still "lying corpses" on the other side.

"After you go back, you must sum up the experience and lessons learned this time. Next, the college's teaching for you will enter a new stage. Like this actual combat, you will really face it soon. At that time, If you really don’t have the academy to support you, those who die will never be resurrected.”


"Some people will come and carry the three of them to the infirmary."

Zisang Liuying and Cai Caijuan carried Ling Menglu together, while Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were carried by other boys and sent to the infirmary for treatment. There is no shortage of high-level priests in Spirit Furnace Academy. As long as there is still breath, it is absolutely difficult to die.

At this moment, in the large conference room of Linglu Academy.

Dean Zhou Shuixi sat in the main seat, with senior military and temple officials sitting on both sides who had been paying attention to the actual battle.

"Everyone, how do you feel after this actual combat assessment? Will these young children be able to be sent to the battlefield in advance soon?" Zhou Shuixi asked in a deep voice.

From his personal point of view, he actually didn't want these young children to be sent to the battlefield in advance. They still need more time to study and practice, and he is reluctant to let these children enter the battlefield so early.

The first person sitting on his left was the Paladin captain who he had asked before. He said solemnly: "The talents they have shown are better than we imagined. Even better than those senior students who have already started to perform tasks." The academy is only strong but not weak. Especially the geniuses from the major temples in the first grade have shown very good talents. They even have the ability to control. I think such talents can really embark on the journey. .”

Sitting opposite him was an old man. He looked very old, and the wrinkles on his face could kill a fly.

"I partially agree with what the Knight Commander said. In this assessment, although many students performed very well, and the overall cohesion and execution were also good. But there are also many problems exposed. Not all students are suitable to go out now. You have to know , those who can enter the Spiritual Furnace Academy are the geniuses of the major temples who have gone through countless assessments and proven themselves countless times. Even if one of them falls, it will be a huge loss for the temple, and it is something we never want to see. Therefore, we must follow the rules of strict entry and strict exit. Those who do not meet the conditions must not be released just like this. I know that the military is short of manpower now, but it should not be left to its own devices."

Zhou Shuixi nodded when he heard this and said, "That's what I mean too."

The Paladin leader frowned slightly and said, "I understand. But it turns out that the reorganized Demon Hunting Group does play a very important role. How about letting them participate in the selection of the Demon Hunting Group in the Temple Headquarters? . Those who can pass the selection will form a group in advance, and those who cannot pass the selection will continue to stay. Those who are qualified to enter the final selection at the Temple Headquarters are all carefully selected elites after completing their studies, and the Spiritual Furnace These lower-level students in the academy are all good at it. Putting them together will be a boost for both parties."

The old man in the temple's eyes flashed slightly, nodded, and said: "This is okay."

Zhou Shuixi's eyes showed a thoughtful look, "What do you think of those first-year students?"

The old man from the temple immediately said: "They are all good children who need to be protected and can really make us feel that there are successors. Their performance this time, to be honest, surprised me. I really didn't expect these young children to be able to do this At this point. At such a young age, he can even use the ninth-level forbidden spell. Lao Ling really has a good granddaughter! The Priest Temple will be blessed in the future."

Yes, the students can't see what level the Praise of Light is, so how can they not see it?

The Praise of Light that Ling Menglu cast at the cost of her own sacrifice was so powerful that it was already a true forbidden spell. Even if it was the weakest among the forbidden spells, it was a true ninth-level forbidden spell!

In the original script, they were given an impossible task. In such a task, we wanted to see how these young people performed in a desperate environment.

But who would have thought that someone would actually give a real forbidden spell and complete the impossible task. At that time, all the spectators were filled with shock. They were full of admiration for the fearless spirit of sacrifice of those three children. The key is that his sacrifice was not in vain, but that he had completely annihilated the powerful enemy.

"They are all very good. That Long Kongkong's spiritual furnace is very special. I agree that they need to be protected. However, the more such a piece of jade is, the more it needs to be carefully considered. Otherwise, no matter how talented they are, they may not be able to grow into what we want. ." The Holy Knight Commander said in a deep voice.

Zhou Shuixi frowned slightly and said: "From my point of view, they should not go out too early. They should be given more room to grow. Otherwise, if they die young, it will be a price we cannot afford."

The old man from the temple was about to say something, but this time he was overtaken by the paladin leader: "Let's also participate in the selection of the demon hunting group. Then we will see how they form the group. Each of these children has led a demon hunting group alone. ability, but if they can form a demon hunting group, their future achievements will be limitless. If they can eventually form a group, we will treat it with caution in the future and will definitely pay attention to protecting them. For the military, the same is true He is also a rare talent.”

The old man from the temple frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Necessary training is still needed, okay, that's it. Let them participate in the Demon Hunting Group's assessment first, and then we'll see. The knights will be sent to the Holy Mountain of Knights to choose their mounts. For knights, mounts are also very important. The abilities of the twins are very interesting, we will see after they choose their mounts."

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